So today I am going to point out some random things that display how far we have distanced ourselves from common sense. It just amazes me some days how little most people just go along with the crowd without a single thought. Why do people buy into the idea that EVERYONE has the same DREAM. We don't! We are individuals, we all have different talents and gifts, different strengths and weaknesses. There is a very good reason for that, it is suppose to take ALL of us using our individual talents and gifts to make the world a better place and to make our quality of life better. It should disappoint us greatly that we no longer encourage individualism but instead blindly enforce conformity.
We think it is best for our children to wear uniforms to school, instead of expressing their individuality. And that is the foundation of uniforms. That is why uniforms are used by military, law enforcement, and prisoners. They are a symbol of being just a part of a whole. In those 3 examples the need for uniforms are for the completion of the mission successfully. However, in the instant of schools, the use of school uniforms has limited the individual growth of our children. It inhibits their natural curiosity and creativity. In most states, the whole purpose of the "education" system is not to educate but to teach conformity and blind obedience.
And with the prison system, while the use of uniforms is appropriate, the system itself is so broken that it in NO way accomplishes the mission of rehabilitation. Matter of fact the prison system works just like the welfare system; it is designed to keep the fallen down and to ensure that the broken remain in pieces. The Cook County Jail is the largest jail in the country and it is also the largest mental health facility in the country as well. As a nation we spend hundreds of millions on luxuries for the 'public servants,' which in no way benefits the nation as a whole, yet we release individuals back into society, with no betterment from the start of their incarceration and no path to achieve betterment on their own. And spending money on that would benefit the whole nation, even the greedy corporations that could have a broader labor force and stronger consumer base for their products and services. Which begs the question, why keep them down....
The current state of the US, shows just how much damage can be done when your primary focus is money. When your motivation is greed. When your desire is for instant gratification. When you measure success by the number of things you have. When your dreams come from without instead of within. When you blindly support the inept leaders of your government. When the real leaders of the country are owned by big business. When you allow laws that infringe on basic common sense and human rights. When you surrender unconditionally to terrorism, yet allow a half planned war against terrorist.
If you think the observances are extreme, think, on your own, about these examples. It is illegal in most states to collect rain water on your own property. It is illegal in most counties to grow a garden in your yard. Walking into the Social Security Administration office with picture ID does not prove you are living. You are required by law to purchase products, think of insurance. Everyday you allow the government to infringe on your rights and the rights of your fellow man under the guise of safety and national security. So when you have NO real rights left you have no one to blame but yourself.....cause knowing what the Kardashians were doing and buying the latest shoes was more important than attending the local school board meeting; cause you throw a party every year for the Super Bowl but cannot find the time to vote on election day, both of which fall basically on the same day every year.
05 November 2013
30 October 2013
"More Money Less Insurance"
Ah, if the ACA, better known as ObamaCare, hasn't totally made you sick yet, give it another few weeks and it will. Looking at the promises made and repeated time and time again, and looking at the numbers, there was never any way that the Affordable Care Act could float as promised.
Let's take a walk down memory lane;
Obama promised that "If you like your health insurance, you can keep it." The fact is that from the time that the ACA was signed into law and companies started seeing the requirements and the number crunchers started crunching the numbers: companies have been cutting full-time employees to part-time status; companies have been limiting the hours that part-time employees are working; companies have informed employees that insurance benefits will be limited or dropped. It is estimated that 2 million Americans have lost the health care that they had. And there are more to follow, not to mention that for those 2 million most are finding that their premiums will increase by up to 50% over their lost benefits and that might not even mean similar coverage.
Obama's stance was that the ACA was a way for those that currently did not have or could not afford health care to be covered. It was to catch those that had fallen through the cracks of the old system. The problem is that a significant number of those millions of uninsured Americans will not only still fall through the cracks they will also be punished for it. And the insurance companies are still making billions in profits every year, as they are raking in on this force purchase of their products.
If Obama wanted to really help out the poor and uninsured then he should have taken a very courageous approach to healthcare. He should have fought to make all hospitals and clinics and other health industries non-profits. He should have consolidated the health industry and imposed rules and regulations that insure that patients are put before profits. He should have developed a method by which medical students and others receiving a degree or certification in the health industry are required instead of paying back student loans, those individuals should commit to equal service to their length of education in the poorest and most in need areas of the country. There is even a bonus in this that maybe some of these persons that pursue a health care career for the primary purpose of monetary gain, might actually learn the real and true purpose of healing others. It is about giving and not receiving.
Now there are those that say the naysayers are just trying to scare people for political motives. And the supporters of ObamaCare can show figures for how many people have been helped by the ACA. But here is the bottom line, big business has more pull in Washington than any individual group of private citizens; therefore, the insurance and healthcare industry would have never allowed any law to be passed that would in any way diminish their profit margin.
The real losers here are future American citizens. The way to have a healthier public is to limit the greed of, not only, big business, but also, of the falsely entitled self: to reteach people to be active; to use common sense; to practice moderation; to be responsible for their own choices; to think about the ramifications of ALL their actions.
Let's take a walk down memory lane;
Obama promised that "If you like your health insurance, you can keep it." The fact is that from the time that the ACA was signed into law and companies started seeing the requirements and the number crunchers started crunching the numbers: companies have been cutting full-time employees to part-time status; companies have been limiting the hours that part-time employees are working; companies have informed employees that insurance benefits will be limited or dropped. It is estimated that 2 million Americans have lost the health care that they had. And there are more to follow, not to mention that for those 2 million most are finding that their premiums will increase by up to 50% over their lost benefits and that might not even mean similar coverage.
Obama's stance was that the ACA was a way for those that currently did not have or could not afford health care to be covered. It was to catch those that had fallen through the cracks of the old system. The problem is that a significant number of those millions of uninsured Americans will not only still fall through the cracks they will also be punished for it. And the insurance companies are still making billions in profits every year, as they are raking in on this force purchase of their products.
If Obama wanted to really help out the poor and uninsured then he should have taken a very courageous approach to healthcare. He should have fought to make all hospitals and clinics and other health industries non-profits. He should have consolidated the health industry and imposed rules and regulations that insure that patients are put before profits. He should have developed a method by which medical students and others receiving a degree or certification in the health industry are required instead of paying back student loans, those individuals should commit to equal service to their length of education in the poorest and most in need areas of the country. There is even a bonus in this that maybe some of these persons that pursue a health care career for the primary purpose of monetary gain, might actually learn the real and true purpose of healing others. It is about giving and not receiving.
Now there are those that say the naysayers are just trying to scare people for political motives. And the supporters of ObamaCare can show figures for how many people have been helped by the ACA. But here is the bottom line, big business has more pull in Washington than any individual group of private citizens; therefore, the insurance and healthcare industry would have never allowed any law to be passed that would in any way diminish their profit margin.
The real losers here are future American citizens. The way to have a healthier public is to limit the greed of, not only, big business, but also, of the falsely entitled self: to reteach people to be active; to use common sense; to practice moderation; to be responsible for their own choices; to think about the ramifications of ALL their actions.
24 October 2013
Working Full Time ......For What......
One of the most disturbing problems in the "richest" country in the world is the fact that working full time does not mean you make enough to live. And this statement is not having 1 full-time paycheck trying to support a whole family; it is speaking about supporting just the employee. The fact that someone working 40 hours per week cannot put a roof over their head or food on their table is a huge shame for this country.
The current minimum wage for the U.S. is $7.25, there are 18 states and the District of Columbia that have minimum wages higher than the national minimum. This may sound like a good thing but the minimum wage does not equate to a living wage. “The idea of a living wage is that workers and their families should be able to afford a basic, but decent, life style that is considered acceptable by society at its current level of economic development,” This is a huge variable, however it is not an impossible accomplishment. In an MIT study it was determined that not a single state has a minimum wage that meets a living wage. There are 2 states that come close to providing a living wage, North and South Dakota, all other states are falling short.
Some may say that this issue is not major and shouldn't take up time when there are so many other 'more important' issues that need our attention. Really? The other 2 issues that might be more important would actually benefit from all workers earning a living wage, those issues being our educational system and our justice/prison system.
Congress has argued that the minimum wage was never intended to support a family, the issue is that in most cases the minimum wage as shown in the afore links does not only not provide for a family, it doesn't support an individual. This argument seems fraught with misconceptions and just something as simple as setting a minimum living wage would have ramifications that would benefit all aspects of society. Of course the effects of keeping a majority of people below a living wage benefits the is the same tactic used by war lords, dictators, and terror leaders and recruiters.
In 1968 the minimum wage was $1.60; however, that wage had the same buying power as earning $10.74 today. That might sound not that bad since some figures show that most American workers make that now or close. But the inflation numbers used are the government's and therefore, play down the rate of inflation and decreased buying power of the American worker. "According to Social Security Administration about 40% of American workers make less than $20,000; that means that 40% of American workers earn less than they would have in 1968."
Now there are arguments that increasing the minimum wage will not improve those living below the poverty level. Those against raising the minimum wage insist that only part time workers will benefit from a minimum wage increase, since they claim that most full-time workers make more than minimum wage. Their other argument is that less than 10% of those living at or below poverty are full-time minimum wage earners, that in fact almost 70% are not working at all. However, the point they miss is how broken our "welfare" system is that actually prevents people from moving from welfare effectively and efficiently to full-time work force participant. Again, this dependency on the government is of benefit to the government. It is never a good government that wants it people dependent.
The current minimum wage for the U.S. is $7.25, there are 18 states and the District of Columbia that have minimum wages higher than the national minimum. This may sound like a good thing but the minimum wage does not equate to a living wage. “The idea of a living wage is that workers and their families should be able to afford a basic, but decent, life style that is considered acceptable by society at its current level of economic development,” This is a huge variable, however it is not an impossible accomplishment. In an MIT study it was determined that not a single state has a minimum wage that meets a living wage. There are 2 states that come close to providing a living wage, North and South Dakota, all other states are falling short.
Some may say that this issue is not major and shouldn't take up time when there are so many other 'more important' issues that need our attention. Really? The other 2 issues that might be more important would actually benefit from all workers earning a living wage, those issues being our educational system and our justice/prison system.
Congress has argued that the minimum wage was never intended to support a family, the issue is that in most cases the minimum wage as shown in the afore links does not only not provide for a family, it doesn't support an individual. This argument seems fraught with misconceptions and just something as simple as setting a minimum living wage would have ramifications that would benefit all aspects of society. Of course the effects of keeping a majority of people below a living wage benefits the is the same tactic used by war lords, dictators, and terror leaders and recruiters.
In 1968 the minimum wage was $1.60; however, that wage had the same buying power as earning $10.74 today. That might sound not that bad since some figures show that most American workers make that now or close. But the inflation numbers used are the government's and therefore, play down the rate of inflation and decreased buying power of the American worker. "According to Social Security Administration about 40% of American workers make less than $20,000; that means that 40% of American workers earn less than they would have in 1968."
Now there are arguments that increasing the minimum wage will not improve those living below the poverty level. Those against raising the minimum wage insist that only part time workers will benefit from a minimum wage increase, since they claim that most full-time workers make more than minimum wage. Their other argument is that less than 10% of those living at or below poverty are full-time minimum wage earners, that in fact almost 70% are not working at all. However, the point they miss is how broken our "welfare" system is that actually prevents people from moving from welfare effectively and efficiently to full-time work force participant. Again, this dependency on the government is of benefit to the government. It is never a good government that wants it people dependent.
06 October 2013
The Government is ShutDown but Special Forces are Working Overtime.......
In the last couple days the headlines have been touting the successes of US Special Forces Operations in Africa. It is amazing that we have the money to fund more than the basic running of the military services while we are shut down. It is also amazing that there were Special Forces in Libya to take down a terror cell, which I hope was not in control in a government capacity else we have attacked the sovereignty of another country (oh wait we are the US we do not care about the independence of other nations if they are not following our demands): yet, we could not protect our own embassy staff while they were under attack for hours. Even under Clinton we showed more courage and selflessness.
But putting aside the distractions that the Administration is using to keep eyes off of Washington, Kerry's comments are priceless..... Al Qaeda “can run but they can’t hide,” U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said Sunday; so does that mean that we will now support Syrian Government Forces and Al-Basad in their battle against terrorism and Al Qaeda? How is it that the US Government can condemn terrorists one day, wage war on the them next and supply them on the third day????? And lets not forget that in the beginning we trained them.
The US has lost all sense of honor and integrity. There is absolutely no moral basis left in Washington. It is all about money and power and politics. But the real tragedy isn't what is going on in DC, that is purely business as usual; the true tragedy is the acceptance of the American public in the light of such apathetic and appalling behavior as comes out of our government branches. You hear many complain about the situation but few are willing to do anything about it. Even something as simple as writing a blog is too much effort for most. But you have a duty as citizens to participate in your own government. You have a responsibility to your children to participate in your own government. You should have enough self respect to participate in your own government.
But putting aside the distractions that the Administration is using to keep eyes off of Washington, Kerry's comments are priceless..... Al Qaeda “can run but they can’t hide,” U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said Sunday; so does that mean that we will now support Syrian Government Forces and Al-Basad in their battle against terrorism and Al Qaeda? How is it that the US Government can condemn terrorists one day, wage war on the them next and supply them on the third day????? And lets not forget that in the beginning we trained them.
