In a recent ruling the SCOTUS decided that limits on donations to SuperPACs and thus to campaigns in general are unconstitutional. In some respects this may seem like a good idea, however, in the larger picture of influence of elected officials it is a very bad decision. If you think that there is inequality now in the US just wait 10 years. It is amazing how far away from the path the forefathers set us on that we have strayed. What is the saying about sometimes you have to get burned yourself to know not to play with fire?!?!
Allowing unlimited donations to political entities will only increase corruption and remove the government further from service to the people. There is currently a huge gap between elected officials and their constituates. The American public has little to no trust in political leaders. Thanks to the Electoral College, which has outlived its useful purpose, there is no confidence in the election process.
It is worth the effort of each American to learn whom the Koch Brothers are and what they are about. Maybe the scare will make some wake up and put forth some effort to put the US back on the right path.
28 April 2014
25 April 2014
Egypt's Good So Let's Arm Them.....
Really, just cause Egypt has been SO busy fighting among internal factions and has thus not violated its Treaty with Israel, we are going to start sending them military shipments again? Really, who decided that the Treaty was the best and ONLY measure to use to determine military shipments to a country that can't keep a government in place for more than a year after ousting the lifetime dictator was sound logic??? Oh, that's right our lovely State Department!!!
Well we can take heart in the fact that our State Department has a stellar record in judging the short term actions of foreign entities. And the US has an even better record of picking 'better' sides in disputes in the internal conflicts of other countries. One need only look at Panama, Nicaragua, Afghanistan, Iraq, El Salvador, to see how well we pick sides.
The US has a long history of intervening in the internal affairs of other countries, when the US chooses to intervene it is not in the context of moral obligations of the citizens in the said country, in some cases the resulting interference results in the daily situation in the said country being worse, or even much worse as in the case of Iraq and Afghanistan. This is not referring to their current states which are not good by any means, but to their former. Yes, for those who missed it in history class, the US helped put Saddam in power in Iraq. A man who gassed not only his own people, which we did nothing about, but gassed the battlefield in his war with Iran, thus killing not only Iranian soldiers but also his own soldiers. And it was US intervention that put the Taliban in power in Afghanistan.
All intervention into Iraq was pushed for economic reasons and to the benefit of the US and her OPEC allies, whereas the mess we created in Afghanistan that led to 9/11 were merely the US keeping score against the Soviet Union. There was never any real interest in the actual welfare of the citizens of either country. And there is no real concern in the daily lives of the citizens of Egypt either; otherwise we would instead consider the safety and stability of the internal peoples and area of Egypt to determine whether Egypt should receive military shipments.
The US really needs to learn that it cannot buy loyalty, that the citizens and governments are not of the same model as American citizens. You cannot control them buy keeping them focused on money and 'sparkleys' and distracting them with misinformation and down right lies. Sure, they will take your money and your 'sparkleys'; but they have learned the US game is all about ME, so there is no need for loyalty. The US only gets involved where there is a profit or benefit for them.
The world doesn't hate the US cause they are jealous of the American way of life, the world hates the US cause from the other side it is very easy to see the hypocrisy of US foreign policy.
Well we can take heart in the fact that our State Department has a stellar record in judging the short term actions of foreign entities. And the US has an even better record of picking 'better' sides in disputes in the internal conflicts of other countries. One need only look at Panama, Nicaragua, Afghanistan, Iraq, El Salvador, to see how well we pick sides.
The US has a long history of intervening in the internal affairs of other countries, when the US chooses to intervene it is not in the context of moral obligations of the citizens in the said country, in some cases the resulting interference results in the daily situation in the said country being worse, or even much worse as in the case of Iraq and Afghanistan. This is not referring to their current states which are not good by any means, but to their former. Yes, for those who missed it in history class, the US helped put Saddam in power in Iraq. A man who gassed not only his own people, which we did nothing about, but gassed the battlefield in his war with Iran, thus killing not only Iranian soldiers but also his own soldiers. And it was US intervention that put the Taliban in power in Afghanistan.
All intervention into Iraq was pushed for economic reasons and to the benefit of the US and her OPEC allies, whereas the mess we created in Afghanistan that led to 9/11 were merely the US keeping score against the Soviet Union. There was never any real interest in the actual welfare of the citizens of either country. And there is no real concern in the daily lives of the citizens of Egypt either; otherwise we would instead consider the safety and stability of the internal peoples and area of Egypt to determine whether Egypt should receive military shipments.
The US really needs to learn that it cannot buy loyalty, that the citizens and governments are not of the same model as American citizens. You cannot control them buy keeping them focused on money and 'sparkleys' and distracting them with misinformation and down right lies. Sure, they will take your money and your 'sparkleys'; but they have learned the US game is all about ME, so there is no need for loyalty. The US only gets involved where there is a profit or benefit for them.
The world doesn't hate the US cause they are jealous of the American way of life, the world hates the US cause from the other side it is very easy to see the hypocrisy of US foreign policy.
24 April 2014
Obama Meant Making Public EVERYONE ELSES Skeltons
One of Obama's loudest "Changes" he promised when he campaigned was transparency. What we have gotten is even more status quo than under the "tyranny of Bush". Most government watch groups have come to the same conclusion, the current administration is the most secret we have had in memory. It seems that absolutely even the most general knowledge is classified due to National Security.
In order for any information to be made public under this administration it either requires a HUGE court battle or gained by 'illegal' means. Of course publicly everything is Bush's fault or was an inherited mess from Bush. I wonder how many years Obama would have had to been POTUS before Bush was no longer responsible for the current situation. The sadder truth is that the American public has become so complacent that they allowed Obama's excuses and passing the buck to be rewarded by a 2nd term.
Of course the American public has also allowed for a Congress that has not done their Constitutional duty for more years than we can remember to stay in office and in power. Then we complain about the economy not getting better, the tax burden getting worse, and yet we do not fix things. Still things get worse and when they get too bad it will be too late. There is too much affection between big business and government and not enough between government and the public.
I said before Obama became POTUS that he was ALL talk and I have to say on that he has not let me down at all. And that is a very sad fact. I do have to say that he has surprised me by how aggressively his administration has gone after whistle-blowers and charging more people with treason than ALL other presidents combined. Just as disturbing are the down-right totalitarian policies of spying on your cubical mate and even being held accountable if they show honor and courage by blowing the whistle and you didn't squeal to the bosses before it happened. It appears that Mr. Obama and his advisers took Fahrenheit 451 and 1984 to heart as instruction manuals. They were supposed to be wake up calls for the public, maybe that is why they are not read anymore in lit classes in American High Schools. Of course today schools are just training facilities for conformity into a socialist totalitarian system run behind the scenes by big business.
