The government shut down scare is almost more regular than the arrival of Santa Claus. It is a sad state of affairs when society accepts as the status quo elected officials whom year after year fail to do their job, yet increase their own salaries and benefits. The 27th Amendment insures that even during a government shut down that will shut down absolutely vital areas of government, Congress will still receive their compensation. Should it be an accepted defense for criminals that it was the victims' fault for having nicer things or more money or driving nice car or some other absurd rational for committing thief, larceny or robbery. Politicians use much more ridiculous excuses everyday for not doing their jobs and thus robbing the American public of their hard earned tax dollars. If politicians put half as much effort into doing their jobs as they do into spinning the excuses for failing at their jobs we would have the most prosperous country in the world, with the best education system and fastest growing economy ensuring the best quality of life for ALL members of society.
The politicians should change how they determine the value of the bills that they pass. They have incredible salary and benefits packages with high quality pension and healthcare. When Obamacare was first proposed in its mostly current form, to prove a point, a republican senator proposed a bill that would require ALL members of congress to use the Obamacare for their own healthcare. It was totally voted DOWN! But the American public is accepting Obamacare as a wonderful improvement even though those that wrote the provisions will not use them themselves. And the public accepts this as if it is worthy of the public.
This shows just how much respect and dignity has been lost in society as a whole in the last 50 or so years. We do not treat others with dignity or respect and we accept that others do not treat us with dignity or respect. We do not want to work honestly for anything, we believe that we are entitled to the best of material things and think that those material things make us better. We do not know the difference between character and reputation, nor between honor and rhetoric. We place more value in what is said than in what is done. We do not accept responsibilities for our actions and we do not place responsibility on the individual for their actions instead we blame "things" like the weapons they used or the movies they watched or the games they played, why not the news they watch???? At least in the video games if you screw up your virtual character dies. Oh sure you will respawn or can just restart your level, but you will have to play the map all over again or at least from your last check-point. And that much is more answering for actions than elected officials face in this country.
30 September 2013
21 September 2013
Who the US Government Really Supports In the Middle East......
So as can be my normal state of thinking.....I was catching up on
the news the other day and saw the Human
Rights Report on Bahrain and the thought came to my mind...doesn't a vast
majority of the most extreme and radical and violent of Islamic
Terror Groups seem to have a commonality that should make us take
notice. What is that commonality? They are sub-sects of Sunni Islam.
The groups that I am including in the afore mentioned group include
by are not limited to the Taliban, Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Qaeda,
Barelvi, ISIM, Al-Nursa Front,
Deobandis, Harkat-ul-Mujahideen and the list goes on and on. On its own this may not be an
ah-ha moment, but when you look at the countries, whose populations
are mostly Muslim, that are our allies in the Middle East and Central
Asia you see that they also ruled by royal families or 'elected'
leaders that in majority are conscripts of, yes, Sunni Islam. Now you
can have your ah-ha moment; however, if you still are missing the
point let's continue.
When the Taliban took control of Afghanistan after the Soviet withdrawal, they received diplomatic recognition from only three states; Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. All of which are our allies. Yes, that diplomatic recognition was revoked, but it still existed and the ruling families of Saudi Arabia and the UAE are still in power. Further more, this year the Taliban opened “offices” in Qutar, another of our allies, and this office is recognized internationally as it was to be the location for talks between the Taliban and the current government of Afghanistan.
The Saudi Royal Family are followers of a Sunni Islamic sect and have supported with money, arms and other resources the insurrection in Syria. On the other hand, the Syrian government, specifically, Al-Bashar and his family are not followers of any Sunni sect, but are in fact Alevites which ascribe more to the Shia Islamic traditions. The Saudi regime does not allow internal criticism of its policies or practices. As is the case with most Islamic States.
The Al Khalifa ruling family of Bahrain and its supporting tribes adhere to the Maliki school of Islamic jurisprudence, spread by the Uyunid dynasty and is of Sunni foundations. Returning to the origin of this article, Bahrain has been sited in the HR report as detaining and torturing children for participating in the protests in that country. The country has seen protests for months now, yet they are very heavily oppressed by the authorities and most foreign press that attempts to cover the story either receives no support from their main stream media employers or they are strictly limited in their movement within the country itself by the authorities, for of all things safety concerns.