The US has lost all sense of honor and integrity. There is absolutely no moral basis left in Washington. It is all about money and power and politics. But the real tragedy isn't what is going on in DC, that is purely business as usual; the true tragedy is the acceptance of the American public in the light of such apathetic and appalling behavior as comes out of our government branches. You hear many complain about the situation but few are willing to do anything about it. Even something as simple as writing a blog is too much effort for most. But you have a duty as citizens to participate in your own government. You have a responsibility to your children to participate in your own government. You should have enough self respect to participate in your own government.
03 October 2013
What the world needs.....
Today I'm not going to say much. What I have to say is short and sweet today..... What this world needs are more men like Immortal Technique.
You do not need to be a world famous rapper to make a difference, you just have to care enough to want to make a difference.
30 September 2013
Oh, It's That Time Of Year Again......
The government shut down scare is almost more regular than the arrival of Santa Claus. It is a sad state of affairs when society accepts as the status quo elected officials whom year after year fail to do their job, yet increase their own salaries and benefits. The 27th Amendment insures that even during a government shut down that will shut down absolutely vital areas of government, Congress will still receive their compensation. Should it be an accepted defense for criminals that it was the victims' fault for having nicer things or more money or driving nice car or some other absurd rational for committing thief, larceny or robbery. Politicians use much more ridiculous excuses everyday for not doing their jobs and thus robbing the American public of their hard earned tax dollars. If politicians put half as much effort into doing their jobs as they do into spinning the excuses for failing at their jobs we would have the most prosperous country in the world, with the best education system and fastest growing economy ensuring the best quality of life for ALL members of society.
The politicians should change how they determine the value of the bills that they pass. They have incredible salary and benefits packages with high quality pension and healthcare. When Obamacare was first proposed in its mostly current form, to prove a point, a republican senator proposed a bill that would require ALL members of congress to use the Obamacare for their own healthcare. It was totally voted DOWN! But the American public is accepting Obamacare as a wonderful improvement even though those that wrote the provisions will not use them themselves. And the public accepts this as if it is worthy of the public.
This shows just how much respect and dignity has been lost in society as a whole in the last 50 or so years. We do not treat others with dignity or respect and we accept that others do not treat us with dignity or respect. We do not want to work honestly for anything, we believe that we are entitled to the best of material things and think that those material things make us better. We do not know the difference between character and reputation, nor between honor and rhetoric. We place more value in what is said than in what is done. We do not accept responsibilities for our actions and we do not place responsibility on the individual for their actions instead we blame "things" like the weapons they used or the movies they watched or the games they played, why not the news they watch???? At least in the video games if you screw up your virtual character dies. Oh sure you will respawn or can just restart your level, but you will have to play the map all over again or at least from your last check-point. And that much is more answering for actions than elected officials face in this country.
The politicians should change how they determine the value of the bills that they pass. They have incredible salary and benefits packages with high quality pension and healthcare. When Obamacare was first proposed in its mostly current form, to prove a point, a republican senator proposed a bill that would require ALL members of congress to use the Obamacare for their own healthcare. It was totally voted DOWN! But the American public is accepting Obamacare as a wonderful improvement even though those that wrote the provisions will not use them themselves. And the public accepts this as if it is worthy of the public.
This shows just how much respect and dignity has been lost in society as a whole in the last 50 or so years. We do not treat others with dignity or respect and we accept that others do not treat us with dignity or respect. We do not want to work honestly for anything, we believe that we are entitled to the best of material things and think that those material things make us better. We do not know the difference between character and reputation, nor between honor and rhetoric. We place more value in what is said than in what is done. We do not accept responsibilities for our actions and we do not place responsibility on the individual for their actions instead we blame "things" like the weapons they used or the movies they watched or the games they played, why not the news they watch???? At least in the video games if you screw up your virtual character dies. Oh sure you will respawn or can just restart your level, but you will have to play the map all over again or at least from your last check-point. And that much is more answering for actions than elected officials face in this country.
21 September 2013
Who the US Government Really Supports In the Middle East......
So as can be my normal state of thinking.....I was catching up on
the news the other day and saw the Human
Rights Report on Bahrain and the thought came to my mind...doesn't a vast
majority of the most extreme and radical and violent of Islamic
Terror Groups seem to have a commonality that should make us take
notice. What is that commonality? They are sub-sects of Sunni Islam.
The groups that I am including in the afore mentioned group include
by are not limited to the Taliban, Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Qaeda,
Barelvi, ISIM, Al-Nursa Front,
Deobandis, Harkat-ul-Mujahideen and the list goes on and on. On its own this may not be an
ah-ha moment, but when you look at the countries, whose populations
are mostly Muslim, that are our allies in the Middle East and Central
Asia you see that they also ruled by royal families or 'elected'
leaders that in majority are conscripts of, yes, Sunni Islam. Now you
can have your ah-ha moment; however, if you still are missing the
point let's continue.
When the Taliban took control of Afghanistan after the Soviet withdrawal, they received diplomatic recognition from only three states; Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. All of which are our allies. Yes, that diplomatic recognition was revoked, but it still existed and the ruling families of Saudi Arabia and the UAE are still in power. Further more, this year the Taliban opened “offices” in Qutar, another of our allies, and this office is recognized internationally as it was to be the location for talks between the Taliban and the current government of Afghanistan.
The Saudi Royal Family are followers of a Sunni Islamic sect and have supported with money, arms and other resources the insurrection in Syria. On the other hand, the Syrian government, specifically, Al-Bashar and his family are not followers of any Sunni sect, but are in fact Alevites which ascribe more to the Shia Islamic traditions. The Saudi regime does not allow internal criticism of its policies or practices. As is the case with most Islamic States.
The Al Khalifa ruling family of Bahrain and its supporting tribes adhere to the Maliki school of Islamic jurisprudence, spread by the Uyunid dynasty and is of Sunni foundations. Returning to the origin of this article, Bahrain has been sited in the HR report as detaining and torturing children for participating in the protests in that country. The country has seen protests for months now, yet they are very heavily oppressed by the authorities and most foreign press that attempts to cover the story either receives no support from their main stream media employers or they are strictly limited in their movement within the country itself by the authorities, for of all things safety concerns.
Turkey's ruling party is Sunni and their government has been criticized repeatedly for their handling of journalists that report negatively about government actions and affairs. In addition, the Turkish government was also very heavy handed in their handling of protesters this spring and summer. Protests that were rarely even mentioned, must less covered in our media outlets. Turkey has also quietly, to the outside world been invoking stricter laws moving the country from a secular state of example, to a more typical Islamic State of the area. Ironic, considering that most ethnic Turks, do not consider themselves Arab and therefore not in close alignment of those whom do.
There is a complete lack of understanding within American society to understand several very relevant factors; first, not all Muslims are the same, second, Islamic factions tend to be much more separate from each other than we are used to with christian denominations, third, religious ideology impacts more directly on political and social aspects of life. Why is it necessary to understand these differences? Cause the US government and her allies are using societal ignorance as a basis for imposing the wishes and desires of the same allies in the region. The result is that legitimate governments are being replaced by governments that are more in line with the goals and stances of the US and her Middle East allies. As a footnote, Iran and Hamas follow Shia' Islam.
In addition to the fact that we are stepping in the internal affairs of other nations to effect regime change to suit our allies, we are also supporting governments that oppress their own people. And by doing so we are also supporting our own professed enemies to accommodate our hard line allies.
And we have the nerve to call those who speak against our actions, evil and oppressive. Sen. McCain not only supports stepping in in Syria, he met with Syrian rebels, was pictured with known terrorists and murders, yet calls Mr. Putin a hypocrite. Then canidate Obama criticised President Bush for being a war monger and running a hawkish, secretive government. However, as President, Obama has continued the war in Afghanistan, intervened in Libya, oppressed and prosecuted whistle-blowers, continued the Patriot Act and FISA even expanding their reach and drone attacks have substantially increased in Pakistan, Yemen and other countries where our "enemies" are located without regard for the loss of civilians on the ground. President Obama's administration now with a heavy handedness has judged and convicted the Syrian government even before there was any independent support of attacks even happening and completely disregarding previous reports that would contradict their agenda of stepping in in Syria.
When the Taliban took control of Afghanistan after the Soviet withdrawal, they received diplomatic recognition from only three states; Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. All of which are our allies. Yes, that diplomatic recognition was revoked, but it still existed and the ruling families of Saudi Arabia and the UAE are still in power. Further more, this year the Taliban opened “offices” in Qutar, another of our allies, and this office is recognized internationally as it was to be the location for talks between the Taliban and the current government of Afghanistan.
The Saudi Royal Family are followers of a Sunni Islamic sect and have supported with money, arms and other resources the insurrection in Syria. On the other hand, the Syrian government, specifically, Al-Bashar and his family are not followers of any Sunni sect, but are in fact Alevites which ascribe more to the Shia Islamic traditions. The Saudi regime does not allow internal criticism of its policies or practices. As is the case with most Islamic States.
The Al Khalifa ruling family of Bahrain and its supporting tribes adhere to the Maliki school of Islamic jurisprudence, spread by the Uyunid dynasty and is of Sunni foundations. Returning to the origin of this article, Bahrain has been sited in the HR report as detaining and torturing children for participating in the protests in that country. The country has seen protests for months now, yet they are very heavily oppressed by the authorities and most foreign press that attempts to cover the story either receives no support from their main stream media employers or they are strictly limited in their movement within the country itself by the authorities, for of all things safety concerns.
Turkey's ruling party is Sunni and their government has been criticized repeatedly for their handling of journalists that report negatively about government actions and affairs. In addition, the Turkish government was also very heavy handed in their handling of protesters this spring and summer. Protests that were rarely even mentioned, must less covered in our media outlets. Turkey has also quietly, to the outside world been invoking stricter laws moving the country from a secular state of example, to a more typical Islamic State of the area. Ironic, considering that most ethnic Turks, do not consider themselves Arab and therefore not in close alignment of those whom do.
There is a complete lack of understanding within American society to understand several very relevant factors; first, not all Muslims are the same, second, Islamic factions tend to be much more separate from each other than we are used to with christian denominations, third, religious ideology impacts more directly on political and social aspects of life. Why is it necessary to understand these differences? Cause the US government and her allies are using societal ignorance as a basis for imposing the wishes and desires of the same allies in the region. The result is that legitimate governments are being replaced by governments that are more in line with the goals and stances of the US and her Middle East allies. As a footnote, Iran and Hamas follow Shia' Islam.
In addition to the fact that we are stepping in the internal affairs of other nations to effect regime change to suit our allies, we are also supporting governments that oppress their own people. And by doing so we are also supporting our own professed enemies to accommodate our hard line allies.
And we have the nerve to call those who speak against our actions, evil and oppressive. Sen. McCain not only supports stepping in in Syria, he met with Syrian rebels, was pictured with known terrorists and murders, yet calls Mr. Putin a hypocrite. Then canidate Obama criticised President Bush for being a war monger and running a hawkish, secretive government. However, as President, Obama has continued the war in Afghanistan, intervened in Libya, oppressed and prosecuted whistle-blowers, continued the Patriot Act and FISA even expanding their reach and drone attacks have substantially increased in Pakistan, Yemen and other countries where our "enemies" are located without regard for the loss of civilians on the ground. President Obama's administration now with a heavy handedness has judged and convicted the Syrian government even before there was any independent support of attacks even happening and completely disregarding previous reports that would contradict their agenda of stepping in in Syria.
17 September 2013
Navy Yard Shooting Exposes Real Government Failing
What happened yesterday at the Naval Yard, should not be reason for more control. It should be an argument for the fact that had military personnel, which are properly trained in the handling of firearms would have been armed they would have been in a position to prevent the event or severely limit the amount of damage that was done. Why were these military personnel not armed on a military installation? The answer is that then President Clinton issued an Executive Order that prohibited the carrying of firearms by trained military personnel on military installations. With this decision there is NO common sense allowed to react to events. Think about this; logically if you are one person with even a couple of firearms and even of questionable mental capacity, you would think twice about walking into any area where most or all others are not only armed but are also well trained and experienced with defending themselves and others.
However, there is absolutely NO logical or rational justification for Clinton's Executive Order, it was all "Political Correctness" to make military installations less intimidating and to have them appear more like regular government facilities instead of the home of our defense and security for our nation as a whole.This "Political Correctness" movement has completely and totally destroyed the forward progress of not only the Civil Rights Movement but other progressive seeking societal forward steps as well. The government uses political correctness as a way to point out our differences and create false fears based on the differences and to convince us that we see only the differences and not our similarities. It is a simple divide and conquer tactic to keep the whole public distracted so that there is no real effort to keep the government in check. The only way to keep any government honest and in the service of the society is for the society to insist through constant vigilance of and participation with the actions of the government and those elected officials that are to serve us.
