The insanity in regards to Syria continues full force. Today it has been reported that the UN Human Rights Council has issued a report that "has condemned Syrian troops' attacks on the town of Qusair, and the use of foreign fighters in the offensive." Yet there is NO mention for the condemnation of foreign fighters in the rebel ranks. This report was drafted by Quatar, which has foreign fighters inside Syrian on the rebel side. This gives ALL anti-American factions world-wide just one more justification to hate the US.
I find it ironic that the most recent scandal in the US is over the Justice Department gaining warrants for journalists' emails and phone records; in justifying their actions they allude to the possibility of treason or other criminal activity and of course they are playing the national security card. However, over the weekend Senator John McCain, of all politicians, pulled a Jane Fonda. I have been steadily loosing respect for the Senator over the last decade and his stunt this weekend sealed the coffin in my opinion. How dare he go and meet with rebels and just take their word that they are not extremist. How dare he say we should support these rebels whom are possibly even more guilty of war crimes than the Syrian government.
I'm curious, Sen. McCain, what do you think about the honor of your favored rebels' action in this video? If you can watch this video with your wife, children and grandchildren and look them in the eye and say that the rebels should be supported then I think you and your whole family should go on an extended visit to the rebel held area of Syria. I also challenge President Obama, Prime Minister David Cameron, and President François Hollande to do the same. Gather your family for movie night and watch that video and tell your wives and children how good the rebels are and how they deserve our support. But there is ONE have to watch the WHOLE video and your have to make sure your wives and children don't turn away or cover their eyes either, cause after all the rebels are fighting the good fight just like we have for over 200 years.
Any American government official that supports arming the "moderate" rebels, cause we can prevent the weapons from falling in the hands of terrorists and extremists; I have three words for you..."Fast and Furious"....that was such a stellar example of American control of weapons in the hands of criminals.
If the West had truly wanted to support the "real" or "true" Syrian rebels, then they should have stepped up on day one of the revolution/civil war, before the extremists and terrorists flooded into the war zone. It isn't like we are not aware of this activity. Terrorists, radicals, extremists, whatever label you want to give to them have been flooding into the war zones that involve Muslim peoples for over 40 years.
Once again the West has made a total mess by stomping into the affairs of a sovereign state. It can be understood how Britain and France do not respect the sovereignty of another state considering they have given up theirs to the EU and the arrogance of the current US government is also well documented. The real crime is that once again it is not American or British or French citizens that are paying the price. The afore mentioned leaders need to ask themselves one question before they stick their noses into the affairs of others "What if the table were turned?" The answer to that question should be their guide for their actions.
As a footnote, let it be known that I absolutely NEVER accept that a government has the right to violate the human rights of their own citizens. And when that violation occurs as the normal approved practice of a government I do expect the governments of other countries to step in swiftly and effectively and remove the government with the least amount of collateral damage and protect the population until the new government is in place and then leave.
29 May 2013
28 May 2013
Keeping Balance in Syria
Today Russia announced that it would proceed with fulfilling orders with the Syrian government against the wishes of some western nations. I have to say BRAVO Russia!!!!
Britain and France pushed for the EU to lift the arms embargo against Syria so that "moderate rebels" could be supported in their revolution. This revolution officially started 2 years ago, but there is reason to believe that the idea of revolution in Syria was being nurtured as long as a decade ago. But as per the efficient what if scenario planning we have seen with the west in recent history, or even not so recent history, they had half a plan or a really bad plan and winged it in application.
If the primary, yes I am being sarcastic, reason for supporting revolution in Syria was the state of the citizens in Syria; then waiting 2 years after the revolt to openly and officially decide to support the rebels with arms is too late. The official statement of the western supporters of the rebels is they want to support the "moderate" rebels. I am curious as to how they expect to insure that the weapons are only used by "moderate" rebels. Just what does a "moderate" rebel look like? How does the "moderate" talk? Or walk? More importantly how do you tell the "moderate" rebels, once you have labeled them, that they cannot give the weapons to the "radical" or "extremist" rebels. That would be a great conversation to overhear..... Western Powers....we support you but you cannot share your weapons with all the kids on the play ground, only the other "moderate" rebels get to share with you. Rebels (with fingers crossed behind their backs)... sure we understand, only the "good" rebels will get these weapons, thank you so much.
The fact that the leaders of the Western Powers that want to further arm the rebels feel that stating they are only going to arm moderates and anyone believes that NO radicals, NO extremists will have access to the weapons is proof positive that they are totally deluded and so far removed from reality and the rest of the world that they are totally and completely unqualified to lead or to handle the current situations with any true hope of outcomes that will benefit anyone.
What we have to remember is that there is NO world leader in power that sincerely has any concern for the betterment of the world or even their own country. The world leaders have so removed themselves from the real world that even if they wanted to do something sincerely good they would not have the means or the capacity to do so. There is not one world leader that cares about the citizens of Syria, the only concern is if they can control or influence the new Syrian government once al-Assad has been forcibly removed from office.
The West has started more fires than it can control or put out. They have lost the reality that to ensure stability there needs to be a balance of power....when everyone is on the same side or are of the same ilk then stability has totally been undermined and while the leaders are so diluted with their own greed and egos it will be rest of us that will pay the price.
Britain and France pushed for the EU to lift the arms embargo against Syria so that "moderate rebels" could be supported in their revolution. This revolution officially started 2 years ago, but there is reason to believe that the idea of revolution in Syria was being nurtured as long as a decade ago. But as per the efficient what if scenario planning we have seen with the west in recent history, or even not so recent history, they had half a plan or a really bad plan and winged it in application.
If the primary, yes I am being sarcastic, reason for supporting revolution in Syria was the state of the citizens in Syria; then waiting 2 years after the revolt to openly and officially decide to support the rebels with arms is too late. The official statement of the western supporters of the rebels is they want to support the "moderate" rebels. I am curious as to how they expect to insure that the weapons are only used by "moderate" rebels. Just what does a "moderate" rebel look like? How does the "moderate" talk? Or walk? More importantly how do you tell the "moderate" rebels, once you have labeled them, that they cannot give the weapons to the "radical" or "extremist" rebels. That would be a great conversation to overhear..... Western Powers....we support you but you cannot share your weapons with all the kids on the play ground, only the other "moderate" rebels get to share with you. Rebels (with fingers crossed behind their backs)... sure we understand, only the "good" rebels will get these weapons, thank you so much.
The fact that the leaders of the Western Powers that want to further arm the rebels feel that stating they are only going to arm moderates and anyone believes that NO radicals, NO extremists will have access to the weapons is proof positive that they are totally deluded and so far removed from reality and the rest of the world that they are totally and completely unqualified to lead or to handle the current situations with any true hope of outcomes that will benefit anyone.
What we have to remember is that there is NO world leader in power that sincerely has any concern for the betterment of the world or even their own country. The world leaders have so removed themselves from the real world that even if they wanted to do something sincerely good they would not have the means or the capacity to do so. There is not one world leader that cares about the citizens of Syria, the only concern is if they can control or influence the new Syrian government once al-Assad has been forcibly removed from office.
The West has started more fires than it can control or put out. They have lost the reality that to ensure stability there needs to be a balance of power....when everyone is on the same side or are of the same ilk then stability has totally been undermined and while the leaders are so diluted with their own greed and egos it will be rest of us that will pay the price.
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