19 November 2015

Refugee Crysis Colors (Y)Our Culture.......

via occupy.com
There are some leftist idealists that state that every nation that does not want to just open their borders freely and completely are WRONG! That national and cultural identity are vague, unfounded and outdated notions. That these ideas create wrong policy regarding 'refugees' and thus inflame the problem. The leftist idealists would have us all believe that we have NO right to have a language, culture, religion, ethnicity, or traditions to call ours unless they are so loosely held that we change them on the whim of every new arrival. These leftist idealists are the ones that are wrong!

Each one of us has the right to decide whom we want to interact with and whom we want to form relationships with, whom we call family. It is our right to form family and it is the family's right to decide whom to include and whom to ignore. It is the family's right to chose new members and to decide how to live, how to raise its young, whom we call clan. It is the clan's right to decide whom is a member, whom is leader, what the rules are, how they live, how they communicate. And so it goes with villages and cities and nations! We have EVERY right to ban together with those whom we have similar interests, goals, values, and ideals. And we are not evil if we do not want to lose those connections.

via saga.guhsd.net
Does every person have the right to live freely in peace? Absolutely; but not at the expense of someone else's right to the same rights and freedom. This is where the leftist idealists are wrong. If someone wants to move into a new 'community' then they should enter with humility and interest and the intent of learning, respecting and understanding. When they enter with the intent of ignoring and even changing the ways of the new community, their language, their rules, their culture that is not immigration that is INVASION! Whether it is one person or 1 million persons.

This does not mean that the 'immigrant' has to give up everything that they were before the move, it means that they should with respect live in a balance of both 'worlds'. And yes, that is very possible. The 'immigrant' can and should speak both languages. The 'immigrant' can and should respect the laws of the new land while maintaining their core morals. The 'immigrant' can and should participate in the cultural activities of the new land. If any of the aforementioned parts of the 'new land' are unacceptable to the 'immigrant' then the 'immigrant' should not enter the new land. The world is full of many different nations with many different languages and cultures and religions and laws, so the 'immigrant' should chose their 'new land' based on what they are willing to accept in their everyday life.
Taiko Drummers @ Japanese Cherry Festival Seattle

It is true that many Western countries are very free and allow individuals to practice their personal morals, cultures, religions, languages and that is, in my opinion, the best system to have, however, that does not mean that the 'immigrant' has any right or place to ask for more rights or freedoms or to expect the rights and freedoms of others be limited for their benefit. The 'immigrant' needs to be grateful for being given a new home, a place of peace to live, the right to be themselves, the right to live their lives.

If all persons of a nation having the same rights is a problem there are nations where that is not the case. If all persons being able to worship freely is a problem there are nations where only a specific religion is allowed to be practiced or no religion at all. If both genders walking the streets freely is a problem there are nations where only males can walk the streets freely. You should not chose a 'new land' based on the handouts you might get. In all honesty, other than maybe free language lessons and tours of the city, help with resumes/CVs and maybe some job placement and or training resources and maybe a fund that will help find housing, the 'new land' really should not offer handouts to 'immigrants' that makes it safer and more successful for both sides.

Indonesia wins Best Performance @ World Unite 2015 UK
It should be noted, that while some of you might think based on what you have read so far, that I am anti-immigrant....you could not be further from the truth....I am very pro-immigrant. I believe that diversity when it is honest and sincere and respected makes our lives richer and fuller and more successful. Exploring different cultures and learning different ways of life can improve our critical thinking and increase our creativity and allows for better problem solving. And as the saying goes....variety is the spice of life! That comes in the addition of new things like music and food and celebrations being added to the 'new land' experience. The advantage is immense for both sides when the process is proper and fair.

16 November 2015

Refugee Crysis Is A Positive......

via dailymail.co.uk
Earlier this month, speaking about the refugee crisis, the Economic Commissioner stated, “There will be an impact on growth that is weak but positive for the EU as a whole, and that will increase GDP by 0.2 to 0.3 percent by 2017." I would disagree with that statement for a number of reasons. The first of which is that Italy and Greece have been downing in the expense of taking in the refugees for the last 4 years without any real support from the rest of the EU.

