27 November 2014

Looters And Rioters Hurt Not Help

I really didn't want to cover the Ferguson issue anymore, cause I think that over coverage of the incident is causing the problems and not helping anyone or anything. This is a sad story, in so much as outsiders have incited violence for a community that needs peace.
Ferguson Burning via nbcnews

The MSM is as much to blame for the violence in Ferguson as the looters are. The media has done a piss poor job, as is their norm, of covering the WHOLE story. They also have covered only the emotions and ignored the totality of the facts. Thus, they have led the public into believing a version of the 'truth' that is not complete or accurate. Let's face it, the facts would not have made for better ratings than the emotions and stirring up the emotions also provided the media with more 'sustunance' for their continued ratings battles. If you think the media is looking out for you, you are wrong. If you think the media only prints the truth, you are wrong. If you think the media is unbiased, you are wrong. Media is a business......a HUGE business! So huge in fact that only 6 companies control over 90% of all media in the US and most of those 6 corporations control media internationally, as well.

I have had international friends tell me how dangerous it is to be a journalist in certain countries around the world. They repeat stories of death threats and violent intimidation of reporters for certain stories that they try to publish. They get visits from 'men in black' telling them kill the story or it will kill you. Most of them think that it is different here in the States, but I tell them, there isn't freedom of the press here either. We just censor it differently. Reporters get hired for their point of view. Reporters have their jobs and reputations threatened by their own bosses. Reporters have accidents. Reporters get slandered publicly. Reporters get black-balled in the business. Don't believe....ask Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks, whom lost his job at MSNBC (which was one of their highest ratings show) cause he didn't stick to their point of view, if the facts differed.
Brown and Wilson via yahoo news

But back to the point, here is the bottom line for Ferguson......
The Grand Jury, which is not the District Attorney and his buddies, but a panel of regular people, just like the trail jury would be, refused to indite Officer Wilson. Think of the Grand Jury as a test run for a trail. What people seem to miss is that it is the burden of the State to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a crime was committed; in all actuality in our system the defendant does not even have to defend themselves, the whole burden is on the State. When a Grand Jury is convened, it is presented with ALL the evidence that the State would present in the regular trail, witnesses are called to present their statements. Two things that the Grand Jury have that regular trials do not is that their proceedings are conducted in private and the panel are allowed to ask questions so that they can make the best decision.
The members of the Grand Jury along with being regular people were also local people, this means that they, unlike the media and probably the instigators of the looters, had a vested interest in doing what they thought was the right thing.
Looting and rioting did not and will not bring back Michael Brown. The violence will not heal the community. The damage done does not benefit the community. The businesses that were destroyed by the thuggish, immature behavior of the rioters will not improve community relations, it will not entice business owners to move into the community, it will not justify young people that 'want a better life' to stay in the community, it does not change the make up of the police force. 

Deandre Joshua
A Guardian article stated that the decision not to indite Officer Wilson made a public statement that black lives do not matter. I would counter that comment with this..... The looters and rioters made a public statement that black property and black lives do not matter! Everyone is screaming about 'justice' for Michael Brown, when what they really mean is revenge. Yet, where is the anger and outrage about Deandre Joshua who was murdered during the riots. Could it be that there is no outrage cause this is likely one black man killed by one or more other black men so the community sees no need for outrage about ALL violence in their community or about their 'outrage' over one young black man causing the death of another young black man? Which life mattered more? Michael Brown's or Deandre Joshua's? Why is there no outrage and protests about all the gang related shootings in Chicago this year? It is like offensive words....either you are offended or you are not, you can not be offended some of the time and expect people to believe or understand your upset. Only getting angry over some violence is not supporting a cause. Only getting angry over certain cases is not supporting change. Only getting angry does not help improve the situation.

21 November 2014

Marriage Vs. Civil Unions

This is a hot button topic that has been used to divert attention from real issues!

I know that just pissed some of you off and that is just fine as far as I am concerned.

There have been battles fought across the nation for the right to persons involved in same-sex romantic relations to get married and enjoy the 'legal' benefits that are reserved for spouses.
via buffalogov.org

I think this is a bad solution to a complex issue. Marriage should not be a legal issue, it should be a religious/spiritual ceremony, thus it should be up to each religious organization whom they determine to be eligible for marriage. This religious ceremony should have no more legal status than baptism or confirmation!