The responsibility of citizens of the society are not limited to showing up to the election booth on election days. It the responsibility of citizens to be engaged and informed and knowledgeable of all actions of the government that affect them. You cannot keep your proverbial head in the sand and then wonder how the country fell apart. Complacency is the greatest aid to corruption and misuse of power and the usurping of the leaders for perverse ends. That puts the prevention and the solution solely and completely in the hands of the society.
Expecting the corrupt leaders to end corruption and reform the system or to work for unity over division is akin to expecting the criminals to guard the prisons or the drug addicts to man the pharmacy. Rarely do those individuals that have benefited greatly from their immoral or illegal acts suddenly become honorable and clean up their own disasters.
However, there is absolutely NO logical or rational justification for Clinton's Executive Order, it was all "Political Correctness" to make military installations less intimidating and to have them appear more like regular government facilities instead of the home of our defense and security for our nation as a whole.This "Political Correctness" movement has completely and totally destroyed the forward progress of not only the Civil Rights Movement but other progressive seeking societal forward steps as well. The government uses political correctness as a way to point out our differences and create false fears based on the differences and to convince us that we see only the differences and not our similarities. It is a simple divide and conquer tactic to keep the whole public distracted so that there is no real effort to keep the government in check. The only way to keep any government honest and in the service of the society is for the society to insist through constant vigilance of and participation with the actions of the government and those elected officials that are to serve us.
The responsibility of citizens of the society are not limited to showing up to the election booth on election days. It the responsibility of citizens to be engaged and informed and knowledgeable of all actions of the government that affect them. You cannot keep your proverbial head in the sand and then wonder how the country fell apart. Complacency is the greatest aid to corruption and misuse of power and the usurping of the leaders for perverse ends. That puts the prevention and the solution solely and completely in the hands of the society.
Expecting the corrupt leaders to end corruption and reform the system or to work for unity over division is akin to expecting the criminals to guard the prisons or the drug addicts to man the pharmacy. Rarely do those individuals that have benefited greatly from their immoral or illegal acts suddenly become honorable and clean up their own disasters.
10 September 2013
Don't Do It Syria.......
I do not think that Syria should give up one weapon of any kind. Giving up a weapon is akin to giving up sovereignty. No country should give up one percent of its sovereignty that limits their independence and weakens their stance on the global playing field. The idea that the "world" is still supporting the 'rebels' in Syria against the government is totally and completely absurd and shows that the world population is not only ignorant to the repercussions of such actions but is guilty of destroying a sovereign nation by complacency.
If you look at the time line of events you see a completely contradictory version that what the US and allies is stating publicly and is being supported by all major media outlets in the west. There were supposed to be talks long ago to reach a diplomatic solution to the situation; the Syrian government agreed to these talks, it was the "rebels" that rejected attending these talks. It was Syrian "rebels" were found with chemical weapons in their possession in Turkey in May. It is the "rebels" that are killing Christians. It is the "rebels" that are supported by and members of groups that the western powers have labeled as "terrorists" and while we are screaming the need to support these "rebels" in Syria, they are the same combatants that the soldiers are fighting in other places.
How is this even possible? Cause the public is too consumed about their own petty little issues to pay any attention to real issues that are destroying our world and numerous societies around the world. The media is pitching the propaganda of the politicians and not doing their job of informing the public of truth and facts. Masses are too busy consuming products instead of valuing life and lives. Public education teaches conformity and repetition, not thinking and inquiring.
We claim that we are evolved and civilized and tolerant and peaceful more so than anytime in history. But we identify people by how they are different than us, we focus on the division betwixt groups, we encourage labeling and naming. This is not evolution or civilized behavior. The fundamental flaw with our tolerant attitude is that the definition of tolerance informs that there is an existing hatred or dislike. These are ALL illusions. There is no truth in this evolution. There is no civilization in hate. There will be no peace until their is a complete and total revolution.
If you look at the time line of events you see a completely contradictory version that what the US and allies is stating publicly and is being supported by all major media outlets in the west. There were supposed to be talks long ago to reach a diplomatic solution to the situation; the Syrian government agreed to these talks, it was the "rebels" that rejected attending these talks. It was Syrian "rebels" were found with chemical weapons in their possession in Turkey in May. It is the "rebels" that are killing Christians. It is the "rebels" that are supported by and members of groups that the western powers have labeled as "terrorists" and while we are screaming the need to support these "rebels" in Syria, they are the same combatants that the soldiers are fighting in other places.
How is this even possible? Cause the public is too consumed about their own petty little issues to pay any attention to real issues that are destroying our world and numerous societies around the world. The media is pitching the propaganda of the politicians and not doing their job of informing the public of truth and facts. Masses are too busy consuming products instead of valuing life and lives. Public education teaches conformity and repetition, not thinking and inquiring.
We claim that we are evolved and civilized and tolerant and peaceful more so than anytime in history. But we identify people by how they are different than us, we focus on the division betwixt groups, we encourage labeling and naming. This is not evolution or civilized behavior. The fundamental flaw with our tolerant attitude is that the definition of tolerance informs that there is an existing hatred or dislike. These are ALL illusions. There is no truth in this evolution. There is no civilization in hate. There will be no peace until their is a complete and total revolution.
30 August 2013
Euro Illusion.....
The EU is stating that Greece will need another bailout; this would be the third one for the country since its fall into the Euro Economic Chasm. If the amount of debt that Greece has occurred were limited to its current total of 350 Billion Euros it would take Greece about 175 years to climb out of debt. Of course, this would only be possible if not only does Greece not incur one more Euro of debt but also actually creates from today a sustainable national income that includes a surplus of an average of 3 Billion Euros per annum. These figures are simple and basic, they do not include interest or penalties or fees or other charges; but the simple numbers are enough to show the real horror that is the Euro Zone.
This is just another example of the EU not being the best thing in Europe. It is another argument against the Euro Zone and the EU in general. The EU was a very clever shift from military to political and economic dominance of smaller and weaker countries within the continent. This can be seen from Hungry to Cyprus, and Greece to Portugal. What the 'big boys' did not think about was how much it would cost them to have such dominance.
They are dragging their own economies down with them. Of course in reality most of the economies of the world are not real economies. These economies are illusions based on credit, which is based on debt. This means that all the "wealth" does not actually exist. The reserves are printing money that is backed by the debt of the public and the governments in banks that are listing profits that are based on the future payments of the same debts.
To put this in simple terms for the visualisation of this set up look at the following example. In previous centuries, prior to the 20th, governments were expected to have gold bullion to back up their economies and banks were limited in the amount of their deposits that they could lend out. This restriction was to protect the customers, insuring that the banks would always have sufficient funds on hand to be able to meet the majority demands of the depositors. With the removal of the gold bullion backing of government, the money of almost all countries is literally not worth the cost and supplies of printing it, or simply put...not worth the paper it is printed on. As for the banks, they are now allowed to use a majority of their deposits for loans. In this set up if even a small percentage, as little as 10% in some cases, of depositors were to seek to remove their deposits it would destabilize the enterprise and have a ripple effect on the local economy, thus creating waves in the larger economy.
There are now calls for the removal of the Euro and for countries to go back to their original currencies. The reasoning for this is that there are not true standards that encompass all of the members of the Euro Zone, Cyprus isn't as stable as France and Germany is more solvent than Spain and most of the little countries are drowning. The ironic thing is that little and not so little countries are still standing in line to jump off the cliff into EU purgatory.
This is just another example of the EU not being the best thing in Europe. It is another argument against the Euro Zone and the EU in general. The EU was a very clever shift from military to political and economic dominance of smaller and weaker countries within the continent. This can be seen from Hungry to Cyprus, and Greece to Portugal. What the 'big boys' did not think about was how much it would cost them to have such dominance.
They are dragging their own economies down with them. Of course in reality most of the economies of the world are not real economies. These economies are illusions based on credit, which is based on debt. This means that all the "wealth" does not actually exist. The reserves are printing money that is backed by the debt of the public and the governments in banks that are listing profits that are based on the future payments of the same debts.
To put this in simple terms for the visualisation of this set up look at the following example. In previous centuries, prior to the 20th, governments were expected to have gold bullion to back up their economies and banks were limited in the amount of their deposits that they could lend out. This restriction was to protect the customers, insuring that the banks would always have sufficient funds on hand to be able to meet the majority demands of the depositors. With the removal of the gold bullion backing of government, the money of almost all countries is literally not worth the cost and supplies of printing it, or simply put...not worth the paper it is printed on. As for the banks, they are now allowed to use a majority of their deposits for loans. In this set up if even a small percentage, as little as 10% in some cases, of depositors were to seek to remove their deposits it would destabilize the enterprise and have a ripple effect on the local economy, thus creating waves in the larger economy.
There are now calls for the removal of the Euro and for countries to go back to their original currencies. The reasoning for this is that there are not true standards that encompass all of the members of the Euro Zone, Cyprus isn't as stable as France and Germany is more solvent than Spain and most of the little countries are drowning. The ironic thing is that little and not so little countries are still standing in line to jump off the cliff into EU purgatory.
27 August 2013
We Made The Red Line So It Could Be Crossed.........
Early in the midst of the Syrian conflict, when asked about the US getting involved, the government officially stated that the "use of chemical weapons" would be a game changer. If you think about that comment, that is a really interesting "Red Line". There was no mention of the things that usually occur in these situations, like the death of innocent civilians, the violation of human rights, or the standing down by the military leaders instead of carrying out immoral acts; chemical weapon use was not a red line in Libya or Egypt or anywhere else in recent history. Yet, for Syria it is the "game changer". This should have raised a Red Flag about intentions already in place behind closed doors of Western governments.
For those of you with short term memory, but long term memory loss, let me remind you of one of the possible scenarios for the WMDs that were not found in Iraq after the invasion; there were reports that since Iraq and Syria were allies, both ruled by members of each country's Bath party, that Hussein's people moved supplies of WMDs across the border into Syria, it was also suggested that the final destination of these weapons was Russia. I think we can consider these reports to be the prologue for now. No, I am not specifically saying that today's troubles were planned 10 years ago, however, I think it was one of those moves to be banked and saved for a future rainy day.
Hence, the current paradigm where suddenly we have a "Red Line" "Game Changer" in the form of chemical weapons attack. Interesting little fact that was not well reported in May, at least not in western media, was the confiscation of sarin gas in Turkey, in the possession of Syrian rebels, whom were members of Al-Nursa Front. Yet, western main stream media not only ignored this event, they have implied again and again that the rebels would have NO WAY of acquiring chemical weapons; therefore, the only party that could use such devices would be the Syrian government. It has been ignored and forgotten that when the first "chemical weapons attacks" occurred earlier this year, it was the Syrian government that invited the UN Investigators in to document the source and perpetrators of the crime. And lets not forget that one of the foremost UN Investigators stated that the evidence suggested it was indeed the rebels whom probably used the chemical weapons and not the Syrian government. Fast forward to the latest attack last week, the powers at be that want an escalation have gotten their wish. Therefore, even in light of previous information Sec. John Kerry in his public statement yesterday basically acted as judge and jury against the Syrian government; as well as, daring anyone that would question the US government's charges to be without logic, intelligence or common sense, not to mention a complete lack of heart and or moral compass. As Sec. Kerry continued, the obvious reasoning was that ONLY the Syrian government would be so cruel as to kill women and children; yes, there has never been a report of extremist militants or suicide bombers ever killing innocent civilians or women or children. Nor has there ever been one side in history that has ever committed a little evil for the greater good of their cause. In this case, rebels actually could have committed the chemical attack in an area that was both close to Syrian government control, as well as, close enough to the operations of Doctors Without Borders, as to have 'innocent 3rd party' confirmation of the attack on civilians by the government.
Currently, the US, UK and France are chest-thumping and posturing for military intervention in Syria after a "blatant chemical attacked carried out by the Al-Assad regime"; without any real proof and widely varied reports as to just how many "innocent civilians" were killed or injured. Some outside reports state that "dozens" were killed while various "rebel" groups put the numbers in the hundreds to even over 1000. And the fact that UN Inspectors were delayed getting into the area, by the government, even though the area was controlled by the rebels, supposedly further implies the absolute guilt of the government. On the other side of that coin, all of the western powers that are making all the accusations are in very close contact with the rebels, yet there was no effort or act on the side of the rebels to step forward and offer protection for the UN Inspectors or agreement to clear the area making it safe for their investigation. This speaks of the same type of violent and destructive "cover-up" of evidence that would prevent the showing of a truth that cannot see the light of day in the near future, as we have seen before. This same awful cover-up took place in Iraq with the mass looting that was not prevented after the initial fall of the regime there. People think it was a callus approach by the US Army or just disorganization, but neither is true; it was the methodical destruction of paper and other evidence that would have shown that several European governments ignored the UN mandates and still conducted, not just business with the Iraq government, but military and highly specialized scientific and technological endeavors.