It has become a concern for some in wondering just what it will take to wake the American people up and to get them to care; my concern is whether there will be anything left of the America that the world looked up to when that finally happens or will it really be too late.
In order for any information to be made public under this administration it either requires a HUGE court battle or gained by 'illegal' means. Of course publicly everything is Bush's fault or was an inherited mess from Bush. I wonder how many years Obama would have had to been POTUS before Bush was no longer responsible for the current situation. The sadder truth is that the American public has become so complacent that they allowed Obama's excuses and passing the buck to be rewarded by a 2nd term.
Of course the American public has also allowed for a Congress that has not done their Constitutional duty for more years than we can remember to stay in office and in power. Then we complain about the economy not getting better, the tax burden getting worse, and yet we do not fix things. Still things get worse and when they get too bad it will be too late. There is too much affection between big business and government and not enough between government and the public.
I said before Obama became POTUS that he was ALL talk and I have to say on that he has not let me down at all. And that is a very sad fact. I do have to say that he has surprised me by how aggressively his administration has gone after whistle-blowers and charging more people with treason than ALL other presidents combined. Just as disturbing are the down-right totalitarian policies of spying on your cubical mate and even being held accountable if they show honor and courage by blowing the whistle and you didn't squeal to the bosses before it happened. It appears that Mr. Obama and his advisers took Fahrenheit 451 and 1984 to heart as instruction manuals. They were supposed to be wake up calls for the public, maybe that is why they are not read anymore in lit classes in American High Schools. Of course today schools are just training facilities for conformity into a socialist totalitarian system run behind the scenes by big business.
It has become a concern for some in wondering just what it will take to wake the American people up and to get them to care; my concern is whether there will be anything left of the America that the world looked up to when that finally happens or will it really be too late.
23 April 2014
Playing With Words To Strip Rights......
Retired Justice Stevens is speaking up against the Right to Bear Arms. He is making his case sound rational and logical and uber-civilized by manipulating the spirit of the words within the 2nd Amendment. The words that he is focusing on are "well regulated militia" and he would also add more limitations to the Amendment, thus making it UNCONSTITUTIONAL in application. It is very apparent that Justice Stevens is either very idealistic and liberal in his point of view or is a complete tool for oppressive government. Which, matters not, as both are detrimental to individual rights of ALL citizens.
The basic premis, intended or not, by the retired Justice is that only persons that are loyal to the government and labeled as militia by the government (so basically each states' National Guard) would be allowed to have weapons ONLY when performing their tasks as militia of the government. So Justice Stevens' new 2nd Amendment would read:
While his proposal might sound perfectly civilized and acceptable to most upper-middle class suburbia, it is nailing shut the coffin lid on individual rights and freedom. Justice Stevens, effectively removes all ability of the citizenry to protect themselves from an oppressive government. I guess Justice Stevens has so focused on the Amendments that he has forgotten why the Bill of Rights were included in the Constitution from the start and were expected to be left completely and unequivocally intact.
The basic premis, intended or not, by the retired Justice is that only persons that are loyal to the government and labeled as militia by the government (so basically each states' National Guard) would be allowed to have weapons ONLY when performing their tasks as militia of the government. So Justice Stevens' new 2nd Amendment would read:
While his proposal might sound perfectly civilized and acceptable to most upper-middle class suburbia, it is nailing shut the coffin lid on individual rights and freedom. Justice Stevens, effectively removes all ability of the citizenry to protect themselves from an oppressive government. I guess Justice Stevens has so focused on the Amendments that he has forgotten why the Bill of Rights were included in the Constitution from the start and were expected to be left completely and unequivocally intact.
If the Colonists had no weapons then we would still be declaring loyalty to the Queen and paying tithe to the Church of England. And that makes the death of EVERY Patriot from the Revolution to WWII in vain. And endangers ALL our individual rights. Think I am wrong; ask any dissident from the Soviet Block, better yet, ask anyone that has fled China, Cuba. The Soviet Union had a Constitution that on paper put the US one to shame, yet cause the public was unarmed and thus was NO threat to the government, big government I might add, it was just words on paper.
If you think that that could NEVER happen here, you are one of the ones that is supporting the gradual oppression of yourself and everyone else. Think about the logic, you fear criminals cause they are bad people and armed, yet you support the Government, that is run by less than honorable people who are armed. You have not really thought your logic and reasoning through.
Our Bill of Rights are a GIFT from our forefathers. And throwing it away for non-sense is throwing away everything that our forefathers sacrificed for us in hopes to ensure that we would never have to repeat their actions. Throw away our rights and you are setting us up to repeat history. Hence the basis for the saying; Those who are ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it!
21 April 2014
US The Land Of Boys......
It is increasingly difficult to find a real man in this country and that is very much to the detriment of the whole of the country and the world as well. Now some of you might say just walk down the street of any city and you will see lots of men. In fact when I walk down the city streets what I see are not men, but grown boys. And that fact has hurt our stance in the world as well as hurting every aspect of American society as a whole. Boys are no longer raised to be men, they are coddled and pampered and spoiled and lavished upon from birth and it is double if they have some athletic talent or some fame.
Currently, there is lots of outrage being written about the Heisman winning quarterback from FSU getting pretty much a probable free pass on sexually assaulting a young lady in Tallahassee. Not only was he not investigated thoroughly, he was also rewarded with the Heisman. While yes, I do agree that the Heisman should be based on the athletic talent of the nominees, there should also be some standard of moral and ethical character to become nominees; a certain code of conduct of merit and above average academic standing in their institution. In Heisman's day there were such standards, of course in his day we were still raising boys to be men. Wonder what Mr. Heisman would say about some of the nominees and worse some of the winners of the trophy that bears his name.
This behavior is not new and instead of becoming more victim fair and just, the justice system has actually become the opposite. Americans like to claim that we are the land of the free and that everyone is equal, yet in practice America is one of the least equal countries in the world. Especially in how the legal and justice system treats people.
American media slams Putin over 'Pussy Riot' and Egypt over the lack of investigating rapes of female journalists, with comments about their Western dress and manner bringing the assaults on. America also decries the 'unjust and unfair' treatment of girls and women under certain conservative Islamic governments. And while I do agree that the treatment of many groups of people in the world needs to be improved, starting with girls and women; America is not a glorified example of perfection in this instant.
Our schools tell girls they are only allowed to dress certain ways cause 'boys will be boys' and when our boys are being criminals we slam the victims with 'why are you ruining their lives' or 'why are you being such a little bitch'. What needs to be said to the boys is 'how dare you' and then they need to be held accountable and punished for their actions.