Turkey's ruling party is Sunni and their government has been criticized repeatedly for their handling of journalists that report negatively about government actions and affairs. In addition, the Turkish government was also very heavy handed in their handling of protesters this spring and summer. Protests that were rarely even mentioned, must less covered in our media outlets. Turkey has also quietly, to the outside world been invoking stricter laws moving the country from a secular state of example, to a more typical Islamic State of the area. Ironic, considering that most ethnic Turks, do not consider themselves Arab and therefore not in close alignment of those whom do.
There is a complete lack of understanding within American society to understand several very relevant factors; first, not all Muslims are the same, second, Islamic factions tend to be much more separate from each other than we are used to with christian denominations, third, religious ideology impacts more directly on political and social aspects of life. Why is it necessary to understand these differences? Cause the US government and her allies are using societal ignorance as a basis for imposing the wishes and desires of the same allies in the region. The result is that legitimate governments are being replaced by governments that are more in line with the goals and stances of the US and her Middle East allies. As a footnote, Iran and Hamas follow Shia' Islam.
In addition to the fact that we are stepping in the internal affairs of other nations to effect regime change to suit our allies, we are also supporting governments that oppress their own people. And by doing so we are also supporting our own professed enemies to accommodate our hard line allies.
And we have the nerve to call those who speak against our actions, evil and oppressive. Sen. McCain not only supports stepping in in Syria, he met with Syrian rebels, was pictured with known terrorists and murders, yet calls Mr. Putin a hypocrite. Then canidate Obama criticised President Bush for being a war monger and running a hawkish, secretive government. However, as President, Obama has continued the war in Afghanistan, intervened in Libya, oppressed and prosecuted whistle-blowers, continued the Patriot Act and FISA even expanding their reach and drone attacks have substantially increased in Pakistan, Yemen and other countries where our "enemies" are located without regard for the loss of civilians on the ground. President Obama's administration now with a heavy handedness has judged and convicted the Syrian government even before there was any independent support of attacks even happening and completely disregarding previous reports that would contradict their agenda of stepping in in Syria.
When the Taliban took control of Afghanistan after the Soviet withdrawal, they received diplomatic recognition from only three states; Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. All of which are our allies. Yes, that diplomatic recognition was revoked, but it still existed and the ruling families of Saudi Arabia and the UAE are still in power. Further more, this year the Taliban opened “offices” in Qutar, another of our allies, and this office is recognized internationally as it was to be the location for talks between the Taliban and the current government of Afghanistan.
The Saudi Royal Family are followers of a Sunni Islamic sect and have supported with money, arms and other resources the insurrection in Syria. On the other hand, the Syrian government, specifically, Al-Bashar and his family are not followers of any Sunni sect, but are in fact Alevites which ascribe more to the Shia Islamic traditions. The Saudi regime does not allow internal criticism of its policies or practices. As is the case with most Islamic States.
The Al Khalifa ruling family of Bahrain and its supporting tribes adhere to the Maliki school of Islamic jurisprudence, spread by the Uyunid dynasty and is of Sunni foundations. Returning to the origin of this article, Bahrain has been sited in the HR report as detaining and torturing children for participating in the protests in that country. The country has seen protests for months now, yet they are very heavily oppressed by the authorities and most foreign press that attempts to cover the story either receives no support from their main stream media employers or they are strictly limited in their movement within the country itself by the authorities, for of all things safety concerns.
Turkey's ruling party is Sunni and their government has been criticized repeatedly for their handling of journalists that report negatively about government actions and affairs. In addition, the Turkish government was also very heavy handed in their handling of protesters this spring and summer. Protests that were rarely even mentioned, must less covered in our media outlets. Turkey has also quietly, to the outside world been invoking stricter laws moving the country from a secular state of example, to a more typical Islamic State of the area. Ironic, considering that most ethnic Turks, do not consider themselves Arab and therefore not in close alignment of those whom do.
