100 years ago today the little country with a huge heart stood up to a much larger European power. The little country was Serbia, she refused to be 'annexed' and 'occupied' by the Austro-Hungary Empire. The Serbs believed, just as our Founding Fathers, that men had the right to determine their own destinies and that freedom was worth fighting for. When the little country of Serbia stood up to her aggressor, she showed the world that some ideas were worth the fight and were larger than any invading army. It was not an easy fight, nor was it short or civilized, for those are not the way of war. It was the heart and soul of each Serb that supported her cause and did in fact aid in her ability to hold out against such insurmountable odds.
During the days of this struggle of the Serbian people in a land far removed from American Shores, it was the original spirit of America that stood with them and is best remembered in these words by then President Wilson;
On Sunday, 28th of this present month, will occur the fourth
anniversary of the day when the gallant people of Serbia, rather than
submit to the studied and ignoble exactions of a prearranged foe, were
called upon by the war declaration of Austria-Hungary to defend their
territory and their homes against an enemy bent on their destruction.
Nobly did they respond. So valiantly and courageously did they oppose
the forces of a country ten times greater in population and resources
that it was only after they had thrice driven the Austrians back and
Germany and Bulgaria had come to the aid of Austria that they were
compelled to retreat into Albania. While their territory has been
devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people
has not been broken. Though overwhelmed by superior forces, their love
of freedom remains unabated. Brutal force has left unaffected their firm
determination to sacrifice everything for liberty and independence.
It is fitting that the people of the United States, dedicated to the
self-evident truth that is the right of the people of all nations, small
as well as great, to live their own lives and choose their own
Government, and remembering that the principles for which Serbia has so
nobly fought and suffered are those for which the United States is
fighting, should on the occasion of this anniversary manifest in an
appropriate manner their war sympathy with this oppressed people who
have so heroically resisted the aims of the Germanic nations to master
the world. At the same time, we should not forget the kindred people of
the Great Slavic race--the Poles, the Czechs and Jugo-Slavs, who, now
dominated and oppressed by alien races yearn for independence and
national unity.
This can be done in a manner no more appropriate than in our churches.
I, therefore, appeal to the people of the United States of all faiths
and creeds to assemble in their several places of worship on Sunday July
28, for the purpose of giving expression to their sympathy with this
subjugated people and their oppressed and dominated kindred on other
lands, and to invoke the blessings of Almighty God upon them and upon
the cause to which they are pledged.
Woodrow Wilson, President
The White House, July 1918
If as an American you managed to get through that speech without the slightest hint of shame or guilt or feeling of smallness, then you have lost all of the spirit that built this once great nation. For those of you that think that America is still the 'Greatest' nation on Earth and deserving of the title of 'Superpower' let me point out the basic tenant of the founding of America and of her foreign policy up till 100 years ago, when She sold out and lost her honor and valor and integrity;
It is fitting that the people of the United States, dedicated to the
self-evident truth that is the right of the people of all nations, small
as well as great, to live their own lives and choose their own
Whether we adhere to the truth or not, it is still truth that it is the RIGHT of the people of ALL nations to live their own lives and choose their own governments. It is NOT the right of this country or any other country to impose by bribery, intimidation, or force their own will for their own gain over the people of another country. And it should NEVER be accepted by the people of any nation that their government allow such incursions against their sovereignty.
28 July 2014
19 July 2014
Déjà vu for Malaysia Airlines
Some of you may remember a phrase made popular by comedian Arsenio Hall, "Things that make you go hmm..."
Well this week there was a really big thing that certainly made me 'go hmmm.....'
On 17 July Malaysian Flight MH17 was downed over the conflict zone of Eastern Ukraine. While the West jumped right to the blame and smear Russia game they have been engaged in forever it seems like, there are some facts and coincidences that line up like one too many white elephants in the smoking room of the Congressional Boys Club.