It is time for boys to be raised to be men again. It is time for them to learn that they should have self-discipline, self-control, self-respect. Anytime that a boy is even accused of sexual misconduct or assault it should be asked why did you put yourself in a position to have this issue at all! And if they are guilty of the charges, then it needs to be determined if what they did to their victim was something that they would wish on their mother! And above all they need to be punished for their actions. Real and good men treat every girl the way they would want their sister treated and every woman the way they want their mothers treated. Boys, especially grown boys, do whatever they want and know that mommy (and some 'fathers' too) will fix whatever trouble they get into.
Currently, there is lots of outrage being written about the Heisman winning quarterback from FSU getting pretty much a probable free pass on sexually assaulting a young lady in Tallahassee. Not only was he not investigated thoroughly, he was also rewarded with the Heisman. While yes, I do agree that the Heisman should be based on the athletic talent of the nominees, there should also be some standard of moral and ethical character to become nominees; a certain code of conduct of merit and above average academic standing in their institution. In Heisman's day there were such standards, of course in his day we were still raising boys to be men. Wonder what Mr. Heisman would say about some of the nominees and worse some of the winners of the trophy that bears his name.
This behavior is not new and instead of becoming more victim fair and just, the justice system has actually become the opposite. Americans like to claim that we are the land of the free and that everyone is equal, yet in practice America is one of the least equal countries in the world. Especially in how the legal and justice system treats people.
American media slams Putin over 'Pussy Riot' and Egypt over the lack of investigating rapes of female journalists, with comments about their Western dress and manner bringing the assaults on. America also decries the 'unjust and unfair' treatment of girls and women under certain conservative Islamic governments. And while I do agree that the treatment of many groups of people in the world needs to be improved, starting with girls and women; America is not a glorified example of perfection in this instant.
Our schools tell girls they are only allowed to dress certain ways cause 'boys will be boys' and when our boys are being criminals we slam the victims with 'why are you ruining their lives' or 'why are you being such a little bitch'. What needs to be said to the boys is 'how dare you' and then they need to be held accountable and punished for their actions.
It is time for boys to be raised to be men again. It is time for them to learn that they should have self-discipline, self-control, self-respect. Anytime that a boy is even accused of sexual misconduct or assault it should be asked why did you put yourself in a position to have this issue at all! And if they are guilty of the charges, then it needs to be determined if what they did to their victim was something that they would wish on their mother! And above all they need to be punished for their actions. Real and good men treat every girl the way they would want their sister treated and every woman the way they want their mothers treated. Boys, especially grown boys, do whatever they want and know that mommy (and some 'fathers' too) will fix whatever trouble they get into.
17 April 2014
More Honorable Is An Honest Enemy Than A Dishonest Hero
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By comparing everyone and everything to your narrow American view you are being arrogantly egocentric. This arrogance creates misconception and fosters misunderstanding that will lead to dislike and distrust. If you want to criticize someone and be taken seriously then you should use the standard of their environment to be the measure by which you criticize and ridicule.
Russia was ruled by the Czars for centuries and as is usually the case that meant that even under good or descent Czars life for the masses was hard and meager. Then in the beginning of the 20th century came Lenin's Revolution, while one can argue the positivity of his intentions, the fact is that Stalin pretty much reverted to the strict oppression of the masses that was reminiscent of life under the Czars. After the end of the Cold War and the fall of the Iron Curtain it seemed as the Soviet Union broke up, much to the eager encouragement of the West, that Russia herself might spiral out of control in a free fall of corruption and organized crime. One of the largest factors in this free fall was the lack of a strong leader to put the government and country back together.
Enter Putin, yes he is former KGB, and he is from the old school. That being said he is intelligent, focused, motivated, savvy, educated and above all strong enough to have remained in power for decades. What is his secret to his staying power; easy, he is brutal and ruthless and cunning. He is a man that cut his 'political' teeth in the intelligence world, he is probably one of the most knowledgeable world leaders in respect to understanding the complexities of international relations and the intranational relations of all leading countries as well as most if not all emerging ones as well.
The West and Russia, primarily (China, more recently) have been competing for the rest of the world for the last 500 years. So the events in Middle East, North Africa, and now Europe are not new and should not come as surprising. As for the 'aggressiveness' of Russia and Putin's remarks and 'actions' I think most Americans should reverse the situation and think about how we would react if say Quebec managed to unseat the legitimate government of Canada and by the actions of their extremists made the residents of several English speaking provinces nervous and they asked the US for help. US actions would be at least on the same level as Russia's has been if not escalated. Make no mistake that the US would be much more assertive with similar action on her own borders.
16 April 2014
Step back and look carefully...
While it is VERY true that I am not a conspiracy theorist, I would not label those individuals as crazy, out of touch, or paranoid. Not everything they say is wrong; as the saying goes, 'just cause I am paranoid, doesn't mean I am wrong'. Those words are very true. I also believe in 2 more important things:
1) that EVERYONE has the right to free speech, up to the point that it infringes on another's rights,
2) that no matter how EXTREME the views of individuals might be, they are entitled to their point of view and they help to provide a broad dialogue on issues that should be important to all citizens.
So today, I would like to present a different view on certain statements that are being printed in the media and my opinion of said statements might seem logical or paranoid; but, hopefully, they will start a dialogue.
'The government currently in power in Ukraine is a legitimate government. They were elected by the Parliament.' Before the protests started, not one single leader of Western countries stated that the legally elected government of Ukraine was not legitimate. Matter of fact that government was recognized and conducted business like any other European country. In order to ensure peace and democracy, that government even offered to hold early elections to allow the protesters to change the government in power legally, the pro-West protesters continued their violence until they were in power by a vote under duress of what was left of the Parliament.
'The people in power in Kiev have sanctioned/ordered "anti-terrorist" actions against pro-Russian protesters in Eastern Ukraine.' Whereas the legitimate government was criticized as being brutal when it finally sanctioned appropriate force by police, the new power grabbers are being praised for being measured and restrained by using the military against its own citizens, whom are being called Russian spies.
The United States has not ended its Global War On Terror. Top on the terrorist enemy list is Al Qaeda and its off-shoots. It has been reported not just by media, even mega-corporate controlled western media, but also, by the various terror groups, themselves, that most of Al Qaeda's off-shoots have sent fighters into Syria to remove the legitimate government of that country. The law of the land states that a traitor is any person that by any action supports or enables through any means the enemy of the state or provides comfort. Now this law is broad as it is expected to be applied with logic and reason based on the intent of those charged. That being said, the media has reported that the US is now directly and officially arming the rebels of Syria. Their supposed 'get out of jail' clause is that they are only arming moderate rebels, yet only a complete idiot or the most naive fool would believe that ONLY moderate rebels will have access to any items provided. Not to mention that arms and money and any other needed support has been provided indirectly via American allies in the region. Yet, not one person in the US government is being investigated for treason. It will be interesting to see how the government reacts if some independent journalist actually grows a pair and reports on US weapons being used against US soldiers in other areas of the world, like, maybe, Afghanistan! Which will be a very distinct possibility.