Italy has been in recession for the last 6 years and suffers from between 13 and 20 per cent unemployment numbers depending on which source you sight. The unemployment for the youth are up to 43 per cent, yet, that number is blatantly false in that most of the 'refugees' landing in Italy are young single men.
via www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk

So what is the cost to Italy, whom has decided that illegal immigration is no longer illegal, thus you have to place more blame on Italy than the European Union in their case, but the numbers will affect all of Europe. In the 'welcome centers' the 'refugees' get free board and lodging, mobile phones and €3 per day in pocket money. If this were not enough, they are also provided with free lessons for Italian, driving and job training, like ice cream making.

So what are the real numbers for the Italian tax payer.... €35 per day directly to the 'refugee' or roughly €13000 per year per 'refugee' in total cost. Some numbers place the number of 'refugees' entering Italy in the first half of 2015 was 54,000, thus €702,000,000; using just this number the 'refugees' has cost Italy €2,808,000,000 over the past 4 years. Now, however, the EU has set up a relocation 'solution' to ease Italy's burden....the plan is to relocate a mere 40,000 'refugees' over 2 years. Italy will be paid €6000 per head and the receiving state will receive €500 each. As of October 90 'refugees' have been relocated!

Even if the 40,000 target number is reached in 2 years, it would take 8 and half years to relocate just the number of 'refugees' that landed in Italy in 2014 and that number is expected to be the same in 2015. Right now Italy is housing 99,000 'refugees' at a cost of €1.16billion ($1.32B) for this year.
Of the 61,545 asylum requests received through Oct. 9, 2015, 46,490 have been examined and just over half were rejected, the Interior Ministry study said. The EU is helping to fund the deportation of those 'refugees' that are rejected, but is also requesting that Italy speed up and increase their deportation.

The bottom line is that the Economic Commissioner does not have ALL the numbers in his equation. And even if there were some miracle and these 'refugees' did a 1 day integration into host countries and start contributing to the GDP it would still take years to cover the initial costs that is still in the red. And at the proposed impact of less than a half of a per cent positive impact to the countries of the European Union it would take the 'refugees', their children, their grandchildren, their great-grandchildren and probably even their great-grandchildren to get to a point where the costs break even. And these numbers did not take into account the impact of this crisis on non-EU states that are invaded by the 'refugees' on their way to the European Paradise!

14 November 2015

Tu Me Manques

via blog.collinsflag.com
Paris found itself under attack last night. Extremists did what cowards always do, they did not attack those that could defend or counter-attack, they did not engage with French Police or Military. No, the cowards murdered civilians that were defenseless, while they were trying to enjoy an evening in the City of Lights. They shot up diners and concert goers and set off explosions at a sports event. None of those acts take any courage and none of those acts got their perpetrators into paradise! Cowards are not welcome in heaven in the presence of God!

I offer my sincerest apologies to the citizens and visitors of France for falling victim to the violence that the government of the US and her allies initiated, trained, supported, supplied and funded, but cannot control. And I am extremely sorry for the hypocrisy with which the President and other world leaders displayed by offering their alleged sincere condolences for your suffering. For your suffering was at their hands so they have no right to even speak of your suffering. President Obama has NO right to speak of the bonds between France and America, for he has no value of the goals of the American Founding Fathers or the French Revolutions and the bonds that were forged then have been destroyed by the greed of modern government leaders at the expense of the citizens of both countries.

At some point the citizens of the world will have to follow the obligation placed on them by the Declaration of Independence.....

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with inherent and inalienable Rights; that among these, are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness; that to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

For it was written for ALL people not just those in power. Yet, those in power would have you forget the words and more importantly the meaning of the words. It is the regular people, the hungry, the homeless, the destitute, the factory worker, the teacher, the mother, the father, the guy walking down the street that has the real power and needs to use it for the betterment of all the world.

For France:  Nemo vir est qui mundum non reddat meliorem

(no one is a man who does not render the world better)


10 November 2015

I Feel Your Pain Starbucks...

There is absolutely NO limit to the hatred of Political Correctness!

Presidential candidate Donald Trump is suggesting a boycott over the new red cups from Starbucks. Why? Cause they do not say Merry Christmas!
Welcome to the world of PC hate. Political correctness is the creation of hate on a global scale.
It has been the death of manners; the destruction of kindness and the termination of politeness!
Everyone has to be offended.
And everyone is offended by the wrong things.

We are not offended by the violence in the world. We are not offended by the corruption in the world. We are not offended by the greed of leaders and corporate CEOs and shareholders. We are not offended by the criminal actions of our government. We are not offended by the destruction of the planet. We are not offended by poverty. We are not offended by famine.