First; this is the 2nd total loss aircraft incident for Malyasian Airlines within 4 months, I would have to do some research but outside of 9/11 I think that is a one time event.
Second, both Flight MH370 and MH17 had a large number of people of specific groups on their flights. MH370 had 20 employees of Freescale Semiconductor on board, there seems to be some question as to defense contracts and or Chinese relations with the company and or employees. MH17 had 30 respected researchers and healthcare workers headed to a conference on HIV/AIDS.
Third, both planes met their demise in questionable air space. Flight MH370 supposedly changing course in mid flight for no known or apparent reason and MH17 flying a different air route than its previous flights and thus flying over a conflict zone that had known airspace conflicts and aggressions.
Then there are the specific components of Flight MH17 that make you 'go hmm....'
Why was it flying over the conflict zone?
Why was it escorted by 2 Ukrainian fighter jets?
Why was it flying at only 33000 feet over a conflict zone?
Why did Ukraine Air Traffic Control authorize such a flight path?
Did Ukraine and the West set the commercial airliner up for disaster?
Did Ukraine hope by its actions to increase the probability that MH17 would be damaged or destroyed?
Who gave the OK to allow MH17 to fly over the conflict zone?
Who ordered 2 Ukrainian fighter jets to escort a commercial airline?
Why was this flight chosen to be endangered?
Why was it chosen on the same day that Putin was to return from Brazil?
The sad part of this event is that families lost loved ones for the goal of those in power filled with hate and lacking compassion. The tragic part is that Western media will not ask the questions I have just put forward, they will merely parrot the lines of the Western governments in saying that "Pro-Russian terrorists shot down the plane." There will be NO real investigative reporting on the topic, there will be no grilling the State Department or the FAA or NTSB regarding the questions that hang so obviously in the air. No, the Western media will tip toe around those very big and very white elephants with their eyes closed so they can pretend they are being honest journalists while merely being parroted front men for the perversions of their corporate bosses.
Well this week there was a really big thing that certainly made me 'go hmmm.....'
On 17 July Malaysian Flight MH17 was downed over the conflict zone of Eastern Ukraine. While the West jumped right to the blame and smear Russia game they have been engaged in forever it seems like, there are some facts and coincidences that line up like one too many white elephants in the smoking room of the Congressional Boys Club.
First; this is the 2nd total loss aircraft incident for Malyasian Airlines within 4 months, I would have to do some research but outside of 9/11 I think that is a one time event.
Second, both Flight MH370 and MH17 had a large number of people of specific groups on their flights. MH370 had 20 employees of Freescale Semiconductor on board, there seems to be some question as to defense contracts and or Chinese relations with the company and or employees. MH17 had 30 respected researchers and healthcare workers headed to a conference on HIV/AIDS.
Third, both planes met their demise in questionable air space. Flight MH370 supposedly changing course in mid flight for no known or apparent reason and MH17 flying a different air route than its previous flights and thus flying over a conflict zone that had known airspace conflicts and aggressions.
Then there are the specific components of Flight MH17 that make you 'go hmm....'
Why was it flying over the conflict zone?
Why was it escorted by 2 Ukrainian fighter jets?
Why was it flying at only 33000 feet over a conflict zone?
Why did Ukraine Air Traffic Control authorize such a flight path?
Did Ukraine and the West set the commercial airliner up for disaster?
Did Ukraine hope by its actions to increase the probability that MH17 would be damaged or destroyed?
Who gave the OK to allow MH17 to fly over the conflict zone?
Who ordered 2 Ukrainian fighter jets to escort a commercial airline?
Why was this flight chosen to be endangered?
Why was it chosen on the same day that Putin was to return from Brazil?
The sad part of this event is that families lost loved ones for the goal of those in power filled with hate and lacking compassion. The tragic part is that Western media will not ask the questions I have just put forward, they will merely parrot the lines of the Western governments in saying that "Pro-Russian terrorists shot down the plane." There will be NO real investigative reporting on the topic, there will be no grilling the State Department or the FAA or NTSB regarding the questions that hang so obviously in the air. No, the Western media will tip toe around those very big and very white elephants with their eyes closed so they can pretend they are being honest journalists while merely being parroted front men for the perversions of their corporate bosses.