Again I say, if Pro-Russian protesters are equated with terrorists and professional terrorists that entered Syria solely for the purpose of overthrowing the legitimate government there are equated with rebels or freedom fighters how can any independent country in the world think that it can be independent in opinion and action, even internally, and not risk invasion directly or covertly by the US and EU!!!
1) that EVERYONE has the right to free speech, up to the point that it infringes on another's rights,
2) that no matter how EXTREME the views of individuals might be, they are entitled to their point of view and they help to provide a broad dialogue on issues that should be important to all citizens.
So today, I would like to present a different view on certain statements that are being printed in the media and my opinion of said statements might seem logical or paranoid; but, hopefully, they will start a dialogue.
'The government currently in power in Ukraine is a legitimate government. They were elected by the Parliament.' Before the protests started, not one single leader of Western countries stated that the legally elected government of Ukraine was not legitimate. Matter of fact that government was recognized and conducted business like any other European country. In order to ensure peace and democracy, that government even offered to hold early elections to allow the protesters to change the government in power legally, the pro-West protesters continued their violence until they were in power by a vote under duress of what was left of the Parliament.
'The people in power in Kiev have sanctioned/ordered "anti-terrorist" actions against pro-Russian protesters in Eastern Ukraine.' Whereas the legitimate government was criticized as being brutal when it finally sanctioned appropriate force by police, the new power grabbers are being praised for being measured and restrained by using the military against its own citizens, whom are being called Russian spies.
The United States has not ended its Global War On Terror. Top on the terrorist enemy list is Al Qaeda and its off-shoots. It has been reported not just by media, even mega-corporate controlled western media, but also, by the various terror groups, themselves, that most of Al Qaeda's off-shoots have sent fighters into Syria to remove the legitimate government of that country. The law of the land states that a traitor is any person that by any action supports or enables through any means the enemy of the state or provides comfort. Now this law is broad as it is expected to be applied with logic and reason based on the intent of those charged. That being said, the media has reported that the US is now directly and officially arming the rebels of Syria. Their supposed 'get out of jail' clause is that they are only arming moderate rebels, yet only a complete idiot or the most naive fool would believe that ONLY moderate rebels will have access to any items provided. Not to mention that arms and money and any other needed support has been provided indirectly via American allies in the region. Yet, not one person in the US government is being investigated for treason. It will be interesting to see how the government reacts if some independent journalist actually grows a pair and reports on US weapons being used against US soldiers in other areas of the world, like, maybe, Afghanistan! Which will be a very distinct possibility.
Again I say, if Pro-Russian protesters are equated with terrorists and professional terrorists that entered Syria solely for the purpose of overthrowing the legitimate government there are equated with rebels or freedom fighters how can any independent country in the world think that it can be independent in opinion and action, even internally, and not risk invasion directly or covertly by the US and EU!!!
15 April 2014
Will the New Government Be Chastised for Deaths Inflicted........(don't hold your breath)
The new government in Ukraine, conducted military operations against protestors that had taken over government buildings in the eastern Ukraine town of Kramatorsk. “They must be warned that if they do not lay down their arms, they will be destroyed,” General Vasily Krutov, first deputy
head of the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) told reporters, as
cited by AFP. The general went on to state that the protestors were supported by hundreds of Russian soldiers. Those are very strong words for a government that has been commended by the West for being more democratic and patient and controlled in their response Pro-Russian protestors. Yet, not one word of restraint has been uttered by the west concerning the possible loss of life of protestors in eastern towns.
Ironically, the legitimately elected government of Ukriaine; that, in response to Pro-EU protestors, agreed to early elections, the legal and proper thing to do to ensure legitimate and fair forming of a new government, was harshly criticized for using force against protestors after they used force and violence to gain control over government buildings in Kiev. How the rule of hypocrisy does rule the day!
The Kiev military operations resulted in the rapid recapture of the airstrip, this mere fact disproves the Kiev claim that the Russian Army had a contingent of hundreds of troops in support of the protestors, had that in fact been the case, this conflict would not have gone so easily in favor of the government. However, mainstream media in the West will not point out the fact that is so obvious. In fact as this article is being written, AlJazeera is reporting that the US is praising the Kiev government for a 'measured' response, but that means congrats on only killing civilians and not losing any troops. How sad that the US considers the 'Pro-Russian protestors' in Ukraine to be classified as terrorists and the professional, life-time terrorists in Syria are rebels.
To bolster the Western support and possible future intervention in the Ukraine, the UN has released a statement that places total and complete blame on the Anti-West parties for spreading lies and propaganda to incite hatred and a false sense of insecurity towards the Russian minorities. Guess the UN workers that visited Ukraine, were not informed of the brutal treatment of those that did not support the Pro-EU protestors once the protestors replaced the legitimately elected government by force.
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Photo Credit- Sergei Grits/AP |
Ironically, the legitimately elected government of Ukriaine; that, in response to Pro-EU protestors, agreed to early elections, the legal and proper thing to do to ensure legitimate and fair forming of a new government, was harshly criticized for using force against protestors after they used force and violence to gain control over government buildings in Kiev. How the rule of hypocrisy does rule the day!
The Kiev military operations resulted in the rapid recapture of the airstrip, this mere fact disproves the Kiev claim that the Russian Army had a contingent of hundreds of troops in support of the protestors, had that in fact been the case, this conflict would not have gone so easily in favor of the government. However, mainstream media in the West will not point out the fact that is so obvious. In fact as this article is being written, AlJazeera is reporting that the US is praising the Kiev government for a 'measured' response, but that means congrats on only killing civilians and not losing any troops. How sad that the US considers the 'Pro-Russian protestors' in Ukraine to be classified as terrorists and the professional, life-time terrorists in Syria are rebels.
To bolster the Western support and possible future intervention in the Ukraine, the UN has released a statement that places total and complete blame on the Anti-West parties for spreading lies and propaganda to incite hatred and a false sense of insecurity towards the Russian minorities. Guess the UN workers that visited Ukraine, were not informed of the brutal treatment of those that did not support the Pro-EU protestors once the protestors replaced the legitimately elected government by force.
foreign policy,
Human Rights,
Russia Today,
Sergi Grits,
14 April 2014
Changing Education in Serbia.....
As another condition to joining the sinking EU, Serbia needs to reform its education system. There are many countries that need to reform their education systems, some that are more 'developed' than Serbia. Part of the 'issue' seems to be that the best and brightest of Serbia's students leave their home country to make it some where else. This basic premise seems to imply that Serbia's education system isn't maybe as 'bad' as the EU Commission makes it seem. It would actually seem that the greatest reforms should be in the economy and market place as well as in research and development to create an environment that allows for the best to stay home and make their mark on the world from Serbia.