In addition to the afore mentioned propaganda for military intervention, Sen. McCain and Graham released a joint statement supporting military intervention. McCain was also noted as stating that this was Obama's fault by not doing anything after the first "chemical attacks". The actions by McCain, as well as his remarks, show that his position and moral compass has changed greatly in the past decades. It is greatly disturbing that our leadership with such experience as McCain would be so naive about whom he is wanting the US to get in bed with as well as, whom he thinks are viable bodies for the US to back and support in the conflict. Sen. Graham's hard line stance against Syria is no surprise at all. Graham's position has always been to attack any opposition to the US. His actions and remarks have always been harsh and without any regard for any descent of American policy. Distracting the American public with an escalation of the Syrian conflict will take the heat off the politicians and the President for not accomplishing their Constitutional duties, like reaching an agreement on a budget, resolving economic and internal issues and improving the quality of life for the majority of the American public.
It is a shame that the Syrian country and people have to be the sacrifice for Western politicians that are not taking care of issues at home.
For those of you with short term memory, but long term memory loss, let me remind you of one of the possible scenarios for the WMDs that were not found in Iraq after the invasion; there were reports that since Iraq and Syria were allies, both ruled by members of each country's Bath party, that Hussein's people moved supplies of WMDs across the border into Syria, it was also suggested that the final destination of these weapons was Russia. I think we can consider these reports to be the prologue for now. No, I am not specifically saying that today's troubles were planned 10 years ago, however, I think it was one of those moves to be banked and saved for a future rainy day.
Hence, the current paradigm where suddenly we have a "Red Line" "Game Changer" in the form of chemical weapons attack. Interesting little fact that was not well reported in May, at least not in western media, was the confiscation of sarin gas in Turkey, in the possession of Syrian rebels, whom were members of Al-Nursa Front. Yet, western main stream media not only ignored this event, they have implied again and again that the rebels would have NO WAY of acquiring chemical weapons; therefore, the only party that could use such devices would be the Syrian government. It has been ignored and forgotten that when the first "chemical weapons attacks" occurred earlier this year, it was the Syrian government that invited the UN Investigators in to document the source and perpetrators of the crime. And lets not forget that one of the foremost UN Investigators stated that the evidence suggested it was indeed the rebels whom probably used the chemical weapons and not the Syrian government. Fast forward to the latest attack last week, the powers at be that want an escalation have gotten their wish. Therefore, even in light of previous information Sec. John Kerry in his public statement yesterday basically acted as judge and jury against the Syrian government; as well as, daring anyone that would question the US government's charges to be without logic, intelligence or common sense, not to mention a complete lack of heart and or moral compass. As Sec. Kerry continued, the obvious reasoning was that ONLY the Syrian government would be so cruel as to kill women and children; yes, there has never been a report of extremist militants or suicide bombers ever killing innocent civilians or women or children. Nor has there ever been one side in history that has ever committed a little evil for the greater good of their cause. In this case, rebels actually could have committed the chemical attack in an area that was both close to Syrian government control, as well as, close enough to the operations of Doctors Without Borders, as to have 'innocent 3rd party' confirmation of the attack on civilians by the government.
Currently, the US, UK and France are chest-thumping and posturing for military intervention in Syria after a "blatant chemical attacked carried out by the Al-Assad regime"; without any real proof and widely varied reports as to just how many "innocent civilians" were killed or injured. Some outside reports state that "dozens" were killed while various "rebel" groups put the numbers in the hundreds to even over 1000. And the fact that UN Inspectors were delayed getting into the area, by the government, even though the area was controlled by the rebels, supposedly further implies the absolute guilt of the government. On the other side of that coin, all of the western powers that are making all the accusations are in very close contact with the rebels, yet there was no effort or act on the side of the rebels to step forward and offer protection for the UN Inspectors or agreement to clear the area making it safe for their investigation. This speaks of the same type of violent and destructive "cover-up" of evidence that would prevent the showing of a truth that cannot see the light of day in the near future, as we have seen before. This same awful cover-up took place in Iraq with the mass looting that was not prevented after the initial fall of the regime there. People think it was a callus approach by the US Army or just disorganization, but neither is true; it was the methodical destruction of paper and other evidence that would have shown that several European governments ignored the UN mandates and still conducted, not just business with the Iraq government, but military and highly specialized scientific and technological endeavors.
In addition to the afore mentioned propaganda for military intervention, Sen. McCain and Graham released a joint statement supporting military intervention. McCain was also noted as stating that this was Obama's fault by not doing anything after the first "chemical attacks". The actions by McCain, as well as his remarks, show that his position and moral compass has changed greatly in the past decades. It is greatly disturbing that our leadership with such experience as McCain would be so naive about whom he is wanting the US to get in bed with as well as, whom he thinks are viable bodies for the US to back and support in the conflict. Sen. Graham's hard line stance against Syria is no surprise at all. Graham's position has always been to attack any opposition to the US. His actions and remarks have always been harsh and without any regard for any descent of American policy. Distracting the American public with an escalation of the Syrian conflict will take the heat off the politicians and the President for not accomplishing their Constitutional duties, like reaching an agreement on a budget, resolving economic and internal issues and improving the quality of life for the majority of the American public.
It is a shame that the Syrian country and people have to be the sacrifice for Western politicians that are not taking care of issues at home.
26 August 2013
2 years after in Libya.......
So, two years ago, NATO stepped in to help the rebels over throw the dictatorship of Muammar Gaddafi. Yet, with the removal of Gaddafi's regime an immense power vacuum in the country has opened up that no one seems to be able to fill. The result is that militias and war lords now run areas of the country, a lot of whom are extremists and affiliated very closely with, of all groups, Al Queda. Of course, it is pretty common knowledge that all the Islamic extremist groups are affiliated and work together when the need arises even if they do not share identical ideologies. Not only does the US government have basically NO presence in Libya to help stabilize the situation and ensure a transition to a fair and legal government; there is some question as to if they did not intentionally, at least, endanger embassy and security personnel or at most, sacrifice them for some convoluted reasons. At
the same time we are still waging a war on terror.
Just what is the US government and its allies doing to combat terror globally? They have waged a driven and extremely motivated war on journalists, whistle-blowers and the law abiding citizens of countries all over the world. They have done very little to truly limit the growth of extremism, Islamic or otherwise. The public statements from agencies of the US government would have you believe that their methods have prevented and or interrupted some 20 plus terrorist operations that would have inflicted injury on US targets. However, there is some dispute about the honesty and accuracy of these numbers; some media sources have stated that at least 17 of these successful interventions were actually created by the US government. That agents of our law enforcement and security agencies have in fact sought out "susceptible or easily manipulated" individuals, befriended them, coached them and encouraged them to carry out acts of terror against the US; then arrested them for terrorism or various other crimes. These actions by our law enforcement and others while may not be illegal is certainly immoral. And the implications of their actions should concern ALL citizens of any country of the "free world".
And now we are speaking of military intervention in Syria. How? By supporting the very groups that have been labeled as terrorists. The fact that the governments of the US, UK and France while they are violating the rights, privacy and trust of their own citizens now are openly stating that they will support, arm, aid, and even ally with terrorist enemies. Yet, not one leader of those governments will come under investigation or be charged with treason, even though they are openly and publicly committing treason on each news broadcast.
When will it be enough for the public to have had enough? When will it matter enough for the public to get mad? When will it be enough for the public to realize that the government no longer does it job? When will it impact the public enough to fight back? Unfortunately, the answer seems to be, when it is too late.
Just what is the US government and its allies doing to combat terror globally? They have waged a driven and extremely motivated war on journalists, whistle-blowers and the law abiding citizens of countries all over the world. They have done very little to truly limit the growth of extremism, Islamic or otherwise. The public statements from agencies of the US government would have you believe that their methods have prevented and or interrupted some 20 plus terrorist operations that would have inflicted injury on US targets. However, there is some dispute about the honesty and accuracy of these numbers; some media sources have stated that at least 17 of these successful interventions were actually created by the US government. That agents of our law enforcement and security agencies have in fact sought out "susceptible or easily manipulated" individuals, befriended them, coached them and encouraged them to carry out acts of terror against the US; then arrested them for terrorism or various other crimes. These actions by our law enforcement and others while may not be illegal is certainly immoral. And the implications of their actions should concern ALL citizens of any country of the "free world".
And now we are speaking of military intervention in Syria. How? By supporting the very groups that have been labeled as terrorists. The fact that the governments of the US, UK and France while they are violating the rights, privacy and trust of their own citizens now are openly stating that they will support, arm, aid, and even ally with terrorist enemies. Yet, not one leader of those governments will come under investigation or be charged with treason, even though they are openly and publicly committing treason on each news broadcast.
When will it be enough for the public to have had enough? When will it matter enough for the public to get mad? When will it be enough for the public to realize that the government no longer does it job? When will it impact the public enough to fight back? Unfortunately, the answer seems to be, when it is too late.
24 August 2013
Violence for FUN..........
In the last week horrendous random violent crimes have made the news, one in which the suspects have stated that they shot a man "for fun" cause "they were bored." It is the second part of the quote that I find the most telling. It is not a good thing for humans to be idle or bored. We are a curious and adventurous creature. We need to be challenged and encouraged to grow and develop. The acts of violence for reasons of "fun," "boredom," "just to see how it feels" are symptoms of a much more fatal issue within our society.
In stead of spending real time with our children and nurturing them in healthy and proper ways we are so consumed by our image to people who could care less about us that we pawn them off to family members or day cares or preschools so that we can make more money to buy more things. To show how much we 'love' our children we buy bigger houses so that there is enough room that we do not have to spend time together in the same room, we buy bigger cars so our children have their own speakers and video screens to keep them quiet while we run them from one event/activity to another for someone else to teach them, coach them, lead them; we buy them "things" so they can have the coolest toys or the latest phone or the newest fashions. We push our kids to do what will reflect best on us, to go to the schools that we think are right, to have the 'dreams' that we think are worthy, to get the 'right' job, to have right images presented to the rest of the world that reflect well on them and us. We do not brag about our children being honest or compassionate or honorable; instead we brag about the things they have and their job titles, whether they are any good at their job or not, it is the title that matters.
We have totally forgotten the nature of the child. We have totally forgotten what is true and real. We have totally lost our way. The child is not here for us, we are here for the child. The child is not for our benefit, we are for the benefit of the child. The child is not our fodder for our own greed and desire, we are here to feed the child's needs and desires.
We have lost our focus as a society and that is our downfall, yet we seem too blind and too deaf to see our own peril. We are allowing our children to be sacrificed to the greed and oppression of immorality. We are limiting our own happiness and evolution. We are in fact willingly providing more 'livestock' for the benefit of the greed of the powerful.
We should instead be spending time with our children and encouraging them to explore and experience all things of interest to them. We should allow them to develop their own talents and desires. We should encourage them to dream and help them chase their dreams. We should teach them what real happiness is. Of course to be able to do that we have to learn ourselves what real happiness is. We have to realize that real happiness is not things it is time, it is not image it is heart, it is not money it is affection.
Our rise in violence is based on how hollow we have become as humans in our material world. If we really want to decrease our violence then we cannot blame things or place laws on things, we have to look inside ourselves. We have to ask, do I know my child, do I know the child next door, do I know the child down the street. What do I give to my community, what do I give to my family, what do I give to my friends, what do I give to strangers. The answer to these questions should be pieces of ourselves and not money or things.
In stead of spending real time with our children and nurturing them in healthy and proper ways we are so consumed by our image to people who could care less about us that we pawn them off to family members or day cares or preschools so that we can make more money to buy more things. To show how much we 'love' our children we buy bigger houses so that there is enough room that we do not have to spend time together in the same room, we buy bigger cars so our children have their own speakers and video screens to keep them quiet while we run them from one event/activity to another for someone else to teach them, coach them, lead them; we buy them "things" so they can have the coolest toys or the latest phone or the newest fashions. We push our kids to do what will reflect best on us, to go to the schools that we think are right, to have the 'dreams' that we think are worthy, to get the 'right' job, to have right images presented to the rest of the world that reflect well on them and us. We do not brag about our children being honest or compassionate or honorable; instead we brag about the things they have and their job titles, whether they are any good at their job or not, it is the title that matters.
We have totally forgotten the nature of the child. We have totally forgotten what is true and real. We have totally lost our way. The child is not here for us, we are here for the child. The child is not for our benefit, we are for the benefit of the child. The child is not our fodder for our own greed and desire, we are here to feed the child's needs and desires.
We have lost our focus as a society and that is our downfall, yet we seem too blind and too deaf to see our own peril. We are allowing our children to be sacrificed to the greed and oppression of immorality. We are limiting our own happiness and evolution. We are in fact willingly providing more 'livestock' for the benefit of the greed of the powerful.
We should instead be spending time with our children and encouraging them to explore and experience all things of interest to them. We should allow them to develop their own talents and desires. We should encourage them to dream and help them chase their dreams. We should teach them what real happiness is. Of course to be able to do that we have to learn ourselves what real happiness is. We have to realize that real happiness is not things it is time, it is not image it is heart, it is not money it is affection.
Our rise in violence is based on how hollow we have become as humans in our material world. If we really want to decrease our violence then we cannot blame things or place laws on things, we have to look inside ourselves. We have to ask, do I know my child, do I know the child next door, do I know the child down the street. What do I give to my community, what do I give to my family, what do I give to my friends, what do I give to strangers. The answer to these questions should be pieces of ourselves and not money or things.