17 July 2014
Hate Is The Shortest Path To Oppression
Americans have been so busy hating Syria, Gaza and Russia that they have not noticed their own conquering by Corporate America. Syria, Gaza and Ukraine are all very nice diversions to keep you worried about 'threats' beyond our borders that no one has been watching what is going on in our own house. This is actually a very common thing. Those of us that grew up in the homes of defenders and warriors know that it is very easy for said hero/warrior to spend so much time saving the world that they sacrifice their own home to a worse fate.
Take stroll on Twitter and you will find plenty of opinions of all the 'wars' in the world, but you will find very little about the war on our freedom and independence in the US. Most Americans are very firmly in the Pro-Israel camp. I have been told by plenty of upstanding Christians that to stop the bloodshed in Gaza, one need only to wipe out all of Hamas. When you ask their feeling about civilians, especially children being killed by Israeli rockets they claim it is Hamas' fault for using them as human shields. When asked where Jesus states there are times when killing innocents is justified and okay, they reply to tell you that Hamas, hates all Jews and Christians and want to kill them all. They call you a 'killer' or 'hater' for questioning their morals. Yet, they never give the quote of Jesus' teaching explaining when killing children is justified and acceptable.
On the topic of Ukraine, most Americans will tell you that "Russia invaded Ukraine." They will tell you that Russia wants another Soviet Union. They think that Russian soldiers are fighting the 'mighty and honorable' Ukraine army. And army so poorly trained and armed initially that any one of our street gangs would have beat them back to Kiev in a weeks time, much less the damage done had they been fighting a professional fighting force. Unfortunately, from a military point of view, the Self-defense forces made the same mistake as the Confederate forces did in the US Civil War. Their mentality and objective was just that defense, they didn't want to conquer the other side, they just wanted to protect what was theirs and be left alone. Thus their initial approach to the battle was simply to defend against advances from the UA, to keep their land and property and persons safe. I fear that Novorussia well learn the same lesson the Confederates did in the same manner.
On the poor dead horse, known as Syria, which now has split Iraq, Americans were appalled by 'Assad the Butcher' as Western media portrayed him, reporting how prisoners were systematically tortured, beaten, raped and even killed. Yet, in polls and reports by global watch dogs the largest prison population is in the US and the greatest fear of being in prison and of one's well-being and life if found in prison is also the US. That being said, no American is willing to go to war over US prisons, which are increasingly run by for profit private corporations without any oversight; but also completely support the aiding, arming, supporting of terrorist groups that are labeled by the US Government as 'freedom fighters' thus empowering ISIS to have the ability, capability, and support to conquer half of Iraq and a third of Syria and is being allowed to sale crude oil to Israel, our ally, whom is carpet bombing one of the few regional supporters of the Syrian government.
One of the reasons that Americans seem unable to connect the dots in conflicts around the globe is in the lack of diversity in US media. over 90% of US news and media is owned by just 6 corporations and with the buying of Time Warner, by either Comcast or Murdoch then that number goes down to 5, thus limiting more the availability of the American public to receive diverse reporting on any issue. It is the lack of diversity in sources available to the American public that through ignorance make it complacent in global immorality by American mega corporations through control of politicians and thus government. America has anti-trust and monopoly laws yet time and time again different government agencies and the Supreme Court have turned blind eyes to the merging of big business into mega-corporations thus insuring maximum increase in profits and decrease in competition. In addition these corporations reach outside the borders of the US thus the basis for hypocrisy in American Foreign Policy. Our Foreign Policy is based on the greed of US business and politicians not on honor or integrity or our founding fathers' belief in the right of every man to self determination.
