In a recent ruling the SCOTUS decided that limits on donations to SuperPACs and thus to campaigns in general are unconstitutional. In some respects this may seem like a good idea, however, in the larger picture of influence of elected officials it is a very bad decision. If you think that there is inequality now in the US just wait 10 years. It is amazing how far away from the path the forefathers set us on that we have strayed. What is the saying about sometimes you have to get burned yourself to know not to play with fire?!?!
Allowing unlimited donations to political entities will only increase corruption and remove the government further from service to the people. There is currently a huge gap between elected officials and their constituates. The American public has little to no trust in political leaders. Thanks to the Electoral College, which has outlived its useful purpose, there is no confidence in the election process.
It is worth the effort of each American to learn whom the Koch Brothers are and what they are about. Maybe the scare will make some wake up and put forth some effort to put the US back on the right path.
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