The legal counter-part that should give the desired benefits should be a Civil Union Declaration. This declaration should be made to the courts and should declare that 2 persons, regardless of their biological or religious relationship, wish to be seen as a union in the eyes of the law. This would give them all benefits that are now reserved only for spouses. This would also declare that the partner in the union can be supported by the other member in the union and gives the persons special status that is currently reserved for spouses, such as 'spousal privilege' and survivorship status if one of the union dies.
Handfasting via stylemepretty

Why should we have 2 different statuses? There are several reasons for this solution. The first is that defining marriage, a religious union, by law violates not only the First Amendment, but also blurs the line between Church and State. Another reason is that 'family' comes in many different fashions and types and styles. Whom we love and how we love should NEVER be limited to the definitions of religious organizations or the whims of government.

Just because 2 people are involved in a romantic relationship regardless of any other factors, they should not have to 'be married' to be considered legitimate. Our divorce rate proves that a 'marriage certificate' does not improve relations or commitments. Also, sometimes siblings, cousins, or best friends have become life-long companions, AND that is okay and should not be discriminated against or judge, nor should it be considered less of a commitment to another person than any marriage.

It should not be the right of the government to determine the rightness of any relationship between 2 consenting adults. If people were allowed to identify their relationships as they fit their lives we would find less broken homes and lower divorce rates as well. Yes, there would have to be provisions for the dissolution of Civil Unions and yes, a husband and wife can also be parties of a Civil Union, but by allowing Civil Unions between any 2 adults you would recognize the importance of social contact and relations to the health and well-being of society as a whole.

09 November 2014

Commuity Organizers......Lions In Sheep's Clothing.....

via pearlsofprofundity.wordpress.com
It would be more accurate to state that they are lions in lions' clothing pretending to love sheep! Why? Cause these 'super' people come into communities that are in some way victimized and preach of what should be better and what should exist; yet, in general the most that they do is just that preach! Their true intent, the more I read or listen or look or find, seems to be to create anger and hate and even violence. Those emotions are destructive not constructive and as such their acts are also destructive in the long run.

Now before you get too upset with me, know this....I am all for protesting, free-speech, even revolution and I am not for conforming just for the sake of conformity, security over freedom, or the right of authority without consequence!
NO government and certainly NO ONE is above the law and immoral and unjust laws need to be removed from the books! (but that is for another time)
Abby Sewell (February 27, 2011) Los Angeles Times.

Back on track; you may ask yourself how can she say that? These people do things to make the world a better place and that is a good thing. Well, let's just see how I drew my conclusions. The primary handbook that is used by community organizers from Obama to the Tea Party is Rules of Radicals, by Saul Alinsky. It instructs these leaders to 'rub raw' the injustices and hardships of the people they are organizing; basically to whip them up into an angry mob mentality in order that they raise loud angry voices to speak out 'for themselves'. This is the primary goal of the community organizer, to get all the 'victims' to scream and yell and be angry!

While I will agree that there are times when you have to yell and scream and even get mad, that should not be your first means of improving society and it should not be your primary means of improving society. That anger that will lead to violent riots instead of powerful peaceful protests should be considered the community's 'means of war' and as with ALL diplomatic relations, war should be the absolute last option chosen to resolve an issue and only used when all other means of resolution have failed completely and it is a matter of life and death.

Being community organizer is one of those 'titles' that sounds all intellectual and enlightened and compassionate until you really examine it. First off, it implies that you are from the community, yet Obama was not from Chicago, he moved there cause he landed the job as 'community organizer', he was, as most are, an outsider. Now, for the record, being an outsider does not mean you cannot care about a community, but most people will agree that few care as much about a community as the people who live there and have always lived there. While I have given him due credit for his rhetoric for years, that does not truly make someone a whole or real person and since that is his only talent that I have seen thus far, it actually supports the fact that Obama is a shell of a man, without integrity, honor, valor, or courage and thus without character. Sadly, he is likable to most people. That said, being likable does not make you good or right. Many criminals on all levels are very likable people, they have families and friends and loads of people that would speak of how likable they are, yet, they still lie, steal, cheat, kill, destroy the very things that they claim to hold so dear.

 The next thought one believes about the community organizer is that they want to help build a stronger community. This aspect is a little harder to examine, it takes the perception that is in rare use today; that is in using the community to create and build their own 'better world' on their own, using their own talents and skills. What the community organizer does is little things that give the appearance of helping, like organizing letter writing campaign to get street lights replaced. Offering buses to local school board meetings or commissioner meetings, not for building and creating working relations but to have you show your anger! Getting out the vote, but telling you which candidate you should vote for!