Take stroll on Twitter and you will find plenty of opinions of all the 'wars' in the world, but you will find very little about the war on our freedom and independence in the US. Most Americans are very firmly in the Pro-Israel camp. I have been told by plenty of upstanding Christians that to stop the bloodshed in Gaza, one need only to wipe out all of Hamas. When you ask their feeling about civilians, especially children being killed by Israeli rockets they claim it is Hamas' fault for using them as human shields. When asked where Jesus states there are times when killing innocents is justified and okay, they reply to tell you that Hamas, hates all Jews and Christians and want to kill them all. They call you a 'killer' or 'hater' for questioning their morals. Yet, they never give the quote of Jesus' teaching explaining when killing children is justified and acceptable.
On the topic of Ukraine, most Americans will tell you that "Russia invaded Ukraine." They will tell you that Russia wants another Soviet Union. They think that Russian soldiers are fighting the 'mighty and honorable' Ukraine army. And army so poorly trained and armed initially that any one of our street gangs would have beat them back to Kiev in a weeks time, much less the damage done had they been fighting a professional fighting force. Unfortunately, from a military point of view, the Self-defense forces made the same mistake as the Confederate forces did in the US Civil War. Their mentality and objective was just that defense, they didn't want to conquer the other side, they just wanted to protect what was theirs and be left alone. Thus their initial approach to the battle was simply to defend against advances from the UA, to keep their land and property and persons safe. I fear that Novorussia well learn the same lesson the Confederates did in the same manner.
On the poor dead horse, known as Syria, which now has split Iraq, Americans were appalled by 'Assad the Butcher' as Western media portrayed him, reporting how prisoners were systematically tortured, beaten, raped and even killed. Yet, in polls and reports by global watch dogs the largest prison population is in the US and the greatest fear of being in prison and of one's well-being and life if found in prison is also the US. That being said, no American is willing to go to war over US prisons, which are increasingly run by for profit private corporations without any oversight; but also completely support the aiding, arming, supporting of terrorist groups that are labeled by the US Government as 'freedom fighters' thus empowering ISIS to have the ability, capability, and support to conquer half of Iraq and a third of Syria and is being allowed to sale crude oil to Israel, our ally, whom is carpet bombing one of the few regional supporters of the Syrian government.
One of the reasons that Americans seem unable to connect the dots in conflicts around the globe is in the lack of diversity in US media. over 90% of US news and media is owned by just 6 corporations and with the buying of Time Warner, by either Comcast or Murdoch then that number goes down to 5, thus limiting more the availability of the American public to receive diverse reporting on any issue. It is the lack of diversity in sources available to the American public that through ignorance make it complacent in global immorality by American mega corporations through control of politicians and thus government. America has anti-trust and monopoly laws yet time and time again different government agencies and the Supreme Court have turned blind eyes to the merging of big business into mega-corporations thus insuring maximum increase in profits and decrease in competition. In addition these corporations reach outside the borders of the US thus the basis for hypocrisy in American Foreign Policy. Our Foreign Policy is based on the greed of US business and politicians not on honor or integrity or our founding fathers' belief in the right of every man to self determination.
04 July 2014
Where did the American Dream go?
So scrolling through my Twitter feed, trying to get caught up with the important and relavent stuff by mining through the 'silly' stuff, I came across the following tweet;
Following@MrRBourne's debate with Thomas Piketty (http://www.iea.org.uk/in-the-media/media-coverage/inequality-se-isnt-bad-8 …), We're asking "Does inequality matter?" http://www.iea.org.uk/events/capitalism-and-wealth-accumulation-does-inequality-matter …
I thought that is the wrong question, cause our definition of inequality is the root problem.
The 'liberals' or 'do-gooders' or 'leftists' give great speeches about bringing the poor out of poverty. And while that is a noble endeavor, their approach is wrong. Their definition of poverty is not accurate and thus their 'solutions' to the problem are not realistic. As with most of the core elements of society and culture the meaning or the method by which we define our existence has changed and not for the better. When we measure inequality what we measure now is are you materialistically equal to others, do you have equal money or equal 'things' and those are not the best judges of whether someone is equal.
