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Tyne Cot CWGC |
It would almost be desirable to say that the current scandal of mistreatment by the government of our veterans is the first such abuse, however, that would be grossly in accurate. Ironically, to know just how often and how long the government has mistreated those that have served so willingly this country and her people, the public needed to turn to satire. Shamefully, for MSM, that is, it was Jon Stewart, on his The Daily Show, that actually noted mistreatment after mistreatment of veterans going all the way back to the formation of our great nation. This article isn't for the slamming of the government in its treatment of our worthy veterans, that is for another post.
This moment is to give thanks to each and every hero that gave for this nation. Not just the heroes that wore American uniforms, but also those lesser known heroes that wore the uniform of our allies through out our short history. It was the French that rendered aid to the upstart colonists, whom were determined to throw off the chains of tyranny that held them to England. Of course, most do not know that American had to throw off those chains not once, but twice. And if you hail from the north you could even say three times, if you count that England rendered aid to the Confederate States, during the Civil War.
Fast forward to the 20th century; yes, I know I skipped over the War with Mexico and the Spanish American War and all the 'Indian' Wars. It was intentional for varying reasons. Now, I know we like to brag about saving the world, not once, but, twice from German aggressions; however, those wars were called World Wars for a reason. It seems that at most if we remember how the Great War or WWI began it was with the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, fewer still know that it was a Serbian youth defending the freedom and independence of his country that committed the attack. However, it is very very few Americans that know that at the time Serbia was an American ally. Matter of fact, the Serbian flag is the only foreign flag that has flown over the White House.
Then President Woodrow Wilson gave a statement to the American public about 28 JULY 1918;
On Sunday, 28th of this present month, will occur the fourth anniversary of the day when the gallant people of Serbia, rather than submit to the studied and ignoble exactions of a prearranged foe, were called upon by the war declaration of Austria-Hungary to defend their territory and their homes against an enemy bent on their destruction. Nobly did they respond. So valiantly and courageously did they oppose the forces of a country ten times greater in population and resources that it was only after they had thrice driven the Austrians back and Germany and Bulgaria had come to the aid of Austria that they were compelled to retreat into Albania. While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken. Though overwhelmed by superior forces, their love of freedom remains unabated. Brutal force has left unaffected their firm determination to sacrifice everything for liberty and independence.
It is fitting that the people of the United States, dedicated to the self-evident truth that is the right of the people of all nations, small as well as great, to live their own lives and choose their own Government, and remembering that the principles for which Serbia has so nobly fought and suffered are those for which the United States is fighting, should on the occasion of this anniversary manifest in an appropriate manner their war sympathy with this oppressed people who have so heroically resisted the aims of the Germanic nations to master the world. At the same time, we should not forget the kindred people of the Great Slavic race--the Poles, the Czechs and Jugo-Slavs, who, now dominated and oppressed by alien races yearn for independence and national unity.
This can be done in a manner no more appropriate than in our churches.
I, therefore, appeal to the people of the United States of all faiths and creeds to assemble in their several places of worship on Sunday July 28, for the purpose of giving expression to their sympathy with this subjugated people and their oppressed and dominated kindred on other lands, and to invoke the blessings of Almighty God upon them and upon the cause to which they are pledged.
Woodrow Wilson, President
The White House, July 1918
The War to End All Wars brought a peace that lasted barely 20 years, not even one generation was raised in peace before once again the call went out across nations for their young men to take up arms and defend what was theirs. It is said, and I believe it very true, 'war brings out the best and the worst in men'. It seems that in that 20 years, the worst was brought out in our politicians, but the best was brought out not only in our young men whom stepped up to protect not just America but the world from Hitler's delusion but the young men of each and every country that would not submit to such depravity. How frail our memory seems to be about which side people stood and how even the 'good guys' conducted themselves. Of course some of the issue is that being victors and 'good guys' they have been able to influence the story and thus adapt it to suit their goals over time.
During the hell that Hitler brought to Europe and the world, those nations that stood against such hatred driven aggression were both big and small, rich and poor, yet, it can be said, each was great in spirit and deeds.
Here in the States, as I am sure happened in other nations as well, gung-ho boys lied about age and even pretended to be older brothers or cousins to join the cause. On the surface there was a clear defined enemy in Hitler and the Nazis along with their imperialistic Japanese allies. The need to defeat the Axis powers was a palatable one. Every citizen of the world seemed to know the dire consequences if there were no victory.
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Headlines of the time |
In order to achieve this the German Army had to accomplish something that it had been unable to do in WWI, defeat the Serbs. Hitler's solution was to use Bulgaria to this end. History does tell us just how well that worked out for Hitler, so I will not retell that story.
However, I will refer to one that is little known to even students of history, that is of the Forgotten 500. The fact that Hitler was soundly defeated was not the fault of an incompetent or impotent military, on the contrary, it many ways the rest of the world spent the war playing catch up with German technology and weapons designs. No, what defeated Hitler was that those fighting against him were fighting for something larger than themselves, whereas, especially by the end of the war, most Germans were merely trying to get out alive.
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via Tesla Memorial Society |
While we were there, those of us who were wounded were given whatever medical supplies they had even at the deprivation of their own troops. If there was one piece of bread in the house, or one egg, it went to the American airmen while the Serb went hungry.
If there was one bed or one blanket, it went to us while the Serb slept on the bare ground. No risk of sacrifice was too great to insure our safety and well being. One experience which is forever seared in my memory is the time a village with 200 women and children was burned to the ground by the Germans because the Serbs would not tell them where they were hiding us. To this day, I can smell the terrible stench of their burning flesh. One does not forget such things.
So on this Memorial Day, as one American who knows, I want to thank, not only the men and women that wore the uniform of the US, but also those whom wore other uniforms or no uniforms that helped, aided, and stood side by side with the US in her past times of struggle. May we one day return to our honor and also to our truth! Veliki hvala Srbiji!