Oh, NO!
We are offended cause someone wished us a Merry Christmas! We are offended cause someone held the door open for us! We are offended cause the school is letting the children show off their talents and skills and do something fun! We are offended cause someone wore a shirt! We are offended cause someone displayed a cross! We are offended cause someone wore a hijab! We are offended cause someone said God Bless You! We are offended cause a business refused to do business with us! We are offended cause someone speaks a different language! We are offended cause someone has a different skin color! We are offended cause someone isn't gay! We are offended cause someone isn't transgender!

If you only look at all the things that offend us, you will see what really offends us is MANNERS!
We seem to have developed this overwhelming desire to HATE!

Read that definition again....typically as a result of a PERCEIVED insult! It means that the one that is offended is usually the one that is wrong!

We are so full of hate as a society that we look for hate in everyone and everything! We look at the world not through the proverbial rose colored glasses, but with broken glasses that distort the reality of the world. We cannot even find good in the most innocent of actions and that disappointment starts at home.

When someone we meet on the street says hi, we pause, we back away or step aside and wonder what they really want. When someone at works asks how's it going or how are you, we instantly go on the defense looking for the gimmick. And that started at home with you telling your parents as a child, I love you and they replied with what do you want! Thus teaching you that nothing good is real or free or comes without great cost. That there is no such thing as sincerity or honesty or giving.

That simple retort, begins the negative path to hate. How sad we so willingly teach our babies that we do not see their love as honest or a treasure or a gift; that we do not trust their sincerity or intentions even from birth.

And the reality and truth of the matter is -- they were not born like that, YOU taught them that from your own actions with them and in front of them! SHAME ON YOU!!!

P.S. For anyone that I have not offended yet, HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!


08 November 2015

Refugee Crysis In Safe Haven

The world economy is weak. The job market is more famine than feast. And Europe is facing an unending influx of migrants. Over the last 4 to 6 years Italy and Greece have been crying, begging, pleading for help in dealing with an overwhelming invasion of illegal immigrants. They are being called refugees, but a large majority are not true refugees from the Western bombed nations of Libya and Syria, they are simply opportunists from Central Africa and Central Asia that are taking advantage of the plight of displaced civilians in the aforementioned countries. They are freely flooding into Europe by any and all means possible. They come with nothing, thus they are in need of everything for the countries that are stuck taking them in. They are creating an unbearable debt on the smaller and weaker countries of Europe without any intent of ever returning anything of value to those countries.

Not a single one of these refugees is doing anything the legal or proper or right way; yet, they are all reaping all the benefits denied those that try to do things properly and legally. The burden on the people of Europe via loss of benefits and increased taxes to cover the costs is rude and insulting.

Do not get me wrong, I have all the sympathy in the world for REAL refugees, the ones that have no home left cause NATO bombed it off the map, the ones that have no village cause it has been leveled by the Western backed 'moderate rebels'. But, I cannot believe that EVERY refugee left without documents. The nature of life in both countries is not new, we are not talking about a sudden natural catastrophe, civilians knew how unstable and uncertain life was. Call me mean or callus, but why didn't EVERY civilian family have a bug-out bag ready to go at all times and why were these people not carrying documents with them at all times just in case, homes get bombed while you are at the market, village gets overrun while you are at work?

And the excuse about traffickers taking documents from refugees, well that shows illegal intent from the start....if you are a genuine refugee than you know that you have a very legal way out, it might not be as comfortable and first-class as you want it, but beggars need to stop being choosers. I have to completely disagree with the European Union's sudden 'welcoming' of refugees that Italy and Greece have been drowning under for years. This action has only increased the burden on them and other smaller EU members as well as, unconscionablly encouraging the invading non-EU nations without recourse or proper compensation for the invited invasion upon those invaded nations.

via UN Watch

It seems to me that since NATO actions have been at the behest of Middle East allies, that they should be the ones taking in all these poor Sunni refugees. Yet, no refugees have sought safe-haven in any Middle Eastern country. Why is that? United Arab Emirates supposedly has a very robust expanding economy. Saudi Arabia is the new head of the Human Rights Council of the UN, so what better place to seek safe-haven, right. And it is much closer than Germany! France! Britain! Sweden!

05 November 2015

Nobody Did It....Well, Maybe Someone....