We have so deluded the 'American Dream', though in reality it is simply man's dream not American or Turkish or Russian, but all men, that we have forgotten what the original dream was. The original dream was freedom and independence and the opportunity to follow one's own path. That dream does not exist anymore; it has been replaced with the dream of conforming, looking and acting like everyone else, doing and being like everyone else, and following the same path as everyone else. Society has allowed big business to remove the human nature from humanity. Creativity is ok as long as it is inside the lines; talent is fine as long as it conforms to the preset image. Motivation and innovation are acceptable as long as you are a company man. Intelligence and ingenuity are sought after as long as your soul is for sell. All these limits, leashes and cages on the human experience have crushed humanity.
However, we seem totally surprised that mental issues have risen, that drug use is at its highest, that violent crime is sky-rocketing. We seem ignorant to how business creating a consumer oppressed delightened work force has increased our diseases and decreased our happiness. We are animals, like it or not, and as such we were created to roam and explore and discover our world. Something that is severely limited under the subjegation of government control for the purpose of security and national identity.
If we truly wanted to do away with inequality then we would increase the foundational opportunities for all peoples and refocus how we define equality. To make all equal then we need to create equal and quality and real education opportunities across the board. We need to meet the needs of the student instead of requiring the student to meet the needs of society. We need to acknowledge, accept and celebrate the fact that we need many levels and skills and talents in varied areas and of various aspects for society to move forward in a meaningful and truly humanly successful way. We need to judge the success of a person not by what place in society he holds but how well he holds his place. For in an equal society the garbage man is just a valuable as the lawyer. Don't believe me, do not take out your trash for a week and see how well you like your house then.
I thought that is the wrong question, cause our definition of inequality is the root problem.
The 'liberals' or 'do-gooders' or 'leftists' give great speeches about bringing the poor out of poverty. And while that is a noble endeavor, their approach is wrong. Their definition of poverty is not accurate and thus their 'solutions' to the problem are not realistic. As with most of the core elements of society and culture the meaning or the method by which we define our existence has changed and not for the better. When we measure inequality what we measure now is are you materialistically equal to others, do you have equal money or equal 'things' and those are not the best judges of whether someone is equal.
We have so deluded the 'American Dream', though in reality it is simply man's dream not American or Turkish or Russian, but all men, that we have forgotten what the original dream was. The original dream was freedom and independence and the opportunity to follow one's own path. That dream does not exist anymore; it has been replaced with the dream of conforming, looking and acting like everyone else, doing and being like everyone else, and following the same path as everyone else. Society has allowed big business to remove the human nature from humanity. Creativity is ok as long as it is inside the lines; talent is fine as long as it conforms to the preset image. Motivation and innovation are acceptable as long as you are a company man. Intelligence and ingenuity are sought after as long as your soul is for sell. All these limits, leashes and cages on the human experience have crushed humanity.
However, we seem totally surprised that mental issues have risen, that drug use is at its highest, that violent crime is sky-rocketing. We seem ignorant to how business creating a consumer oppressed delightened work force has increased our diseases and decreased our happiness. We are animals, like it or not, and as such we were created to roam and explore and discover our world. Something that is severely limited under the subjegation of government control for the purpose of security and national identity.
If we truly wanted to do away with inequality then we would increase the foundational opportunities for all peoples and refocus how we define equality. To make all equal then we need to create equal and quality and real education opportunities across the board. We need to meet the needs of the student instead of requiring the student to meet the needs of society. We need to acknowledge, accept and celebrate the fact that we need many levels and skills and talents in varied areas and of various aspects for society to move forward in a meaningful and truly humanly successful way. We need to judge the success of a person not by what place in society he holds but how well he holds his place. For in an equal society the garbage man is just a valuable as the lawyer. Don't believe me, do not take out your trash for a week and see how well you like your house then.
