26 November 2007

Who is held to higher standards?

27 August 2007

Well the breaking news right now is that Gonzales is resigning.........

And the big deal is that less than 10 federal prosecutors may have been fired for political reasons. Oh, BOO HOO!!!! I got news for you that is what happens when you work for elected officals. It might suck, it might be wrong, but it is the way politics works and until the American society decides that this is wrong it is acceptable.

Hum, didnt Clinton fire almost 200 federal prosecutors? Which top offical resigned over that? Better yet who screamed foul in that political move?

And when faced with this comparison, then you hear that Gonzales might have misled Congress when he testified about the firings and other issues.

Hum, what was it that then President Clinton said on national TV and again in a sworn deposition in a CRIMINAL investigation (not a Congressional fact finding probe)? Oh yeah, I didnt have sexual relations with that woman!!! He sat in the same chair that the acts occured in and didnt even have the balls to name Monica by name (because as a politican and lawyer he knows that if you give her a name then you make her a person and invoke feelings).

I missed Clinton's resignation, oh yeah that is right he didnt resign!!!!!!!!

Dont get me wrong I think that most of our politicians dont deserve our trust.

But wrong is wrong regardless of which political party you belong to. But it is amazing how the democratic slant of the media makes it a haven for misdeeds by those members of the democratic party and turns into the Spanish Inquistition for any perceived wrong doing by a member of the republican party.

So much for journalism bringing truth to the American people and holding the government accountable for the actions of ALL its members.

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