There is a complete lack of understanding within American society to understand several very relevant factors; first, not all Muslims are the same, second, Islamic factions tend to be much more separate from each other than we are used to with christian denominations, third, religious ideology impacts more directly on political and social aspects of life. Why is it necessary to understand these differences? Cause the US government and her allies are using societal ignorance as a basis for imposing the wishes and desires of the same allies in the region. The result is that legitimate governments are being replaced by governments that are more in line with the goals and stances of the US and her Middle East allies. As a footnote, Iran and Hamas follow Shia' Islam.
In addition to the fact that we are stepping in the internal affairs of other nations to effect regime change to suit our allies, we are also supporting governments that oppress their own people. And by doing so we are also supporting our own professed enemies to accommodate our hard line allies.
And we have the nerve to call those who speak against our actions, evil and oppressive. Sen. McCain not only supports stepping in in Syria, he met with Syrian rebels, was pictured with known terrorists and murders, yet calls Mr. Putin a hypocrite. Then canidate Obama criticised President Bush for being a war monger and running a hawkish, secretive government. However, as President, Obama has continued the war in Afghanistan, intervened in Libya, oppressed and prosecuted whistle-blowers, continued the Patriot Act and FISA even expanding their reach and drone attacks have substantially increased in Pakistan, Yemen and other countries where our "enemies" are located without regard for the loss of civilians on the ground. President Obama's administration now with a heavy handedness has judged and convicted the Syrian government even before there was any independent support of attacks even happening and completely disregarding previous reports that would contradict their agenda of stepping in in Syria.
17 September 2013
Navy Yard Shooting Exposes Real Government Failing
What happened yesterday at the Naval Yard, should not be reason for more control. It should be an argument for the fact that had military personnel, which are properly trained in the handling of firearms would have been armed they would have been in a position to prevent the event or severely limit the amount of damage that was done. Why were these military personnel not armed on a military installation? The answer is that then President Clinton issued an Executive Order that prohibited the carrying of firearms by trained military personnel on military installations. With this decision there is NO common sense allowed to react to events. Think about this; logically if you are one person with even a couple of firearms and even of questionable mental capacity, you would think twice about walking into any area where most or all others are not only armed but are also well trained and experienced with defending themselves and others.
However, there is absolutely NO logical or rational justification for Clinton's Executive Order, it was all "Political Correctness" to make military installations less intimidating and to have them appear more like regular government facilities instead of the home of our defense and security for our nation as a whole.This "Political Correctness" movement has completely and totally destroyed the forward progress of not only the Civil Rights Movement but other progressive seeking societal forward steps as well. The government uses political correctness as a way to point out our differences and create false fears based on the differences and to convince us that we see only the differences and not our similarities. It is a simple divide and conquer tactic to keep the whole public distracted so that there is no real effort to keep the government in check. The only way to keep any government honest and in the service of the society is for the society to insist through constant vigilance of and participation with the actions of the government and those elected officials that are to serve us.
The responsibility of citizens of the society are not limited to showing up to the election booth on election days. It the responsibility of citizens to be engaged and informed and knowledgeable of all actions of the government that affect them. You cannot keep your proverbial head in the sand and then wonder how the country fell apart. Complacency is the greatest aid to corruption and misuse of power and the usurping of the leaders for perverse ends. That puts the prevention and the solution solely and completely in the hands of the society.
Expecting the corrupt leaders to end corruption and reform the system or to work for unity over division is akin to expecting the criminals to guard the prisons or the drug addicts to man the pharmacy. Rarely do those individuals that have benefited greatly from their immoral or illegal acts suddenly become honorable and clean up their own disasters.
However, there is absolutely NO logical or rational justification for Clinton's Executive Order, it was all "Political Correctness" to make military installations less intimidating and to have them appear more like regular government facilities instead of the home of our defense and security for our nation as a whole.This "Political Correctness" movement has completely and totally destroyed the forward progress of not only the Civil Rights Movement but other progressive seeking societal forward steps as well. The government uses political correctness as a way to point out our differences and create false fears based on the differences and to convince us that we see only the differences and not our similarities. It is a simple divide and conquer tactic to keep the whole public distracted so that there is no real effort to keep the government in check. The only way to keep any government honest and in the service of the society is for the society to insist through constant vigilance of and participation with the actions of the government and those elected officials that are to serve us.