01 July 2014
ISIS Claims Caliphate.....Now What?
Ah President Obama and Senators McCain and Graham should be so very proud! Their little moderate terrorists are ALL grown up into a full fledged threat to the whole world that cannot be controlled. D.C. never seems to learn from one failure to the next. You cannot create monsters and control them when they are full grown. Especially when you do not even understand their history or their ideology or their culture. It is also worth noting that even US experts seem to not grasp the concept of fighting for or being driven either by a desire or a hatred that is larger than one's self or the complexity of culture, history, religion that interweaves to create the society we call the Middle East.
Who would have thought that President Obama, the man whom ran as the uniter, would be so successful in working toward such controversial goals as arming, aiding, funding, training the sequel to Al Qaeda, ISIS/ISIL with Senators that seem so politically opposed to any and every thing that the White House has tried to accomplish. But when it counts they seem to have proved that they really can work together while appearing to be totally at odds.
Over the weekend ISIS declared their own state or caliphate. How does that impact the Middle East and the whole world? Well, first and foremost, it completely destabilizes the region in an attempt to supposedly promote stability. Second, and maybe more importantly in the long run, it completely rewrites the view of the US in the Middle East, thus creating more distrust and animosity than previously existed. Thirdly, by realigning the region, it creates chaos that will be used by mega-corps to further separate the 1% from the 99% and provide tools by which to manipulate things like price of oil which will also impact the price of all consumer products on multiple levels. What most people do not realize is that gas or petrol, depending on your part of the world, is not the primary end product of oil production. Petrol makes up the least over all end user consumption of crude oil. Petroleum ingredients are found in everything from cosmetics to plastics to textiles and manufacturing.
The main point is, that it is the opinion, based on the very successful implementation of a disposable consumer society, that control oil and you control the world by virtue of controlling the world's markets on multiple levels. Again, let me remind readers that many global economies are no longer based on a gold standard, instead most experts will tell you that they are based on the petrol-dollar, which from some points of view is accurate, however, the most basic economic describer is that most petrol-dollar economies are really just debt economies, meaning they are a complete sham and totally worthless, thus the need to maintain the illusion of richness based on oil dominance. Don't believe me, pull out your 'currency' and read it, it is a promissory note, basically an IOU. So we all go around and pass debt from one to another and take things in that method. Ah, but I have 'real' money in the bank, just look at my bank statement...uhm, sorry, no you don't. Those are just numbers on paper. Those numbers no longer represent your share of gold backing that institution cause the gold isn't there. And on top of it, the banks charge you to move those numbers from one piece of paper to another and to let you see the numbers and for you to change the numbers. Every single automated and automatic shift of those numbers on paper are charged by fees and penalties and decreased interest or dividends. They show assets in the form of loans (debts) or futures (illusions) and you believe that you have wealth. What you have is owned debt that is under secured and when the global economy collapses due to bad politics in the Middle East and Eastern Europe and Africa, it will not be repaid. The debt completely and astronomically out runs whatever gold/property/capital that might have backed it up at one time.
So how does this relate to the ISIS 'take over'? Easy, the US and allies used the ISIS and other groups to try to conquer Syria. Syria does not play by the rules. They keep their oil and sell it as they chose. Syria is really just Libya 2.0, in respect to oil control. This means that US and allies do not directly control ALL oil sources. And that is the true and real end game of stability in the Middle East; complete and total control of ALL oil production. However, the chaos shows that the US is losing its finesse to manage regime change with behind the scenes control in such a manner as to appear to be doing the right thing and it not falling apart until history forgets that it was US that caused the issue to begin with...Saddam and Taliban. The US and her allies have to control ALL the oil production to maintain global control. It is that required control that inhibits the progress of renewable energy sources as well as lifestyle changes being encouraged that would increase the value of nature and decrease control through decreased oil product consumption. Greed of the 1% have encouraged the creation of and growth of ISIS. It is that hollow greed that will also be their downfall, for they have forgotten about the things that cannot be bought and thus will not know how to fight for ideas with their world of mirrors breaks.