As I said most education systems need to be reformed. Most of them no longer educate, instead they train children to grow into compliant obedient workers for mega-corporations.
This immoral mentality is destroying the culture of humanity. We are not robots. We are creative, curious, adventurous, explorers of the amazing, wonderful world around us. We should be teaching our children to cultivate those traits with respect and morals. Education systems should encourage and treasure the various talents of each and EVERY child. For it is in this manner that we can truly ensure that humanity retains its humanness. We are so focused on advancing our materialistic interests that we forget our cultural needs as well as losing our respect for our heritage, especially if it conflicts with the materialistic advance. This error will be more damaging than any other action by any group or disaster that could impact the planet. It is a complete and total disgrace that not only are we throwing away historical artifacts and locations, we are also not teaching students to value, understand or gain from the knowledge left us by our ancestors.
Serbia is a prime location for a REAL reform in education. Let's start by showing the EU the door, minding our manners, of course. Then let's preserve all the history and knowledge of Serbia, both her land and people. Then lets get innovative and motivated and use that rich treasure as our guide for the future. Let Serbia be a new example for how to get it right, how to balance materialistic advances with our humanness. It can be done, we can have both. We can treasure our past and our history and still take steps forward in the materialistic world. This is the perfect time for Serbia to break free embrace her independence and blaze her own path.
As I said most education systems need to be reformed. Most of them no longer educate, instead they train children to grow into compliant obedient workers for mega-corporations.
This immoral mentality is destroying the culture of humanity. We are not robots. We are creative, curious, adventurous, explorers of the amazing, wonderful world around us. We should be teaching our children to cultivate those traits with respect and morals. Education systems should encourage and treasure the various talents of each and EVERY child. For it is in this manner that we can truly ensure that humanity retains its humanness. We are so focused on advancing our materialistic interests that we forget our cultural needs as well as losing our respect for our heritage, especially if it conflicts with the materialistic advance. This error will be more damaging than any other action by any group or disaster that could impact the planet. It is a complete and total disgrace that not only are we throwing away historical artifacts and locations, we are also not teaching students to value, understand or gain from the knowledge left us by our ancestors.
Serbia is a prime location for a REAL reform in education. Let's start by showing the EU the door, minding our manners, of course. Then let's preserve all the history and knowledge of Serbia, both her land and people. Then lets get innovative and motivated and use that rich treasure as our guide for the future. Let Serbia be a new example for how to get it right, how to balance materialistic advances with our humanness. It can be done, we can have both. We can treasure our past and our history and still take steps forward in the materialistic world. This is the perfect time for Serbia to break free embrace her independence and blaze her own path.
10 April 2014
How To Actually Prevent Another Ft. Hood Shooting
The recent shooting at Ft. Hood will give new breath to the Gun Control lobbyists. And while I certainly think that something should be done about the rise in violent crime, I believe in do something constructive and proactive. As I have stated before, I also believe that individuals should be held responsible and totally accountable for their actions, unless you can so valid mental defect or extreme duress. Limiting legal access by law abiding citizens to any and all weapons as is provided for in the 2nd Amendment, will NEVER reduce violent crime in this country. One need only look at the statistics of Chicago to see that. Chicago ranks tops in 2 things, the strictest gun restrictions and number of violent crimes involving, of all weapons, firearms. The obvious reason for this is that criminals do not respect the laws and thus do not use the laws or legal system to resolve conflict or to conduct business; therefore, they do not purchase their firearms legally.
The point of this article, though, is not to restate the obvious, but to point out another fact that shows how Congress and 'political correctness' have created monsters that they cannot control and refuse to claim. In what manner do I speak of? First and foremost, since this applies to most mass shooting events; we are so worried about image and we have such a force everyone to be one size education and mental health point of view that we do not properly support those individuals that need different classrooms or different enviroments to maintain stability and mental health and even to grow and be productive and contribute to the whole. These 'moments' of violence are usually a last result, they are the culmination of years and years of crying out for help, of being neglected, of not having a place of value in the group. You may be thinking how does 'political correctness' fit in here. Let me explain, when parents refuse to seek mental help for children cause they don't want to be labeled bad parents, no one encourages them, when schools and parents drug kids out of being kids they are completely screwing up the child on every level. When we cannot identify children by their differences cause it is not politically correct and when every word that can be considered a bad word is suddenly not politically correct and becomes the R word or the S word or the B word what happens when we run out of letters of the alphabet? As Shakespere alluded to.....'a rose by any other name is still a rose' and so it is with people as well.
Today we have two completely contradictory systems that do not benefit our children or at risk members at all. We have the political world that things by twisting words you make change, wrong. On the other hand we have the medical world that makes HUGE profits by providing pills for EVERYTHING. Fifty years ago a child that ran around with loads of energy and a million questions was a healthy well adjusted child, today that same child is ADD/HA and must be medicated. Those medications affect children for their whole lives, you cannot undo taking a childhood away, yet we have taken away whole generations of childhoods, not through war or disaster, but pills in bottles. All so parents can spend more time chasing dollars to buy bigger and better things to prove what good parents they are.
How does this relate to the shooting at FT. Hood? By taking away childhoods we leave create half adults. There is a real and needed purpose to childhood. It is a time where we explore and push boundaries and develop personalities. Half of EVERYTHING we will ever know we learn by the age of 7. If we medicate our children into stupors before that age then we have damaged them for life. Granted I do not know if the suspect in the shooting had this type of history, but I do not that he went through a VERY 'politically correct' basic training that does not allow for the stressing or pushing the limits of soldiers.
I have said it before and I will say it again, WAR IS HELL. And it is suppose to be. Everyone cannot be a warrior. It truly takes a very special make up of person to be a warrior. That statement is not a politically correct one, but war is not politically correct and trying to make it so and fight it with politically correct soldiers has created an even bigger hell. By trying to run the oxymoron of politically correct wars in Iraq and Afghanistan we have failed to achieve better lives for either the Iraqis, Afghans, or Americans. By allowing any individual that can achieve the bare minimum profeciency in tactical actions and practices to be sent to war we have sent unfit soldiers into harms way. This stupidity on the part of Congress to impose its political correctness agenda in an area that makes it detrimental to the participants has created the overwhelming number of PTSD cases ever seen in this country.
Had the suspect had to attempt to make it through Basic Training 50 years ago or even 25, chances are that he would have been weeded out for failure to adapt. And had that been allowed, instead of being considered mean and unjust by politicians that have no real clue about what it takes to carry out their whims for power, the event at Ft. Hood would have never happened. And as for the gun control lobbyists, if our military members were ALWAYS armed in uniform on duty, at most 2 persons would have lost their lives, the suspect and possibly his first victim. Unfortunately, for our military members and their families, no politician will speak on this real issue.
