Security Photo via NBCNews |
In the after mass of the Brussels attacks, it comes to light that most if not all of the suspects were not only known to security officials,
but had even already committed crimes that had sent them to prison. Brahim and Khalid El Bakraoui
, were both arrested and convicted of violent crimes. Had they had to serve the entirety of their sentences they would still have been in prison and thus not free to commit the violent attacks on the Brussels Airport in March. Matter of fact the younger brother would only be getting out sometime this year and the older brother not for 3 more years. What is worse is that this is not an exception, this is the norm. Several of the suspects of the Paris attacks had similar stories. The Boston Marathon bombers we also known to have traveled to terror locations and shown violent behavior.
While I believe that, if someone makes a mistake and they are remorseful and even show by their behavior and actions the truth of that remorse that early release is a good thing; and also that once someone serves their sentence or completes whatever punishment they have been given that should be the end of it. Those things being said, if someone is known to be a gang member or terrorist and especially if their crime is in connection with their gang or terrorist affiliation then there should be NO early release. Also, if you entered a country as a refugee or even a migrant and engage in terrorists activities you should also be deported. I have said it before and I will say it again, if someone travels to any terrorist location for the purpose of 'joining the cause' then upon arrival in that area, their passport and citizenship should be revoked.
AP Photo |
The fact that the above actions are not being practiced by Western countries in their war on terror shows the true intent of the governments' commitment to their own publicly stated policies.
This is truly the only action that is needed for the public to know that they are being put at risk for the sake of their justification of further oppression of peaceful and law abiding citizens and the transformation of free democracies into the profitable police states of the military industry. If you want to know any government's or company's true intention and focus, all you have to do is follow the money. Corporate "America" (America is not the country with corporations that fit this comment) has one goal above all others and that is profit! If you are in business then you do need to make a profit; however, when your desire for profit out weighs all other focus and even destroys your morals, then you are in the wrong.
via wikipedia.com |
The top defense contractors made thousands of millions of dollars in profit in FY2013. With Lockhead Martin leading the pack at $10,402 million. Together the top 20 defense contractors made $52,533 million in profit in the same year. Lockhead Martin is the leading defense contractor in the world, in 2014 the company had "
defense revenues of $40.128 billion out of $45.6 billion total revenues. That was down $366 million, or -0.1 percent, from last year's defense revenues of $40.494 billion." These contracts are a sizable part of the defense budget which is 55% of the US budget for 2015. Of the top 5 contractors, their overall revenues are made up of defense contracts from 64% of General Dymanics to 75% of Lockhead Martin's total, based on Washington Technology's company profiles. The same contractors
contributed a combined $7,272,642 in the political arena, both Democrats and Republicans and special interest groups.
Also in the second quarter of 2015 defense lobbying was up $12.8 million over the same quarter in 2014. One does not need to be an economist to see that there is TOO MUCH MONEY at stake for the war on terror to ever end!
Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp
Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp
Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp
Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp
Thus unless the public collectively puts their difference aside and joins together en mass to demand some very real change to our policies and actions regarding terrorism and regime change in foreign nations, we can look forward to many more terror attacks, each more violent and deadly than the previous all in the name of destroying what is left of democracy and freedom to be replaced by military police states that will continue to oppress and imprison and impoverish all in the name of profits.
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