Over the weekend, Metrojet Flight 9268 fell out of the sky over the Sinai. All 224 persons on board perished in the crash. As of yesterday, 33 victims had been identified. The first reports, more like denials, was from Metrojet, itself, stating that neither mechanical or pilot error were the cause of the crash. This statement was released even before the black boxes had been secured and delivered to Moscow. This Airbus plane had survived a 'hard landing' some 14 years ago, which resulted in the tail of the plane coming in contact with the runway upon landing. It is known that if injuries to the body are not properly repaired then the structural integrity of the aircraft is compromised forever. The compromise is in and of itself a ticking time bomb.

The next denial came from Egyptian and Russian officials that Islamic State was not capable of shooting the aircraft out of the sky. The flight was at 32,000 feet when it apparently broke apart. The US and UK seemed to back up that denial as well, and whom would know better what arms have been supplied to Islamic State via Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates. Although, it would be an advantageous public relation event, if the plane is found to have been a terrorist attack. Ironically, it would be advantageous to both sides; the US and UK would try to show how Russia 'asked for it' or 'Putin brought it on his people' by getting involved in Syria, yet, at home for Putin, the Russian public will be much more supportive of the Russian involvement in Syria, not just to stop US/NATO aggression, but also, if Islamic State is to blame, that makes it personal with the Russian people, who have had a much closer and longer war with terrorism than the US or UK. The Russian people are much more personally aware of terrorism; for them, unlike in the US, it is not something that happens somewhere else, across the ocean, it is something that happens even in their own cities. It is something that disrupts their lives and has for years. It is something that they are in fact tired of and ready to be rid of.

via AFP Russian Investigators on Site

The US has presented reports of a heat flash immediately prior to the crash. And as supporting 'evidence' numerous American and British officials, including Congressmen and Intelligence Officials, as well as a Spokesperson for the British Prime Minister have all stated that it is most likely a bomb on board the passenger jet that brought it down. These claims have been talked down by Russian and Egyptian officials, however, the US State Department issued a travel warning to Americans in Egypt, especially in the Sinai and London has told British Airlines to suspend flights from Egypt’s Sharm el-Sheikh airport. There have also been varying degrees of concern expressed by Germany, Ireland and the Netherlands to name a few.

The true losers here are Egypt, whom is struggling with regaining stability within its borders and rebuilding its reputation with international tourists, and the Russian people, whom lost loved ones in the crash. Once again terror has done what it is best at, attacking innocent, unarmed, defenseless civilians. If the US truly was against terrorism and terrorist organizations then they would have stayed out of regime change in Egypt, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Yugoslavia, Ukraine and numerous other places. If there was an honest Global War on Terror then the US and NATO would want all the help they can get from every country, including Russia.

02 November 2015

Another Warning.....Serbia!!!

 (Alexander Astafyev, RIA-Novosti, Government Pool Photo via AP)
Pay Attention Serbia!!!

You have spent this century bending to the will of the EU in hopes of some delusional promise of a perfect Serbian Utopia......that you will be an equal at the EU lunch table.....but, you are letting the smoke of the EU illusion blind you to the reality of globalization.
You have ignored the plight of Hungary, Greece, Cyprus. You have gained nothing from the examples of Norway and Iceland.

If the situation were not so precarious, I would delight in the cuteness that is so reminiscent of the naivety of Slobodan, when he believed the West would keep its end of the Dayton Accords, even after he was set up to look defiant and disrespectful by being given bad times for media events. It is high time though that you grew up! It is time to make it 'on your own'! For all your earnestness you do not need to be the lap dog for the EU or for Russia. History has taught us time and time again the importance of the Balkans, especially to outsiders, use that knowledge to be your own nation, your own people, your own destiny.

There is that little voice in the crowd that is telling you something different. It is in the form of Dveri and others that see a different future. It whispers from the outside, from your scattered children. It is suggested from those that want to see a better world. And even from those that would gain from your change of course.
If these voices are not enough to give you pause, then maybe the voices of  the delusion, itself can prove the point! Not only does pressure to conform and bend to the will of others come from the EU itself it is even applied to strong members of the EU. The US is being used to bully its strongest ally, the UK into staying in 'the club'. The US is threatening that the UK will be ranked with China, or Brazil or India. The ally that solidly backed the US in its combat involvement in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria.
Bottom line, if the UK whom has committed more than any other ally to the foreign policy of the US/NATO can be bullied into bending to the EU/US regime, what makes you think that you can ever make a decision for the good of Serbia when you are sitting at the EU lunch table?!?!