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There is a common trick played in D.C. whereas the 'elected official' NEVER specifically says they want something directly to happen; this is to create the 'truth' of 'plausible deniability' thus supposedly absolving the political from being guilty of some wrong doing or worse tarnishing their image.
Another common trick that politicians play, that was a FAVORITE of then Senator Obama; that is one of abstaining from any and all actions. If you do not participate in speeches or actually vote on bills presented on the floor then you do not have to deny a choice you made nor do you have to explain your actions, cause you were action-less.
There are 2 sayings that apply here, one is a well known one, the other one is from a very respected friend during an intellectual conversation, but is very applicable here;
1) You have to stand for something or you will fall for anything.
2) Even when you make no choice that is still a choice, the choice not to choose.
Both of these work well for creating terrorism threats. How? Direct example; it was the US Government that put Saddam in power in Iraq, when the previous regime leaned more to the ideals of an Iraqi-first point of view versus a Western controlled Pan-Arab group and aligned itself with the communist party. This action is directly opposed to the founding of the US, which was based on the ideal that the citizens of any location or nation have the right to self-determination, even if they choose a path that is not ours. Thus it is not up to the US to decide what type of government that the citizens of any nation choose, our only concern should be that they have the freedom and right to choose their government and choose differently in the future under the legal means of their country, but it is still THEIR choice, not ours.
During the Cold War, the US had a single-minded approach to their Foreign Policy, stop the spread of communism. This focus completely disregarded the will of the citizens of most states in question. This policy worked very nicely for the corporate machine that was entrenched into the political wheels of the US Government. For the politicians there was the very pretty ideal for the support of the American public, that of defeating the oppressive, cruel communist regime, to which the US Elite has to give Stalin much gratitude for providing prefect propaganda that could be used for decades to follow. More importantly and less obvious was the ability of the corporate big wigs to use that political ideal to further their global profit base, as well as, backdoor access to directly guide the acts of the US government to benefit the corporate world both at home and abroad, while disregarding the rights of individual citizens of the country.
This single-minded focus of US Foreign Policy was the mechanics that created Al Qaeda -- thus by default creating the tragedy of 13 years ago. How? First it was one of many unsupervised CIA global operations to stop the spread of communism. The only criteria one had to have to be funded, trained, supported by the CIA was to be willing to fight the Soviets. The problem with the methods of the CIA covert operations were that they were basically violent in nature without regard for the culture or public opinion of the areas in which they were supporting armed resistance to Soviet advances. In most, if not all cases, those 'rebels' were not idealists whom wanted to see democracy succeed in their countries, in the specific case of Afghanistan, that was not even Bin Laden's country nor the home of many of his soldiers. Their goal was not the best interest of the Afghan people, but the influence of their own like minded oppressors! Al Qaeda never wanted a free Afghanistan, they wanted an Islamic State of Afghanistan......hmmm sounds familiar doesn't it. And the US Government, via the covert actions of the CIA supported the oppression and destruction of the people of Afghanistan as well as other countries in the name of stopping the spread of oppressive communism!!!
WOW! There is one for the double-speak, hypocrisy play book, support oppressive thugs in over-throwing 'oppressive politics'!
The real hypocrisy was not in whom the CIA funded, but in how they left those areas, the CIA and thus by association, the US Government, is like inviting the animal kids to the party, you know the ones that come trash everything and then leave. That is what happened all around the world during the Cold War, or worse, they left behind the heartless, soulless mega corporations to continue to rape and pillage the remains from the violence for freedom and democracy. And any one with a 3 digit IQ wonders about why the world hates America? Really?!?!
This history of violent actions followed by inaction or worse corporate action is the true blame for the shame of 9/11. Thus, the US public cannot blame terror or a 'terror group' for what happened on that day. It is the fault of the American public for not making a choice to pay attention to the acts of their own elected servants and allow them to deem themselves elected officials. It is the fault of Americans for not making the choice to be active in their communities thus ensuring that those politicians that rose in office were of honor and noble character. It is the fault of the American public for allowing the US Government to surrender to terror 13 years ago today by giving up most of their freedoms and rights in the lie of security.
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