23 August 2013
Is Real Journalism Gone......
No wonder it is so easy for the powers that be to keep the masses in the dark or so divided as to be of no threat. This weekend Michael Grundwald, 'respected' reporter for Time tweeted that he "can't wait" for the drone attack on Julian Assange. The fact that someone whom claims to be a protector of the interests of society and watcher of government and big business would be so callus about the life of another watchman, gives great pause about the motives as well as the integrity of our press. This latest tit for tat also makes you understand how little lasting the inquiry into the death of Michael Hastings a watchman of renown was, at least among some circles. This blatant disregard for the dissemination of various points of view, even if you disagree with them goes against the basis for a free press and honest journalism. When our faith in the integrity of journalists becomes suspect those with evil intention have the belief of safe quarter.
It is bad enough that we have the Obama administration either intimidating, dictating or straight up violating the rights of journalists and media outlets by ease dropping or other collecting of the communications of journalists working on pieces; now the British government is forcing British media outlets to destroy information under threat of being shut down. Is there anything more oppressive than the recent actions of the governments of the "free world." The irony is that Turkey is not allowed to join the EU......WHY.....for its stifling of their press!!!! One word comes to mind Hypocrisy. This is typical behavior by the big boys.
One set of rules for them and one for everyone else. This is why the 2nd and 3rd world countries so easily hate the industrialized nations. In this instant, how can the EU and US criticize any other country for its treatment of whistle-blowers or journalists. Most countries that limit free speech and free press have great arguments for justifying their censorship. The arguments range from National Security to security of society or keeping the peace. Oh wait, those are the arguments used in Europe and US. The lines between "free" countries and tyrannical regimes are becoming blurred in to oblivion. In the near future there will be no difference other than the names of the countries. And that will be the greatest travesty.
The saddest part of this movement of oppression is how similar it is to the rise of Hitler in Nazi Germany, except that this time around the evil is not limited to just one country but will encompass the whole globe. And the masses will have NO ONE to blame but themselves. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. The masses seem totally complacent in the events that will further enslave them to illusions of freedom and evolution. There is nothing free or evolved about the actions of our current governments. Nothing could be further from the truth. The truth is that the powers at be do not want want citizens that think and question and act. The only want citizens that comply. That is not what human nature is based on.
The solution rests solely in the hands of the masses, you cannot sit on the sidelines and expect the corrupt and greedy to change themselves. Matter of fact real change, true change can only come from the inside, which means that we have to change ourselves. We have to open our eyes. We have to open our ears. We have to listen. We have to watch. We have to think. Then most importantly we have to ACT.
It is bad enough that we have the Obama administration either intimidating, dictating or straight up violating the rights of journalists and media outlets by ease dropping or other collecting of the communications of journalists working on pieces; now the British government is forcing British media outlets to destroy information under threat of being shut down. Is there anything more oppressive than the recent actions of the governments of the "free world." The irony is that Turkey is not allowed to join the EU......WHY.....for its stifling of their press!!!! One word comes to mind Hypocrisy. This is typical behavior by the big boys.
One set of rules for them and one for everyone else. This is why the 2nd and 3rd world countries so easily hate the industrialized nations. In this instant, how can the EU and US criticize any other country for its treatment of whistle-blowers or journalists. Most countries that limit free speech and free press have great arguments for justifying their censorship. The arguments range from National Security to security of society or keeping the peace. Oh wait, those are the arguments used in Europe and US. The lines between "free" countries and tyrannical regimes are becoming blurred in to oblivion. In the near future there will be no difference other than the names of the countries. And that will be the greatest travesty.
The saddest part of this movement of oppression is how similar it is to the rise of Hitler in Nazi Germany, except that this time around the evil is not limited to just one country but will encompass the whole globe. And the masses will have NO ONE to blame but themselves. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. The masses seem totally complacent in the events that will further enslave them to illusions of freedom and evolution. There is nothing free or evolved about the actions of our current governments. Nothing could be further from the truth. The truth is that the powers at be do not want want citizens that think and question and act. The only want citizens that comply. That is not what human nature is based on.
The solution rests solely in the hands of the masses, you cannot sit on the sidelines and expect the corrupt and greedy to change themselves. Matter of fact real change, true change can only come from the inside, which means that we have to change ourselves. We have to open our eyes. We have to open our ears. We have to listen. We have to watch. We have to think. Then most importantly we have to ACT.
federal government,
National Security,
22 August 2013
Hungary Has Seen The Light!!!!
So over the weekend the news reported that Hungary, having repaid their debt, wants the IMF out of Budapest. There are also rumblings about the possibility that they will hold a referendum on whether to exit the EU. I cannot adequately express my admiration for the enlightenment of the government of Hungary with regard to the EU. It is totally and completely refreshing to see a country decide to take back their independence from the regional overlords, Germany and France. Once again, I state it is the best choice by far to exit the EU. One need only look at the current situations in Greece, Cyprus, Spain, Portugal and others to see that the EU is not the best viable option for economic advancement of member nations.
We have created a House of Cards Economy and the cards are ready to fall. We no longer have bullion supported nations; instead we have debt based international conglomerates that are pushing humanity to the brink with their greed for money and power. The ironic thing is that both are illusions of their own creation. Shifting numbers from one column to another on a ledger sheet does not create wealth that wasn't there to begin with. The Boards of these financial institutions have been their own tailors creating their own Emperor Clothes.
Where the well deserved irony will come into play will be when the house of cards actually falls. Those rich and powerful men in their designer suits and over-priced sports cars, with trophy wives and designer kids will have absolutely no ability to survive in the chaos that they will ignite. It will be the little man, whom was the stepping stones for the tyrants that will adapt and prosper. The little man whom knows hunger and the difference between want and need. The little man whom knows cold and the difference between a friend and someone to use. The little man whom knows hard labor and the difference between a done job and job done right. It will be in this new world order that humanity will have hope and expectation and dreams and desire. For it will be like the phoenix rising out of the ash that those whom suffered oppression for so long will see the sun shine on them without fear and know the glory of the night sky. Those whom were stifled that will inspire and ignite evolutions from revolution.
That will be a day worth rising for and a time worth remembering.
We have created a House of Cards Economy and the cards are ready to fall. We no longer have bullion supported nations; instead we have debt based international conglomerates that are pushing humanity to the brink with their greed for money and power. The ironic thing is that both are illusions of their own creation. Shifting numbers from one column to another on a ledger sheet does not create wealth that wasn't there to begin with. The Boards of these financial institutions have been their own tailors creating their own Emperor Clothes.
Where the well deserved irony will come into play will be when the house of cards actually falls. Those rich and powerful men in their designer suits and over-priced sports cars, with trophy wives and designer kids will have absolutely no ability to survive in the chaos that they will ignite. It will be the little man, whom was the stepping stones for the tyrants that will adapt and prosper. The little man whom knows hunger and the difference between want and need. The little man whom knows cold and the difference between a friend and someone to use. The little man whom knows hard labor and the difference between a done job and job done right. It will be in this new world order that humanity will have hope and expectation and dreams and desire. For it will be like the phoenix rising out of the ash that those whom suffered oppression for so long will see the sun shine on them without fear and know the glory of the night sky. Those whom were stifled that will inspire and ignite evolutions from revolution.
That will be a day worth rising for and a time worth remembering.
14 August 2013
How to decide the value of a human life.......
There are numerous points of view that insist that the pharmaceutical companies creates more illness and disease than it cures or prevents. Well if we look at it logically, where is the profit or job security in preventing disease for the pharmacological industry. But this is not the only contributing factor to an increase in our diseased population. Pollution, industry, change in life style all contribute to the decrease in our health and happiness.
One of the increases that we have seen in the news lately has been the practice of organ transplants, specifically in the case of children and teens.
Not long ago there were two cases where children age 12 or younger were allowed by court order to be placed on "adult" lists for transplants. The rule about having 2 lists for organ needs is logical and biologically necessary. Children are still growing and do not have the size, capacity or internal space to receive adult organs, as in reverse, adults require organs that have finished developing and growing and are capable of sustaining adult life. These guidelines are rational, logical, and medically relevant to the acceptance of the new organ in the patient's body.
The conflict arises when the patient is in the gray area of being on the border of the child adult division. It is hard for the family when it is their loved one that is in need. When in this situation emotions become the primary driving force, sometimes at the expense of logic or reason or quality of the patient. In the two cases previously mentioned the families used the courts to impose their will on the medical establishment to move their children to the adult lists to increase their chances of receiving the much needed organs.
It would seem that having to go to court to allow examination and compromise within the individual cases is overkill. But this is a simple example of control combined with compliance instead of independent thinking and assessment by those members of the medical team that are closest to the situation and also the most informed. We can thank this issue on the insurance industry, but that is a whole other article.
Now we have another case in the news where a young man, 15 years old, was originally denied addition to the transplant list "due to his failure to comply" previously. Another words, he was not deemed acceptable to allow to grow into a full grown man, cause the "board" that makes the decisions for this Georgia Hospital, tells the future and knows what a person will become if allowed to live. This is a prime example of what is wrong with a lot of parts of society.
This is not a race issue, this is a human issue. We have limited our value to numbers and bottom lines and profit margins and investment returns as we can put dollar signs on them. We have lost the knowledge that a person's ideas or thoughts or actions or words are not just profit margins they are gifts to the whole world, their impact cannot be measured or logged in a ledger. We do not know what impact saying hello or shaking a hand or holding a door open or smiling at someone can have. The ripples of the smallest pebble will reach all shores of the ocean.
One of the increases that we have seen in the news lately has been the practice of organ transplants, specifically in the case of children and teens.
Not long ago there were two cases where children age 12 or younger were allowed by court order to be placed on "adult" lists for transplants. The rule about having 2 lists for organ needs is logical and biologically necessary. Children are still growing and do not have the size, capacity or internal space to receive adult organs, as in reverse, adults require organs that have finished developing and growing and are capable of sustaining adult life. These guidelines are rational, logical, and medically relevant to the acceptance of the new organ in the patient's body.
The conflict arises when the patient is in the gray area of being on the border of the child adult division. It is hard for the family when it is their loved one that is in need. When in this situation emotions become the primary driving force, sometimes at the expense of logic or reason or quality of the patient. In the two cases previously mentioned the families used the courts to impose their will on the medical establishment to move their children to the adult lists to increase their chances of receiving the much needed organs.
It would seem that having to go to court to allow examination and compromise within the individual cases is overkill. But this is a simple example of control combined with compliance instead of independent thinking and assessment by those members of the medical team that are closest to the situation and also the most informed. We can thank this issue on the insurance industry, but that is a whole other article.
Now we have another case in the news where a young man, 15 years old, was originally denied addition to the transplant list "due to his failure to comply" previously. Another words, he was not deemed acceptable to allow to grow into a full grown man, cause the "board" that makes the decisions for this Georgia Hospital, tells the future and knows what a person will become if allowed to live. This is a prime example of what is wrong with a lot of parts of society.
This is not a race issue, this is a human issue. We have limited our value to numbers and bottom lines and profit margins and investment returns as we can put dollar signs on them. We have lost the knowledge that a person's ideas or thoughts or actions or words are not just profit margins they are gifts to the whole world, their impact cannot be measured or logged in a ledger. We do not know what impact saying hello or shaking a hand or holding a door open or smiling at someone can have. The ripples of the smallest pebble will reach all shores of the ocean.
05 August 2013
Benghazi Is A Phony Scandal........But
In the last few days the US government has closed twenty-one embassies and consulates in North Africa and the Middle East. This Ramadan has been the most violent in years in Iraq. So much for the Holy Month. The positive is that the Holy Month is coming to an end. Ramadan is the ninth month of the calendar and "The month of Ramadan is that in which was revealed the Quran" thus making it holy. It would appear that what has been lost is that Ramadan by being the month of revelation is a time of new beginnings. It should be a time of reflection on life over the past year and contemplation of how to better live your life in the upcoming year.
It is ironic that during this Holy Month so many that profess to be devout followers or Islam, instead use this time to incite violence and commit violence. To do the opposite of what this month should represent. I am not a follower of Islam, but I do believe in my rightness of my opinion of Allah's intention of how we should act during this time. It is NEVER the wish of any loving God, that violence should be committed in his name against the innocent, regardless of their own path. But I have detoured from my direct topic.
The closings of embassies and consulates in North Africa and Middle East is a result of a warning of a threat based on the intelligence community. It does seem ironic that warnings of "chatter" is more believed than the warnings of "experts" on the ground in the locations. It is interesting that people with authority tend to be sitting in offices thousands of miles away and due to ego or arrogance or power trips they seem to be more interested in their positions or in images or in bottom lines or other mundane details that they do not value the pricelessness of human life or the opinions of the individuals that are actually on the ground in the specific locations.
No, I am not saying that we should risk the lives of many just for the one. However, in the case of Benghazi, there was a lot that was done wrong before, during and after that could have probably changed the outcome of the events 11 months ago. It is callus of the Administration to say that the event is over and done with and should be forgotten and move on. We seem to have forgotten that it is better to be human than it is to pretend you are perfect. Humans care, humans make mistakes, humans say they are sorry, humans learn from their mistakes; perfection focuses on image, perfection touts rightness of itself, perfection claims no responsibilities. These conflicts of purpose create chaos that prevents improvement of our world.