The point of this article, though, is not to restate the obvious, but to point out another fact that shows how Congress and 'political correctness' have created monsters that they cannot control and refuse to claim. In what manner do I speak of? First and foremost, since this applies to most mass shooting events; we are so worried about image and we have such a force everyone to be one size education and mental health point of view that we do not properly support those individuals that need different classrooms or different enviroments to maintain stability and mental health and even to grow and be productive and contribute to the whole. These 'moments' of violence are usually a last result, they are the culmination of years and years of crying out for help, of being neglected, of not having a place of value in the group. You may be thinking how does 'political correctness' fit in here. Let me explain, when parents refuse to seek mental help for children cause they don't want to be labeled bad parents, no one encourages them, when schools and parents drug kids out of being kids they are completely screwing up the child on every level. When we cannot identify children by their differences cause it is not politically correct and when every word that can be considered a bad word is suddenly not politically correct and becomes the R word or the S word or the B word what happens when we run out of letters of the alphabet? As Shakespere alluded to.....'a rose by any other name is still a rose' and so it is with people as well.
Today we have two completely contradictory systems that do not benefit our children or at risk members at all. We have the political world that things by twisting words you make change, wrong. On the other hand we have the medical world that makes HUGE profits by providing pills for EVERYTHING. Fifty years ago a child that ran around with loads of energy and a million questions was a healthy well adjusted child, today that same child is ADD/HA and must be medicated. Those medications affect children for their whole lives, you cannot undo taking a childhood away, yet we have taken away whole generations of childhoods, not through war or disaster, but pills in bottles. All so parents can spend more time chasing dollars to buy bigger and better things to prove what good parents they are.
How does this relate to the shooting at FT. Hood? By taking away childhoods we leave create half adults. There is a real and needed purpose to childhood. It is a time where we explore and push boundaries and develop personalities. Half of EVERYTHING we will ever know we learn by the age of 7. If we medicate our children into stupors before that age then we have damaged them for life. Granted I do not know if the suspect in the shooting had this type of history, but I do not that he went through a VERY 'politically correct' basic training that does not allow for the stressing or pushing the limits of soldiers.
I have said it before and I will say it again, WAR IS HELL. And it is suppose to be. Everyone cannot be a warrior. It truly takes a very special make up of person to be a warrior. That statement is not a politically correct one, but war is not politically correct and trying to make it so and fight it with politically correct soldiers has created an even bigger hell. By trying to run the oxymoron of politically correct wars in Iraq and Afghanistan we have failed to achieve better lives for either the Iraqis, Afghans, or Americans. By allowing any individual that can achieve the bare minimum profeciency in tactical actions and practices to be sent to war we have sent unfit soldiers into harms way. This stupidity on the part of Congress to impose its political correctness agenda in an area that makes it detrimental to the participants has created the overwhelming number of PTSD cases ever seen in this country.
Had the suspect had to attempt to make it through Basic Training 50 years ago or even 25, chances are that he would have been weeded out for failure to adapt. And had that been allowed, instead of being considered mean and unjust by politicians that have no real clue about what it takes to carry out their whims for power, the event at Ft. Hood would have never happened. And as for the gun control lobbyists, if our military members were ALWAYS armed in uniform on duty, at most 2 persons would have lost their lives, the suspect and possibly his first victim. Unfortunately, for our military members and their families, no politician will speak on this real issue.
2nd Amendment,
education system,
federal government,
foreign policy,
gun rights,
health care,
medical industry,
mental health,
09 April 2014
Saying It's Over, Doesn't Make It So
A few days ago, the UNHCR recommended without much consultation of those being affected, to remove the refugee status of those persons that fled what is now present day Croatia. One of the arguments that the UNHCR used to justify their decision was the inclusion of Croatia in the EU. If joining a club makes you a different country, why wasn't joining the UN good enough?
The 'steps' that one has to go through to 'be good enough' to join the EU, have nothing to do with improving the real situation within the borders of said country, they are more an act of obedience. How willing are the new kids to follow orders and conform to the will of the Big Boys. The reality of the EU is not peaceful co-existence, it is economic, political and social control. Make no mistake, any country that has to answer to the demands, even if they are labeled as policies and laws, of another country or governing body down to the daily running of their affairs is neither free nor independent. The con of economic development and aid is not to improve the receiving country, it is instead to insure the conformity of the state to the oppressors. One need only look at Greece, whom ONLY if their economy was healed overnight, will be in-debt to the EU and IMF for the next 150 years. If you consider that 30 years is a generation, the current population of Greece has sold the next 5 generations of its citizens into servitude of EU, without any hope of enjoying the sense of self-worth that sovereignty allows. The situation in Greece is a prime example of how being a member of the EU does not denote that a country is of such quality as to make it a prosperous entity as opposed to being somewhere in the act of rebuilding from destruction or war, as the case in Croatia.
The prime example that Croatia is at most in healing stage and not healed is the anti-Serb actions of persons in Croatia that has continued since the end of the war. Last fall the signs that were in both Latin and Cyrillic script, Cyrillic being the script used most by Serbs were ripped down and or destroyed and now persons using social media are calling for boycotts of businesses and products that are owned and produced by Serbs. This is not the behavior of a compliant people, but Germany and France are not worried they will place more economic burden on the state to bring it into line, of course it will be called loans and economic boost as well as outside investment contingent on demanded behavior. This behavior is not as reprehensible to members of the EU as it is to the persons that have to live with the day to day violence. It is to the advantage of big government to have the little people fighting each other, instead of uniting and keeping government in check.
The 'steps' that one has to go through to 'be good enough' to join the EU, have nothing to do with improving the real situation within the borders of said country, they are more an act of obedience. How willing are the new kids to follow orders and conform to the will of the Big Boys. The reality of the EU is not peaceful co-existence, it is economic, political and social control. Make no mistake, any country that has to answer to the demands, even if they are labeled as policies and laws, of another country or governing body down to the daily running of their affairs is neither free nor independent. The con of economic development and aid is not to improve the receiving country, it is instead to insure the conformity of the state to the oppressors. One need only look at Greece, whom ONLY if their economy was healed overnight, will be in-debt to the EU and IMF for the next 150 years. If you consider that 30 years is a generation, the current population of Greece has sold the next 5 generations of its citizens into servitude of EU, without any hope of enjoying the sense of self-worth that sovereignty allows. The situation in Greece is a prime example of how being a member of the EU does not denote that a country is of such quality as to make it a prosperous entity as opposed to being somewhere in the act of rebuilding from destruction or war, as the case in Croatia.