UPDATE: This is a great article that shows steps to Syria's chaos and ISIS rampage.....by Ian56
![]() |
via Stratfor Global Intelligence |
Who would have thought that President Obama, the man whom ran as the uniter, would be so successful in working toward such controversial goals as arming, aiding, funding, training the sequel to Al Qaeda, ISIS/ISIL with Senators that seem so politically opposed to any and every thing that the White House has tried to accomplish. But when it counts they seem to have proved that they really can work together while appearing to be totally at odds.
Over the weekend ISIS declared their own state or caliphate. How does that impact the Middle East and the whole world? Well, first and foremost, it completely destabilizes the region in an attempt to supposedly promote stability. Second, and maybe more importantly in the long run, it completely rewrites the view of the US in the Middle East, thus creating more distrust and animosity than previously existed. Thirdly, by realigning the region, it creates chaos that will be used by mega-corps to further separate the 1% from the 99% and provide tools by which to manipulate things like price of oil which will also impact the price of all consumer products on multiple levels. What most people do not realize is that gas or petrol, depending on your part of the world, is not the primary end product of oil production. Petrol makes up the least over all end user consumption of crude oil. Petroleum ingredients are found in everything from cosmetics to plastics to textiles and manufacturing.
The main point is, that it is the opinion, based on the very successful implementation of a disposable consumer society, that control oil and you control the world by virtue of controlling the world's markets on multiple levels. Again, let me remind readers that many global economies are no longer based on a gold standard, instead most experts will tell you that they are based on the petrol-dollar, which from some points of view is accurate, however, the most basic economic describer is that most petrol-dollar economies are really just debt economies, meaning they are a complete sham and totally worthless, thus the need to maintain the illusion of richness based on oil dominance. Don't believe me, pull out your 'currency' and read it, it is a promissory note, basically an IOU. So we all go around and pass debt from one to another and take things in that method. Ah, but I have 'real' money in the bank, just look at my bank statement...uhm, sorry, no you don't. Those are just numbers on paper. Those numbers no longer represent your share of gold backing that institution cause the gold isn't there. And on top of it, the banks charge you to move those numbers from one piece of paper to another and to let you see the numbers and for you to change the numbers. Every single automated and automatic shift of those numbers on paper are charged by fees and penalties and decreased interest or dividends. They show assets in the form of loans (debts) or futures (illusions) and you believe that you have wealth. What you have is owned debt that is under secured and when the global economy collapses due to bad politics in the Middle East and Eastern Europe and Africa, it will not be repaid. The debt completely and astronomically out runs whatever gold/property/capital that might have backed it up at one time.
So how does this relate to the ISIS 'take over'? Easy, the US and allies used the ISIS and other groups to try to conquer Syria. Syria does not play by the rules. They keep their oil and sell it as they chose. Syria is really just Libya 2.0, in respect to oil control. This means that US and allies do not directly control ALL oil sources. And that is the true and real end game of stability in the Middle East; complete and total control of ALL oil production. However, the chaos shows that the US is losing its finesse to manage regime change with behind the scenes control in such a manner as to appear to be doing the right thing and it not falling apart until history forgets that it was US that caused the issue to begin with...Saddam and Taliban. The US and her allies have to control ALL the oil production to maintain global control. It is that required control that inhibits the progress of renewable energy sources as well as lifestyle changes being encouraged that would increase the value of nature and decrease control through decreased oil product consumption. Greed of the 1% have encouraged the creation of and growth of ISIS. It is that hollow greed that will also be their downfall, for they have forgotten about the things that cannot be bought and thus will not know how to fight for ideas with their world of mirrors breaks.
UPDATE: This is a great article that shows steps to Syria's chaos and ISIS rampage.....by Ian56
foreign policy,
Middle East,
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