It also, is ironic that suddenly we have "chatter" in a volume that has not been seen since 9/11. It seems that most embassies will be closed until Thursday, the end of Ramadan. Unfortunately, considering the recent challenges concerning the public image of the government and the intelligent community, there will be doubt about this well timed new threat. It is my wish that this new threat is not some hyped up show to justify the over zealous actions of government in the guise of National Security. The near future will be challenging to say the least. But I believe it is a challenge that we will survive and it is my hope that we rise above it and move forward in a brighter light than the dimming of our current lighting.
It is ironic that during this Holy Month so many that profess to be devout followers or Islam, instead use this time to incite violence and commit violence. To do the opposite of what this month should represent. I am not a follower of Islam, but I do believe in my rightness of my opinion of Allah's intention of how we should act during this time. It is NEVER the wish of any loving God, that violence should be committed in his name against the innocent, regardless of their own path. But I have detoured from my direct topic.
The closings of embassies and consulates in North Africa and Middle East is a result of a warning of a threat based on the intelligence community. It does seem ironic that warnings of "chatter" is more believed than the warnings of "experts" on the ground in the locations. It is interesting that people with authority tend to be sitting in offices thousands of miles away and due to ego or arrogance or power trips they seem to be more interested in their positions or in images or in bottom lines or other mundane details that they do not value the pricelessness of human life or the opinions of the individuals that are actually on the ground in the specific locations.
No, I am not saying that we should risk the lives of many just for the one. However, in the case of Benghazi, there was a lot that was done wrong before, during and after that could have probably changed the outcome of the events 11 months ago. It is callus of the Administration to say that the event is over and done with and should be forgotten and move on. We seem to have forgotten that it is better to be human than it is to pretend you are perfect. Humans care, humans make mistakes, humans say they are sorry, humans learn from their mistakes; perfection focuses on image, perfection touts rightness of itself, perfection claims no responsibilities. These conflicts of purpose create chaos that prevents improvement of our world.
It also, is ironic that suddenly we have "chatter" in a volume that has not been seen since 9/11. It seems that most embassies will be closed until Thursday, the end of Ramadan. Unfortunately, considering the recent challenges concerning the public image of the government and the intelligent community, there will be doubt about this well timed new threat. It is my wish that this new threat is not some hyped up show to justify the over zealous actions of government in the guise of National Security. The near future will be challenging to say the least. But I believe it is a challenge that we will survive and it is my hope that we rise above it and move forward in a brighter light than the dimming of our current lighting.
01 August 2013
Government Taking the Humanity Out Of Humans
It seems that everyday you can find a report where the government is either punishing Good Samaritans or encouraging division and hatred and violence, while claiming the opposite. Every crime that is committed between individuals that can be labeled as being of different races is fodder for keeping the masses fearing and avoiding each other. Every crime should be treated as one or more humans injuring one or more other humans. That should be the end of the issue, each crime should be treated individually as the crime that it is. Does this mean that I do not believe in hate crimes or on the pure hate of people; No, I know that hate exists in the hearts of those that have not found real love, that live in ignorance and full of fear. I know that those are afraid of others for things such as the color of their skin or the language they speak or the religion they practice it is not based on real facts. When you accept others platforms of hate, even if they are the violent acts of the hate you are giving them power that they do not deserve.
When you allow that a person committed a crime because they are a certain "type" and their victim was a different "type," what you have done is to give their ill-gotten "cause" substance that it does not deserve. And when we allow the government to point out the differences between us we are agreeing that we prefer hate and oppression to love and freedom. This is why we have such chronic issues in our society. En mass we accept that people hate, that people are different, that people are violent, that people are many groups instead of one group.
The largest of the cancers rotting our society while the masses are distracted with non-issues, is the actions of the government to limit our freedoms and restrict our rights. One of the most widely used tools to limit our freedom and rights is the required "permits" needed for almost every activity in basically every city, town, village or community in the country. Requiring permits gives the government control over what descent and how much descent is voiced. It also gives the government control over how much unity is created between the masses as well. You might think that sounds crazy; but, when you have to have permits and permission to play sports in parks or to help your fellow man then it is obvious that the control to limit how much unity we have in our society is of grave concern for our government and should offend and insult every member of society.
If we, as a whole people, would stand together then we would be stronger and more powerful than the government. And with that power we could right most if not all the wrongs we currently accept as unsolvable. Then the possibilities of what we could accomplish as the human race would be greatly expanded.
When you allow that a person committed a crime because they are a certain "type" and their victim was a different "type," what you have done is to give their ill-gotten "cause" substance that it does not deserve. And when we allow the government to point out the differences between us we are agreeing that we prefer hate and oppression to love and freedom. This is why we have such chronic issues in our society. En mass we accept that people hate, that people are different, that people are violent, that people are many groups instead of one group.
The largest of the cancers rotting our society while the masses are distracted with non-issues, is the actions of the government to limit our freedoms and restrict our rights. One of the most widely used tools to limit our freedom and rights is the required "permits" needed for almost every activity in basically every city, town, village or community in the country. Requiring permits gives the government control over what descent and how much descent is voiced. It also gives the government control over how much unity is created between the masses as well. You might think that sounds crazy; but, when you have to have permits and permission to play sports in parks or to help your fellow man then it is obvious that the control to limit how much unity we have in our society is of grave concern for our government and should offend and insult every member of society.
If we, as a whole people, would stand together then we would be stronger and more powerful than the government. And with that power we could right most if not all the wrongs we currently accept as unsolvable. Then the possibilities of what we could accomplish as the human race would be greatly expanded.
31 July 2013
Ignored Warnings...........................
Mr. Orwell warned us decades ago that we should always be vigilant, else the government would be ursurped by those with without moral compasses, that if we as a society stopped thinking for ourselves and speaking up when wrong was committed then we would lose our independence and freedom. The signs are everywhere, yet the masses seem to be totally clueless. The signs are all around us...all you need do is to open your eyes and look. From such simple things as school uniforms, to whistle-blowers being charged and labeled as traitors.
Now if you do not see the connection between school uniforms and big brother, let me illustrate; when you require children to conform to what the institution deems correct thinking then they limit descent among the masses. The "school uniforms" have gone so far as to limit hair color and styles allowed, to even what names are appropriate for school. You might say what is the big deal......these little rules crush independent thought and expression, that is the BIG DEAL! When our children are punished for their imagination and curiosity and for being children we have reached the bottom. We have children that must have their "thoughts and words" approved before graduation speeches, that is absurd! We have children that are threatened with expulsion for dying their hair, that is absurd! We have children that are told that "men don't wear skirts", idiots do not even know what kilts are, that is absurd! The official statement is that all the above "bad things" prevent children from learning, they disrupt the classroom and learning experience. My retort would be what learning experience? Children are not educated in public schools; everything they are taught is focused on one thing.....taking annual standardized tests. They are not taught to think, that is a bad thing. They are not taught to explore, that is a bad thing. They are not taught to question, that is a really bad thing.
Teachers are punished for teaching things like the 5th Amendment. Children are punished when parents speak out. The information that is published "as fact" in school textbooks is not totally accurate nor is it complete, in some cases what is published it completely wrong. Most teachers are not learned in the subjects they teach, instead they have degrees in "how to teach." That has always confused me, if you do not know a subject, if you are not learned in a subject, how can you instruct that subject. Of course again we are training compliant masses not independent thinking citizens. So the less students know the better the establishment is.
And if you manage to get through the public education system with a free-thinking working brain, you will be punished. That will be for certain if you speak out against the government. If you do not agree, just look at the 8 individuals that have been charged with crimes for nothing more than speaking out. I do have to commend the Military Judge for not convicting PFC Manning with Aiding the Enemy; that charge had been a reach from the start. To have found Manning guilty of that charge would have made every Special Ops soldier that has been sent to any country recently to aid "rebels" in their uprisings subject to the same charge and would have basically demanded their conviction. We know for a fact that ALL aid that this government sends to Syrian Rebels is in fact reaching named terrorist enemies of not only the US, but also the EU and Russia as well as many other countries around the world. And I am sure that we will NEVER see one of those men charged with Aiding the Enemy, and for following orders sanctioned by the Commander in Chief, they shouldn't be, however there are provisions under UCMJ that not only allow for soldiers to disobey immoral or criminal orders, but encourage such action. To bad those provisions are merely words in the regs and not practiced behavior of our officers and enlisted military personnel. The intimidation factor in place presently is merely to ensure that most people DO NOT speak out for fear of losing EVERYTHING. And if you do speak up as in the case of Edward SNOWDEN, not only will they go after you, the institution will threaten those countries that do not bow to their demands. These actions are not the actions of 'the land of the free and the home of the brave!'
Now if you do not see the connection between school uniforms and big brother, let me illustrate; when you require children to conform to what the institution deems correct thinking then they limit descent among the masses. The "school uniforms" have gone so far as to limit hair color and styles allowed, to even what names are appropriate for school. You might say what is the big deal......these little rules crush independent thought and expression, that is the BIG DEAL! When our children are punished for their imagination and curiosity and for being children we have reached the bottom. We have children that must have their "thoughts and words" approved before graduation speeches, that is absurd! We have children that are threatened with expulsion for dying their hair, that is absurd! We have children that are told that "men don't wear skirts", idiots do not even know what kilts are, that is absurd! The official statement is that all the above "bad things" prevent children from learning, they disrupt the classroom and learning experience. My retort would be what learning experience? Children are not educated in public schools; everything they are taught is focused on one thing.....taking annual standardized tests. They are not taught to think, that is a bad thing. They are not taught to explore, that is a bad thing. They are not taught to question, that is a really bad thing.
Teachers are punished for teaching things like the 5th Amendment. Children are punished when parents speak out. The information that is published "as fact" in school textbooks is not totally accurate nor is it complete, in some cases what is published it completely wrong. Most teachers are not learned in the subjects they teach, instead they have degrees in "how to teach." That has always confused me, if you do not know a subject, if you are not learned in a subject, how can you instruct that subject. Of course again we are training compliant masses not independent thinking citizens. So the less students know the better the establishment is.
And if you manage to get through the public education system with a free-thinking working brain, you will be punished. That will be for certain if you speak out against the government. If you do not agree, just look at the 8 individuals that have been charged with crimes for nothing more than speaking out. I do have to commend the Military Judge for not convicting PFC Manning with Aiding the Enemy; that charge had been a reach from the start. To have found Manning guilty of that charge would have made every Special Ops soldier that has been sent to any country recently to aid "rebels" in their uprisings subject to the same charge and would have basically demanded their conviction. We know for a fact that ALL aid that this government sends to Syrian Rebels is in fact reaching named terrorist enemies of not only the US, but also the EU and Russia as well as many other countries around the world. And I am sure that we will NEVER see one of those men charged with Aiding the Enemy, and for following orders sanctioned by the Commander in Chief, they shouldn't be, however there are provisions under UCMJ that not only allow for soldiers to disobey immoral or criminal orders, but encourage such action. To bad those provisions are merely words in the regs and not practiced behavior of our officers and enlisted military personnel. The intimidation factor in place presently is merely to ensure that most people DO NOT speak out for fear of losing EVERYTHING. And if you do speak up as in the case of Edward SNOWDEN, not only will they go after you, the institution will threaten those countries that do not bow to their demands. These actions are not the actions of 'the land of the free and the home of the brave!'
29 July 2013
Violent Video Games Is Not The Issue............
Lack of leadership and interaction is the real issue. Every time there is some act of horrendous violence the media and politicians and "experts" scream that there is some outside influence, usually violent video games or movies are the named culprit; but they are merely scapegoats. The real issue is more complex and passes closer to the accused in these situations than music or movies or video games. The origin of the issue is big business, now you might be thinking well big business that is music, movies and video games, but this big business is pre-modern violent influence, as defined by today's experts. Why as defined by 'today's experts', history shows that warriors and battle glory have always been part of our stories, songs and play; yet mass violence is a recent issue.
How is it that I state big business as the origin of this issue, greed....the motivation with ALL big business is ALWAYS greed. It might sound somewhat hypocritical for me to say that nouveau big- business is more culpable than old big business. But it will make sense as I explain my position. As big business grew greedier and could no longer rob their workers of fair wages and treatment they exacted their revenge on the consumer. With the on set of innovation in communications, especially mass media outlets, and the prosperity enjoyed after WWII combined with the independence women experience with the shortage of males for the work-force during the war; big-business had a great opportunity to exploit the consumer for some if not all the profit lost with better labor laws enforce. Marketing became a multi-million dollar job and convinced families that they needed shinier cars, bigger houses, and more gadgets, that truly do not improve our quality of lives regardless of what the ads tell you.