The prime example that Croatia is at most in healing stage and not healed is the anti-Serb actions of persons in Croatia that has continued since the end of the war. Last fall the signs that were in both Latin and Cyrillic script, Cyrillic being the script used most by Serbs were ripped down and or destroyed and now persons using social media are calling for boycotts of businesses and products that are owned and produced by Serbs. This is not the behavior of a compliant people, but Germany and France are not worried they will place more economic burden on the state to bring it into line, of course it will be called loans and economic boost as well as outside investment contingent on demanded behavior. This behavior is not as reprehensible to members of the EU as it is to the persons that have to live with the day to day violence. It is to the advantage of big government to have the little people fighting each other, instead of uniting and keeping government in check.
07 April 2014
Geography Is Not Changed By Whims
So once again there are headlines defining Europe and or the EU. Apparently Geography is no longer taught in any school system in the world. Joining the EU does not make someone European. Europe is a continent, it is a geographic body and all countries that are located within the borders of the continent of Europe are European.
I do not understand the concept of the Ukrainians need to join the EU to be European......they already are.. Ukraine is located entirely within the borders of Europe. Nothing changes that and that fact makes ALL Ukrainians European. Even Russia is located within the borders of Europe to the Ural Mountains. So this concept of being European or Russian is also erroneous. It seems to be lost on a lot of people that certain things are not "changeable." The country you are born in determines your natural citizenship, however, it does not necessarily determine your ethnicity, that is determined by your ancestral lines. The location of the country that you are born in does not move on whims or political elections. Yes, you can move to new countries and you can change your citizenship, however that does not change your birthplace, nor does it change the location of the previous or current country.
Then today there is another headline that the EU isn't Europe without Serbia.....again I state, Europe is a geographic identity, not a choice, not a club, not a group. Joining Europe is like choosing parents after birth, it does not change your DNA. The same as being born with white or black skin, deciding that you want to be black or white does not change your skin color. It was this misguided concept that lead to the violence and unrest in Ukraine. So I state, again, that countries should want to be free and independent. They should not want to answer to anyone except their own citizens. And the citizens of each country should want their governments to only answer to them, not to them and other groups that do not have their best interests in mind. Trust me NO other country has the best interests of your country in mind ahead of or before their own. Only a fool would believe that.
There is absolutely no reason for the EU to care more about your people or country than the government and citizens of said countries. And if the governments and citizens really cared about their countries and their independence and freedom they would not want to join the EU or any other organization that takes away their independence and dictates their policies and alliances.
I do not understand the concept of the Ukrainians need to join the EU to be European......they already are.. Ukraine is located entirely within the borders of Europe. Nothing changes that and that fact makes ALL Ukrainians European. Even Russia is located within the borders of Europe to the Ural Mountains. So this concept of being European or Russian is also erroneous. It seems to be lost on a lot of people that certain things are not "changeable." The country you are born in determines your natural citizenship, however, it does not necessarily determine your ethnicity, that is determined by your ancestral lines. The location of the country that you are born in does not move on whims or political elections. Yes, you can move to new countries and you can change your citizenship, however that does not change your birthplace, nor does it change the location of the previous or current country.
Then today there is another headline that the EU isn't Europe without Serbia.....again I state, Europe is a geographic identity, not a choice, not a club, not a group. Joining Europe is like choosing parents after birth, it does not change your DNA. The same as being born with white or black skin, deciding that you want to be black or white does not change your skin color. It was this misguided concept that lead to the violence and unrest in Ukraine. So I state, again, that countries should want to be free and independent. They should not want to answer to anyone except their own citizens. And the citizens of each country should want their governments to only answer to them, not to them and other groups that do not have their best interests in mind. Trust me NO other country has the best interests of your country in mind ahead of or before their own. Only a fool would believe that.
There is absolutely no reason for the EU to care more about your people or country than the government and citizens of said countries. And if the governments and citizens really cared about their countries and their independence and freedom they would not want to join the EU or any other organization that takes away their independence and dictates their policies and alliances.
05 April 2014
It's Broke, But We Won't Fix It...........
The Justice System that is. Matter of fact to call it broken would mean that it has improved. There are more aspects of the system that are broke, corrupt, immoral, abused, or outdated than there are parts of the engine itself. Another example of just how broken this system is, is the recent plea-deal agreement with a member of the DuPont family of Delaware over the rape of his own 3 year old daughter. As horrendous as this crime is, it is just another example that we would rather hide from truth and not face reality within our society and the superior belief held by the masses that since we are so affluently civilized and crime doesn't effect us we do not have to worry about it or deal with it.
The reality is that having a proactive, well thought out, effective and forward looking justice system is to the benefit of not only the stability and security of the internal functions of society, but will also improve the health and strength of the society over time. These facts make the justice system second to the education system in importance for the survival and advancement of community. Some of you might argue that health care should be one of the top 2 systems for society, the fact is that the more successful your education and justice the better the standard of health is of individuals within society as a result of the improvement of the health of the whole society.
What does this mean? It means that we need to take the time to face the fact that both our education and justice systems are beyond broken. We need to recognize that both are vital to all members of society, not just those that are 'handled' by those systems. We need to not only say equal opportunities, we need to provide them. We need not only say equality for all, we need to insure it.
We have the tools to make the changes, what we need is the courage and determination. We need to remember that all children are different with different gifts and we do have the means, facilities and technology to meet the needs of ALL our children. Understanding and accepting and even appreciating the differences of each and every child is the basis for a successful education system and the first step in creating a fair justice system as well. We need to cease having just one measure for 'smart' and one measure for success. Not every child is an academic, not every child is an athlete, not every child is super-star and that is not only okay, it is what is needed. If every child was a doctor or lawyer, then they might be rich but they would not have houses or cars or food or clothes or offices or any of those 'finer things' that parents seem to think measure success of their parenting styles.
Our education and justice systems began to fall apart as we changed our values from character and honor and being the best that you can be to how big a house can you mortgage, how fancy a car can you lease, how many 'toys' can you charge. We no longer judge people by their actions but by the things they have. The result is that our selves and society are hollow and we are more unhappy, less mentally stable and less fulfilled.
We have become so morally bankrupt that we think privatizing prisons is an acceptable thing. That is the worst thing. But we need to completely change our punishment and rehabilitation mentality. Prisoners should not be separated from their minor children, especially if they are single parents, unless their crime was committed against one of their children. Part of the 'punishment and rehabilitation' should include as mandatory the parent's involvement and accountability to their child and the life of that child. While I think Amnesty International and other watch dog groups have their place, I think they need to re-think what is humane and what isn't. Prisoners doing 'hard labor' in fair and safe conditions is not in and of itself inhumane. Having prisoners clean their own facilities and grow their own food and participate in daily living activities is not inhumane either. Prisoners do not need to spend their days being idle watching trash TV, that is inhumane and in no way improves their sense of self-worth or allows them the self-respect and sense of pride that comes from being a contributing member of a group. It is these changes in the internal self views of prisoners that will increase their chance of legitimate success after incarceration.