The responsibility of citizens of the society are not limited to showing up to the election booth on election days. It the responsibility of citizens to be engaged and informed and knowledgeable of all actions of the government that affect them. You cannot keep your proverbial head in the sand and then wonder how the country fell apart. Complacency is the greatest aid to corruption and misuse of power and the usurping of the leaders for perverse ends. That puts the prevention and the solution solely and completely in the hands of the society.
Expecting the corrupt leaders to end corruption and reform the system or to work for unity over division is akin to expecting the criminals to guard the prisons or the drug addicts to man the pharmacy. Rarely do those individuals that have benefited greatly from their immoral or illegal acts suddenly become honorable and clean up their own disasters.
10 September 2013
Don't Do It Syria.......
I do not think that Syria should give up one weapon of any kind. Giving up a weapon is akin to giving up sovereignty. No country should give up one percent of its sovereignty that limits their independence and weakens their stance on the global playing field. The idea that the "world" is still supporting the 'rebels' in Syria against the government is totally and completely absurd and shows that the world population is not only ignorant to the repercussions of such actions but is guilty of destroying a sovereign nation by complacency.
If you look at the time line of events you see a completely contradictory version that what the US and allies is stating publicly and is being supported by all major media outlets in the west. There were supposed to be talks long ago to reach a diplomatic solution to the situation; the Syrian government agreed to these talks, it was the "rebels" that rejected attending these talks. It was Syrian "rebels" were found with chemical weapons in their possession in Turkey in May. It is the "rebels" that are killing Christians. It is the "rebels" that are supported by and members of groups that the western powers have labeled as "terrorists" and while we are screaming the need to support these "rebels" in Syria, they are the same combatants that the soldiers are fighting in other places.
How is this even possible? Cause the public is too consumed about their own petty little issues to pay any attention to real issues that are destroying our world and numerous societies around the world. The media is pitching the propaganda of the politicians and not doing their job of informing the public of truth and facts. Masses are too busy consuming products instead of valuing life and lives. Public education teaches conformity and repetition, not thinking and inquiring.
We claim that we are evolved and civilized and tolerant and peaceful more so than anytime in history. But we identify people by how they are different than us, we focus on the division betwixt groups, we encourage labeling and naming. This is not evolution or civilized behavior. The fundamental flaw with our tolerant attitude is that the definition of tolerance informs that there is an existing hatred or dislike. These are ALL illusions. There is no truth in this evolution. There is no civilization in hate. There will be no peace until their is a complete and total revolution.
If you look at the time line of events you see a completely contradictory version that what the US and allies is stating publicly and is being supported by all major media outlets in the west. There were supposed to be talks long ago to reach a diplomatic solution to the situation; the Syrian government agreed to these talks, it was the "rebels" that rejected attending these talks. It was Syrian "rebels" were found with chemical weapons in their possession in Turkey in May. It is the "rebels" that are killing Christians. It is the "rebels" that are supported by and members of groups that the western powers have labeled as "terrorists" and while we are screaming the need to support these "rebels" in Syria, they are the same combatants that the soldiers are fighting in other places.
How is this even possible? Cause the public is too consumed about their own petty little issues to pay any attention to real issues that are destroying our world and numerous societies around the world. The media is pitching the propaganda of the politicians and not doing their job of informing the public of truth and facts. Masses are too busy consuming products instead of valuing life and lives. Public education teaches conformity and repetition, not thinking and inquiring.
We claim that we are evolved and civilized and tolerant and peaceful more so than anytime in history. But we identify people by how they are different than us, we focus on the division betwixt groups, we encourage labeling and naming. This is not evolution or civilized behavior. The fundamental flaw with our tolerant attitude is that the definition of tolerance informs that there is an existing hatred or dislike. These are ALL illusions. There is no truth in this evolution. There is no civilization in hate. There will be no peace until their is a complete and total revolution.
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