Marketing shifted the measure of success from how you lived your life and raised your children or participated in the community to how big your house was, how new your car was, how many gadgets you have in your house. In short the measure of a man became the bottom line of his "image" (which usually never matches his true bottom line) rather than the character of the man and his actions. In order to increase the "success" of said man, he had to work more and eventually his wife also needed to work as well. As this change occurred another change occurred within society as well, our choices about life revolved around this new measure of success and not about values or happiness or bettering the world.
How is it that I state big business as the origin of this issue, greed....the motivation with ALL big business is ALWAYS greed. It might sound somewhat hypocritical for me to say that nouveau big- business is more culpable than old big business. But it will make sense as I explain my position. As big business grew greedier and could no longer rob their workers of fair wages and treatment they exacted their revenge on the consumer. With the on set of innovation in communications, especially mass media outlets, and the prosperity enjoyed after WWII combined with the independence women experience with the shortage of males for the work-force during the war; big-business had a great opportunity to exploit the consumer for some if not all the profit lost with better labor laws enforce. Marketing became a multi-million dollar job and convinced families that they needed shinier cars, bigger houses, and more gadgets, that truly do not improve our quality of lives regardless of what the ads tell you.
Marketing shifted the measure of success from how you lived your life and raised your children or participated in the community to how big your house was, how new your car was, how many gadgets you have in your house. In short the measure of a man became the bottom line of his "image" (which usually never matches his true bottom line) rather than the character of the man and his actions. In order to increase the "success" of said man, he had to work more and eventually his wife also needed to work as well. As this change occurred another change occurred within society as well, our choices about life revolved around this new measure of success and not about values or happiness or bettering the world.
Nemo vir est qui mundum non reddat meliorem
Most men have no idea what the above quote states, much less what it means, so far have we come from internal to external value.
The real crime with this is our loss of leadership and example for our children as they grow up. For most children they are in the hands of others from a mere few weeks of age. There is not someone who truly loves them to teach them and guide them and show them how to grow into people of humanity. When children act out, they are screaming for real love, loving action, loving attention; how do adults react? they reply with why are you being so ungrateful you have an iPod, iPhone, XBox, new shoes, new clothes, blah blah blah. And this is the child's experience in every aspect of their their daycare and later in school they are 1 of up to 50 kids vying for the attention of 1 teacher, whom in most cases doesn't even like children much less love the priviledge of helping to mold and shape little minds into amazing, creative, soulful adults that could be a positive influence in the world.
Most teachers like the hours and the job security. However, this is not a bash on teachers per say as I believe they are almost as much victims of big-business as children are. Teachers used to spend real time with children, they knew their students, they expected kids to be kids, full of energy and curiosity, little sponges ready to soak up all the information that you could pour into them. Now teachers are the bottom of the food chain in the education system, which should be totally destroyed and rebuilt, but that is another post for another time. Kids that act like kids are labeled as trouble and are drugged. Kids that have no desire or no true ability to be doctors or lawyers or some other "high paying" profession are considered unsuccessful or lazy or worse a failure. This is WRONG!
Big-business bought politicians and political parties to ensure that their profit lines are protected. Greed entered politics on a whole new level and merged into a true hydra for the detriment of humanity and the world. What is good for big-business and government are people that are controlled by them. What is good for humanity is teaching each child that they are the hope and wonder and joy of tomorrow. That they are unique and special and it is that uniqueness and specialness that makes them valuable.
When young adults commit horrendous acts of violence it is because when they whispered, no one listened to them, when they spoke they were told not now I'm busy, when they cried they were told all the "things" they had and are criticized for being thoughtless or disrespectful or selfish (how dare our children want our love and time and attention and affection), when they screamed out they were labeled and medicated, so what choice did they have other than to commit horrendous acts of violence.
26 July 2013
Hypocrisy; The US Foreign Policy Maker
Another example of how the US government takes advantage of the short memory of the American public is the hypocrisy that is US foreign policy. The US government makes all number of public statements about their stance on events around the world that are claimed to be based on honor and the pursuit of freedom. Yet, one only needs to look at the history of US action in the world to see that what is said publicly and what is done clandestinely are polar opposite.
The official policy of the American government is to never deal with terrorism; is to support the growth of democracy in all areas of the world; to provide support and aid to help improve the lives of the poorest countries and peoples. With the exception to the first part listed most of the policy is left over from the cold war. What is not stated is that the government did not care about the democracy or honesty of the countries that they supported, what they cared about was that the leaders gave their allegiance to the US and not the Soviet Union. To prove the point, one only needs to look at recent history of revolutions and coups and sanctions to see the proof. The US trained Noriega and assisted his rise to power in Panama, only to invade the country and take him into custody under drug charges. The US trained and supported rebels in El Salvador, Nicaragua and Honduras and when one the revolutions failed or ended they moved rebels to the US and introduced to the public MS13 the most violent latin gang in the country. The US trained and supported the rise of Saddam Hussein in Iraq and unless you have been traveling in deep space you know the outcome. The US supported the KLA (Albanian Paramilitary Group that was another Narco-Terrorism Entity) in the separation of Kosovo from FRY. Bin Laden and other individuals that became top leaders in Al Queda were also trained by the US to support their resistance of the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, after the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan these "rebels" fought in multiple civil wars around the world and built up empires funded by all means of illegal operations. Some of these civil wars that these US trained freedom fighters participated in, include but are not limited to; Bosnia, Somalia, Chad, Congo, Georgia, Chechnya, Libya, Egypt and Syria.
The US states in its press release that it will not support or work with terrorists or negotiate with terrorists, yet we are sending weapons, supplies and funds to terror groups around the world that will use those weapons and training on American people and targets. It is not America's right to impose their way on the WHOLE world. It is ALL peoples duty to ensure that all other peoples are treated fairly and justly.
The official policy of the American government is to never deal with terrorism; is to support the growth of democracy in all areas of the world; to provide support and aid to help improve the lives of the poorest countries and peoples. With the exception to the first part listed most of the policy is left over from the cold war. What is not stated is that the government did not care about the democracy or honesty of the countries that they supported, what they cared about was that the leaders gave their allegiance to the US and not the Soviet Union. To prove the point, one only needs to look at recent history of revolutions and coups and sanctions to see the proof. The US trained Noriega and assisted his rise to power in Panama, only to invade the country and take him into custody under drug charges. The US trained and supported rebels in El Salvador, Nicaragua and Honduras and when one the revolutions failed or ended they moved rebels to the US and introduced to the public MS13 the most violent latin gang in the country. The US trained and supported the rise of Saddam Hussein in Iraq and unless you have been traveling in deep space you know the outcome. The US supported the KLA (Albanian Paramilitary Group that was another Narco-Terrorism Entity) in the separation of Kosovo from FRY. Bin Laden and other individuals that became top leaders in Al Queda were also trained by the US to support their resistance of the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, after the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan these "rebels" fought in multiple civil wars around the world and built up empires funded by all means of illegal operations. Some of these civil wars that these US trained freedom fighters participated in, include but are not limited to; Bosnia, Somalia, Chad, Congo, Georgia, Chechnya, Libya, Egypt and Syria.
The US states in its press release that it will not support or work with terrorists or negotiate with terrorists, yet we are sending weapons, supplies and funds to terror groups around the world that will use those weapons and training on American people and targets. It is not America's right to impose their way on the WHOLE world. It is ALL peoples duty to ensure that all other peoples are treated fairly and justly.
Central America,
federal government,
foreign policy,
Human Rights,
International News,
24 July 2013
We Don't Like The Problem ...................
So Instead Of Fixing It................... WE CRIMINALIZE IT!!!!!!
As a society we have totally lost our common sense. What do I mean? I mean that we no longer use logic, reason or common sense to improve our daily lives or to solve problems that we have created from our greed and selfishness. Our greed and shelfishness has destroyed our since of community and responsibility to our fellow man. We are much more concerned with taking from others before they take from us. We only care about winning and not how we play the game. Sportsmanship used to matter, it was much more honorable to lose gracefully and honorably (that means playing by the rules mattered) than to win cheating.What we have missed is that sports used to teach us some good rules to live by; playing by the rules was for EVERYONE, being part of a team (community/society) means caring about others, winning by the rules was something to be proud of, team captains (leaders) were responsible for the keeping the whole team moving in the same direction, practice makes for improvement (but it takes time), team meetings focused on identifying weaknesses and finding solutions. Now instead we only care about winning and then we pretend to be outraged when someone is caught cheating.....we aren't mad they cheated we are mad they got caught, that means we have to momentarily see the truth. Good thing we have short memories else we might really dislike ourselves for the empty shells we have become.
Now how do we get from sports to crime....unfortunately there are lots of ways to do that...but this particular path is the short one; the one that is too impatient and detached to really invest time and effort into truly solving real problems. There are many examples of how this path actually increases the problems because the fastest solution is usually not just a bad solution but is such a bad problem that it increases the original problem by creating more problems.
We didn't like children getting killed by drinking and driving, so instead of teaching children to be responsible for their actions and instead of looking at the real issue, that a majority of the incidents that were used to demand raising the legal drinking age were in fact not committed by teens partying on weekends, but by middle-aged drunks between morning and early afternoon during the week. We "solved" this by criminalizing the responsible drinking by legal adults that are still considered capable of choosing the leaders of the country as well as giving their life for the same country, instead of demanding stricter enforcement of laws already in place.
We didn't like the terror acts committed on 9/11 so instead of admitting that it was the lazy and incompetent security workers in Banger, Maine allowed the best opportunity for these attacks. So we initiated policy and practices that took away most of our freedoms while traveling, including how, when, and where we can travel. In this case not only have we not truly ever taken the time to understand the event or the circumstances that led to the event, we have American companies making their entire profits off of our "criminalizing" free travel in America.
We didn't like the increase in violent crimes, so instead of truly looking at the failure of not only the justice and prison system but also the education system as well as government involvement in community "betterment", so we blamed "guns" and criminalized legal gun ownership. We miss the basic premise that it is most often "career criminals" that commit violent crimes and those persons do not tend to worry about laws or walk into legal venues for the purpose of purchasing firearms.
Now, we don't like seeing homeless people on our streets or in our cities; so what have we done? We are criminalizing homelessness. This is just another example and maybe one of the most absurd that shows just how hollow we have become as a whole. We as a country expect EVERYONE to be successful by the standards of money and things; yet, we do not provide equal or every opportunity to ensure the mostly likely outcome. Of course the real reason that we do not is that government needs division to stay in power. The best way to stay in power is to make sure your enemies are divided.
We have no one to blame for our de-evolution except ourselves.
19 July 2013
Infotainment kills real news
Today RT did a piece on the news media, and it was spot on. We may want to talk about FOX being extreme right or MSNBC being extreme left but the point is that neither nor the others really do the job they proclaim to. A prime example is presented everyday when you look at the "Top Headlines" on any of the search engine pages. Today on Google the Top Story is still about Trevon Martin and George Zimmerman; on Yahoo, it is that Kris Jenner is annoyed that Kim Kardashian and Kayne West are not getting married, and the Royal Baby Watch; on Ask news it is Zimmerman and the Glee actor's death; Bing does at least start off with Detroit being bankrupt; on BBC it is Detroit Bankruptcy and the Boston Bomber photos...which is a stretch to consider it really news about the event itself. I think I have proven my point, it takes a lot of effort on the part of a concerned individual to seek out articles about real news events.
But finding the articles on real news worthy events is just the first challenge. The second challenge is finding the facts and the truth hidden in all the slanted versions of the tellings to promote the opinions of the media outlet. So what happened? Where did honest reporters go? Where did the trust go? Where did the desire for knowledge go? The answer is was stolen.
Yes, I said it was stolen, big business stole it for ratings and profits. It is all about money now. However, do not deceive yourself. It isn't just about direct profit, it is also about manipulation for future profits and actually control of the masses. If you control the flow of information then you control the thoughts and if you control the thoughts then you have complete control. This complete control used to rest in the hands of religious leaders, and still does in less developed areas of the world, but in the west where religion has lost it power to a huge extent the control has been regained by the media conglomerates.
The sad part is that we have no one to blame but ourselves, through our own greed and laziness we have been complacent in our own enslavement. We have allowed ourselves to be convinced that money and things and just us are the most important things in the world. We allowed ourselves to be convinced a bigger house showed how much more we loved our family, that a faster car would make us feel freer, that giving more things to our kids would make them more appreciative and give them more opportunities. We changed from measuring a man by his character and deeds to measuring him by his looks and his things. We changed from caring about the person next door to fearing the person walking down the street.
We watch our TVs and believe them when they tell us that something is bad or evil, without a thought we worry about things that are insignificant, we look for and blame details instead of seeking out the real issues and solving the real problems. The color of someone's skin doesn't make them behave a certain way, the religion that someone practices does not make them behave a certain way, the place that someone lives does not make then behave a certain way. What makes a person behave a certain way is the type of character they have. Nothing more, nothing less. So stop letting the media cover up real issues by creating issues that do not exist that focus on things that feed hate.
But finding the articles on real news worthy events is just the first challenge. The second challenge is finding the facts and the truth hidden in all the slanted versions of the tellings to promote the opinions of the media outlet. So what happened? Where did honest reporters go? Where did the trust go? Where did the desire for knowledge go? The answer is was stolen.