These suggestions are just the tip of the iceberg of changes that need to be made. It would take at least a couple volumes of well thought out and effectively expressed detailed concepts rebuilding both the education and justice systems from the ground up to include all the needed changes and redefined measures of success. Hopefully, this tip of the iceberg will start the thinking and dialogue needed to initiate the change. Change that will benefit EVERYONE!
The reality is that having a proactive, well thought out, effective and forward looking justice system is to the benefit of not only the stability and security of the internal functions of society, but will also improve the health and strength of the society over time. These facts make the justice system second to the education system in importance for the survival and advancement of community. Some of you might argue that health care should be one of the top 2 systems for society, the fact is that the more successful your education and justice the better the standard of health is of individuals within society as a result of the improvement of the health of the whole society.
What does this mean? It means that we need to take the time to face the fact that both our education and justice systems are beyond broken. We need to recognize that both are vital to all members of society, not just those that are 'handled' by those systems. We need to not only say equal opportunities, we need to provide them. We need not only say equality for all, we need to insure it.
We have the tools to make the changes, what we need is the courage and determination. We need to remember that all children are different with different gifts and we do have the means, facilities and technology to meet the needs of ALL our children. Understanding and accepting and even appreciating the differences of each and every child is the basis for a successful education system and the first step in creating a fair justice system as well. We need to cease having just one measure for 'smart' and one measure for success. Not every child is an academic, not every child is an athlete, not every child is super-star and that is not only okay, it is what is needed. If every child was a doctor or lawyer, then they might be rich but they would not have houses or cars or food or clothes or offices or any of those 'finer things' that parents seem to think measure success of their parenting styles.
Our education and justice systems began to fall apart as we changed our values from character and honor and being the best that you can be to how big a house can you mortgage, how fancy a car can you lease, how many 'toys' can you charge. We no longer judge people by their actions but by the things they have. The result is that our selves and society are hollow and we are more unhappy, less mentally stable and less fulfilled.
We have become so morally bankrupt that we think privatizing prisons is an acceptable thing. That is the worst thing. But we need to completely change our punishment and rehabilitation mentality. Prisoners should not be separated from their minor children, especially if they are single parents, unless their crime was committed against one of their children. Part of the 'punishment and rehabilitation' should include as mandatory the parent's involvement and accountability to their child and the life of that child. While I think Amnesty International and other watch dog groups have their place, I think they need to re-think what is humane and what isn't. Prisoners doing 'hard labor' in fair and safe conditions is not in and of itself inhumane. Having prisoners clean their own facilities and grow their own food and participate in daily living activities is not inhumane either. Prisoners do not need to spend their days being idle watching trash TV, that is inhumane and in no way improves their sense of self-worth or allows them the self-respect and sense of pride that comes from being a contributing member of a group. It is these changes in the internal self views of prisoners that will increase their chance of legitimate success after incarceration.
These suggestions are just the tip of the iceberg of changes that need to be made. It would take at least a couple volumes of well thought out and effectively expressed detailed concepts rebuilding both the education and justice systems from the ground up to include all the needed changes and redefined measures of success. Hopefully, this tip of the iceberg will start the thinking and dialogue needed to initiate the change. Change that will benefit EVERYONE!
02 April 2014
Eli Lake Needs A Dictionary.......
Last week, The Daily Beast's Eli Lake stated that the Kremlin was not familiar with the term hypocrisy for releasing the private phone calls of politicians and leaders that are involved with the Ukrainian unrest. Mr. Lake seems to think that protecting the freedom of Edward Snowden is somehow hypocritical to the afore mentioned action. What Mr. Snowden did was to inform the public that the NSA was not only spying on the enemies and those that pose a threat to the security of the US; but, the NSA was also spying on private citizens of the US, as well as, the leaders of our allies. What Mr. Putin and the Kremlin did is not the same. Mr. Snowden was a private citizen, whom acted as a whistle-blower, whereas the Kremlin was acting as a government entity.
Here is a little history lesson, Mr. Lake, it has always been the prudent common practice of governments to spy on the leaders of their enemies. It is not common or prudent for a government to spy on its own citizens when that country is tauted as a democracy, with freedom of speech. This means that there is absolutely nothing wrong with or uncommon about what Putin and the Kremlin have done by releasing the private phone calls of the opposition to the democratically elected government of Ukraine. It is exactly the same as the US releasing transcripts of Al Qaeda to justify the use of drone attacks on family gatherings in countries that we are not even at war with; in countries that we do not have large American populations in; in countries that do not border the US main land.
To compare the circumstances of the Ukrainian unrest and the circumstances surrounding the Edward Snowden affair is either at best a lame attempt to demonize Putin to the American public or at worst to bolster US involvement in Ukraine that is in contrast to International Law by promoting the blatant misinformation of the government in order to initiate military action in an area and manner that is not justified. If the US, on its own or as part of NATO, intervenes in Ukraine in a military manner, it is the Balkans all over again. And the Balkans were not ethically or morally just interventions but the actions of the greed of our German and French allies whom have eyed the containment of the Balkan peoples for hundreds of years.
Here is a little history lesson, Mr. Lake, it has always been the prudent common practice of governments to spy on the leaders of their enemies. It is not common or prudent for a government to spy on its own citizens when that country is tauted as a democracy, with freedom of speech. This means that there is absolutely nothing wrong with or uncommon about what Putin and the Kremlin have done by releasing the private phone calls of the opposition to the democratically elected government of Ukraine. It is exactly the same as the US releasing transcripts of Al Qaeda to justify the use of drone attacks on family gatherings in countries that we are not even at war with; in countries that we do not have large American populations in; in countries that do not border the US main land.
To compare the circumstances of the Ukrainian unrest and the circumstances surrounding the Edward Snowden affair is either at best a lame attempt to demonize Putin to the American public or at worst to bolster US involvement in Ukraine that is in contrast to International Law by promoting the blatant misinformation of the government in order to initiate military action in an area and manner that is not justified. If the US, on its own or as part of NATO, intervenes in Ukraine in a military manner, it is the Balkans all over again. And the Balkans were not ethically or morally just interventions but the actions of the greed of our German and French allies whom have eyed the containment of the Balkan peoples for hundreds of years.
Daily Beast,
Eli Lake,
federal government,
foreign policy,
intelligence community,
International News,
National Security,
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