Food For The Hood via www.abqjournal.com 
What really makes a community stronger is developing not only your local talents and treasures, but in thus doing so encouraging those that would leave to stay, by giving them a reason. For example: the schools are not giving your kids the best education; sure going to board meetings and PTAs and the like and voicing your thoughts and concerns are good, but put more energy into fixing the problem yourself. Even if you have to do it yourself, in your own home, set up group homework meetings where kids are encouraged and supported to do their homework and have members of the community facilitate these meetings, don't worry about how smart you are or aren't, you will be surprised at how the kids can help and tutor each other. As a community 'reward' the kids for their work and dedication, it can be as simple as making little ribbons for good report cards or giving out goodie bags for perfect attendance. If the school won't work with you, do these things in someone's home or a local church or rec center. Have community clean up days.....EVERYONE get out and pick up trash or pitch in and help paint a senior's home. Create a list of the shut ins and single moms and at risk kids; find out what they need, meals cook, rides to health appointments, walking kids to and from school and as a whole community help each other out, improve the quality of life for the WHOLE community. The best you will get from a 'community organizer' like Obama is the success of government 'throwing more money' at a problem, but EVERYONE knows that by the time that it travels all the way down to the community, there is nothing or very little left.
via communicationsfocus.com

If you did not know what illusions are created by community organizers, all you have to do is look at Obama's time in politics. He does not roll up his sleeves and get his own hands dirty. His concept of compromise is to stir up anger and make threats, tactics learned in the pages of Saul Alinsky's book. If you are such a blind Obama supporter that you can find no fault in his performance, then look at the members of Congress that belong to the Tea Party, judge them, for they follow the same play book that Obama does.

You wonder why we cannot get passed grid lock in DC, we have two opposing sides that both have learned to use anger and division and 'war' to get things accomplished and those in the middle have no strength of leadership to put the two spoiled toddlers in time out and move forward. That is cause grid lock serves the whole very well. They do not have to admit to bad votes or no progress and each side has a villain to blame without consequence.

03 November 2014

D.C.'s Chicken Little Game

Disney's Chicken Little
OH MY how DC loves to create panic!

Of course it serves them well to do so. They have been creating panic on demand since WWII. The 'evil' Soviet Union and the Iron Curtain was a perfect boogeyman for the expansion of the federal government past the bounds and confines of the Constitution. Brought home with McCarthyism witch hunts the government flexed it muscle against the very source of its power and authority in the name of security and the trusting masses acquiesced. Thus the downhill slide began!

via insanemedia.net

After the American public gave an inch for the greater good of stopping the spread of political communism and anyone of note that spoke out against the aggressive nature of the US government's dealings with the Soviet Union were demonized and even black-balled, from actors to writers to artists. That was all the incentive the 'Men In Black' needed to keep pursuing their goals of an ideal American world. It was a modern-day witch hunt; but it was merely the first in a long line of modern-day political and ideological witch hunts!

via wikipedia

The next witch hunt was against the Anti-War/Civil Rights Movements. Those movements were not separate crusades, they overlapped greatly. The common core was based on the same belief, the value of individual life no matter whose life it was and the right to live that life in peace and security. The government still used the same attack and smear campaign that worked so well for them in the 1950's. However, there are rumors that persist that claim that the government stepped up its force in dealing with its perceived enemy. And that it is the true reason for the deaths of such beloved public figures as John and Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr.
via cbc.ca

In addition to the very public and very noticeable war against political enemies, there have been less visible wars against the American public waged by the American government. Those wars have been in the form of creating panic about 'pandemics' that have suddenly appeared on the American medical scene. The largest one in recent history is the fear that was spread for years and still to some extent exists today about HIV and AIDS. The government had developed some tact and decorum by the time this 'war' arose so that their attacks against undesirables was portrayed as 'public service campaigns' and 'awareness battles' to help protect those at greatest risk. In addition to having AIDS as a target, they also had avian flu and swine flu.

via kosmixmedia.com

Then by luck, or according to some hook and crook, the US Government got their best propaganda tool for a direct and extensive attack on the American public. The bombings of 9/11 brought a very 'real' threat to American soil, the only real question is whom the true and real perpetrators were and just whom knew what and when and how much. More importantly did the 'Men In Black' true patriots allow, encourage or carry out these events? It seems nearly impossible that there is absolutely NO culpability on the part of factions of the US Government via ignorance, apathy, incompetence or design on some or all levels. And 13 years later the US Government is still attacking the American public and the American public still thinks they are only giving a temporary inch for the good of security.

Terrorism is not the only campaign being waged against the American public to ensure the security of the American government. Add to terrorism, the crushing debt that is the foundation and structure of the American Dollar as well as the 'open border' crisis with Mexico and now the Ebola scare. Oh but life is good for those 'Men In Black'!