Yes, I said it was stolen, big business stole it for ratings and profits. It is all about money now. However, do not deceive yourself. It isn't just about direct profit, it is also about manipulation for future profits and actually control of the masses. If you control the flow of information then you control the thoughts and if you control the thoughts then you have complete control. This complete control used to rest in the hands of religious leaders, and still does in less developed areas of the world, but in the west where religion has lost it power to a huge extent the control has been regained by the media conglomerates.
The sad part is that we have no one to blame but ourselves, through our own greed and laziness we have been complacent in our own enslavement. We have allowed ourselves to be convinced that money and things and just us are the most important things in the world. We allowed ourselves to be convinced a bigger house showed how much more we loved our family, that a faster car would make us feel freer, that giving more things to our kids would make them more appreciative and give them more opportunities. We changed from measuring a man by his character and deeds to measuring him by his looks and his things. We changed from caring about the person next door to fearing the person walking down the street.
We watch our TVs and believe them when they tell us that something is bad or evil, without a thought we worry about things that are insignificant, we look for and blame details instead of seeking out the real issues and solving the real problems. The color of someone's skin doesn't make them behave a certain way, the religion that someone practices does not make them behave a certain way, the place that someone lives does not make then behave a certain way. What makes a person behave a certain way is the type of character they have. Nothing more, nothing less. So stop letting the media cover up real issues by creating issues that do not exist that focus on things that feed hate.
16 July 2013
Is there any hope........
No, I haven't written anything in the last few days. Why? you might ask....cause we are stuck in the same gear.....STUPID!!! I only write about things that really speak to me, that I really feel about. But at some point you have to ask; "Do you keep trying to save people that seem to have NO desire to be saved?"
That is where I am momentarily standing. I think we all reach spots on our path where we wonder if we make a difference, wonder if it is worth continuing, wonder if anyone is getting the message. The news is pretty much the same, not just the US but around the world people are all in some state of unrest or disappointment over the George Zimmerman trail. Why? It was one stupid man that did one stupid act that resulted in the death of a child. This is not to diminish the loss of life of Trevon Martin, but everyday since the day that Zimmerman and Martin crossed paths some has died a violent death at the hands of a violent person who was carrying out a planned act of violence for little or no or stupid reasons. Yet, not one of those violent deaths at the hands of violent criminals was the center of media frenzy. Why? Cause the government whats you focused on things that do not really matter. Yes, I know that I sound callus especially to the family and friends of Trevon Martin; but, his death was the result of 2 individuals not making the smartest choices. The other deaths that I have previously mentioned are the result of the failure of the education system, the failure of the legal system, the failure of the prison system, the failure of most if not all levels of government and society.
Why didn't these murders create the same media frenzy as with Zimmerman/Martin? Simple reason, to divert attention away from real crimes and real problems so that the government would not have to answer to the people. And as easily fooled as Americans are, it was an easy thing to accomplish. It has even given something for other countries to use as diversion to their own real issues. When will the masses wake up and see that their governments are filled with bad people that serve their own interests and not the interests of their people.
People complain about no jobs, government spending, the price of things going up. Yet they do not bother to pay attention to the positions of politicians, they do not speak out, they do not protest, they do not even vote half the time.
Democracy only works if you participate.
That is where I am momentarily standing. I think we all reach spots on our path where we wonder if we make a difference, wonder if it is worth continuing, wonder if anyone is getting the message. The news is pretty much the same, not just the US but around the world people are all in some state of unrest or disappointment over the George Zimmerman trail. Why? It was one stupid man that did one stupid act that resulted in the death of a child. This is not to diminish the loss of life of Trevon Martin, but everyday since the day that Zimmerman and Martin crossed paths some has died a violent death at the hands of a violent person who was carrying out a planned act of violence for little or no or stupid reasons. Yet, not one of those violent deaths at the hands of violent criminals was the center of media frenzy. Why? Cause the government whats you focused on things that do not really matter. Yes, I know that I sound callus especially to the family and friends of Trevon Martin; but, his death was the result of 2 individuals not making the smartest choices. The other deaths that I have previously mentioned are the result of the failure of the education system, the failure of the legal system, the failure of the prison system, the failure of most if not all levels of government and society.
Why didn't these murders create the same media frenzy as with Zimmerman/Martin? Simple reason, to divert attention away from real crimes and real problems so that the government would not have to answer to the people. And as easily fooled as Americans are, it was an easy thing to accomplish. It has even given something for other countries to use as diversion to their own real issues. When will the masses wake up and see that their governments are filled with bad people that serve their own interests and not the interests of their people.
People complain about no jobs, government spending, the price of things going up. Yet they do not bother to pay attention to the positions of politicians, they do not speak out, they do not protest, they do not even vote half the time.
Democracy only works if you participate.
09 July 2013
Big Brother Obama Has Played The National Security Card Again
Over the holiday Obama signed an Executive Order that give the government COMPLETE control over all communications in a National Security event. The fact that he signed this order on the Friday afternoon of the holiday weekend which actually started on Wednesday, shows that he knew it would be a political fiasco considering the recent out rage over PRISM. It also shows that there should be more out rage. If his intentions were honorable then he would have done it in the full light of a working day. What is as important as what a politician does is when they do it.
While Obamanites might argue that being able to control the airwaves in an emergency is a good idea, if that was the pure and only reason for this Order then he would have done it with lots of fanfare at 10 am on Tuesday morning, but he didn't. So the primary reason for doing this late on the 2nd day of a 4 day holiday weekend, was to have a few news reports talking about it as possible. Why does a politican, that is known for their narcicism, do something that will not given them desired publicity......cause the publicity that would arise outta this action would not give positive and beneficial to his personal/professional goals.
Also the wording of in the event; “Such communications must be possible under all circumstances to ensure national security, effectively manage emergencies and improve national resilience.” should concern people. We have seen the government, especially sine 9/11, use the term National Security as a blank check whenever they think the need exists and there is little to no oversight. We know this from experience. We have heard of judges signing warrants without being able to read most of the warrant due to classification of the information included in the warrant. You would think that we could find judges that could be vetted so that they could read full petitions for warrants. We have even had reports that judges have signed warrants after the searches indicated in the warrants have actually taken place.
We have seen the use of the phrase 'National Security' used to justify PRISM, the huge expansion of the TSA, the creation of Homeland Security, as well as excessive watching of journalists and citizens in their private communications, there have even been reports of veterans being taken into custody and even placed in psychiatric wards of jails and hospitals. Where is the "this goes too far" fail-safe line?
As long as the American public accepts the illusion that the government has our best interest at heart or that they will ALWAYS do what is best for the country or her citizens, we will move closer and closer to enslavement in the guise of National Security.
While Obamanites might argue that being able to control the airwaves in an emergency is a good idea, if that was the pure and only reason for this Order then he would have done it with lots of fanfare at 10 am on Tuesday morning, but he didn't. So the primary reason for doing this late on the 2nd day of a 4 day holiday weekend, was to have a few news reports talking about it as possible. Why does a politican, that is known for their narcicism, do something that will not given them desired publicity......cause the publicity that would arise outta this action would not give positive and beneficial to his personal/professional goals.
Also the wording of in the event; “Such communications must be possible under all circumstances to ensure national security, effectively manage emergencies and improve national resilience.” should concern people. We have seen the government, especially sine 9/11, use the term National Security as a blank check whenever they think the need exists and there is little to no oversight. We know this from experience. We have heard of judges signing warrants without being able to read most of the warrant due to classification of the information included in the warrant. You would think that we could find judges that could be vetted so that they could read full petitions for warrants. We have even had reports that judges have signed warrants after the searches indicated in the warrants have actually taken place.
We have seen the use of the phrase 'National Security' used to justify PRISM, the huge expansion of the TSA, the creation of Homeland Security, as well as excessive watching of journalists and citizens in their private communications, there have even been reports of veterans being taken into custody and even placed in psychiatric wards of jails and hospitals. Where is the "this goes too far" fail-safe line?
As long as the American public accepts the illusion that the government has our best interest at heart or that they will ALWAYS do what is best for the country or her citizens, we will move closer and closer to enslavement in the guise of National Security.
08 July 2013
Croatia in the EU Gives Serbia New Opportunities; But will they take them......
Croatia has now officially become part of the EU. It would appear that no one in Croatia has been following the plight of current EU members such as Cyprus, Greece, Spain and Portugal. It is amazing that anyone would want to become part of the EU, or that it can still successfully sell itself on an image without substance. Joining the EU is played as getting invited to sit at the lunch table with the cool, rich kids. But just like in school, the image that some of those "really cool kids with their perfect lives" portray is not the reality of their homes. They drive their fancy sports cars and wear designer clothes and take holidays to all the cool spots.... but what you don't see being on the outside looking in, most of the time, is that it is all on credit, it is all on borrowed ideas or promised future successes; it is all debt and sold souls.
Sure at one time in the past, there were countries in the EU that were full of prosperity and opportunity and were built on strong and solid foundations with vision and innovation. The problem is that those blessed countries got greedy. They wanted more and more and expected even more. Their greed consumed them, they became so caught up in having more and spending more and shining more than the guy next door that they lost sight of morals and values and honor and integrity and even of the law itself. Avoiding the guilt of the law was easy....just change the law, write the regulations so that they are so lengthy and complex that even most experts cannot understand them or know when they are being violated or not. And then the wheeling and dealing and back door agreements started hiding the cracks in the foundation; once they succeeded in hiding the first crack they decided that it was easier to just hide the real problems than you actually rebuild the foundation and make the house stronger. And now the castles of the past have been replaced with a house of cards. They are like movie sets pretty fronts with nothing holding them up.
Joining the EU is, as we have already stated, willing giving up your independence and sovereignty. You are compelled to conduct your affairs in accordance with the laws and regulations of the EU. Joining the EU today is like pledging the most popular fraternity on campus. You go through all the kissing ass and jumping through hoops just to be considered a pledge then you need to go through the hazing the purpose of which is to convince you that you are really joining a brotherhood, a group that is as strong as family. If you survive then you are called a brother, but you are more like a permanent guest as the leaders are already in place and during the hazing you have been taught your place, at the bottom of the barrel.
But specifically as it relates to Croatia and Serbia; the export/customs expenses has hurt Croatia and can help Serbia increase exports to areas that Croatian products are now going to more than double in cost. Serbia will lose some of its sugar exports since there is a total export limit to EU, however with the new markets of CEFTA members the loss of the sugar export to Croatia should not be significant. And the new market areas that Serbia can exploit within CEFTA should help with the economies of all concerned.
This opportunity is one of the ones that is available solely because Serbia is NOT an EU member. Which brings up another negative of joining the EU and that is the limits placed on the country in creating opportunities that benefit one's own people. That is again returning to the basic principle that you are not allowed to benefit your own without approval of the EU, which is not inclined to think of your best interests but of their own. This actually keeps innovation and competition contained and limited and owned. The EU is a pretty form of imperialism which is the destruction of capitalism and innovation and limits the advancement of individuals and nature.
Let's hope that Serbia realizes the opportunity that is now her's and that she embraces the path that will lead to health and prosperity and innovation to the benefit of ALL Serbs!!!
Sure at one time in the past, there were countries in the EU that were full of prosperity and opportunity and were built on strong and solid foundations with vision and innovation. The problem is that those blessed countries got greedy. They wanted more and more and expected even more. Their greed consumed them, they became so caught up in having more and spending more and shining more than the guy next door that they lost sight of morals and values and honor and integrity and even of the law itself. Avoiding the guilt of the law was easy....just change the law, write the regulations so that they are so lengthy and complex that even most experts cannot understand them or know when they are being violated or not. And then the wheeling and dealing and back door agreements started hiding the cracks in the foundation; once they succeeded in hiding the first crack they decided that it was easier to just hide the real problems than you actually rebuild the foundation and make the house stronger. And now the castles of the past have been replaced with a house of cards. They are like movie sets pretty fronts with nothing holding them up.
Joining the EU is, as we have already stated, willing giving up your independence and sovereignty. You are compelled to conduct your affairs in accordance with the laws and regulations of the EU. Joining the EU today is like pledging the most popular fraternity on campus. You go through all the kissing ass and jumping through hoops just to be considered a pledge then you need to go through the hazing the purpose of which is to convince you that you are really joining a brotherhood, a group that is as strong as family. If you survive then you are called a brother, but you are more like a permanent guest as the leaders are already in place and during the hazing you have been taught your place, at the bottom of the barrel.
But specifically as it relates to Croatia and Serbia; the export/customs expenses has hurt Croatia and can help Serbia increase exports to areas that Croatian products are now going to more than double in cost. Serbia will lose some of its sugar exports since there is a total export limit to EU, however with the new markets of CEFTA members the loss of the sugar export to Croatia should not be significant. And the new market areas that Serbia can exploit within CEFTA should help with the economies of all concerned.
This opportunity is one of the ones that is available solely because Serbia is NOT an EU member. Which brings up another negative of joining the EU and that is the limits placed on the country in creating opportunities that benefit one's own people. That is again returning to the basic principle that you are not allowed to benefit your own without approval of the EU, which is not inclined to think of your best interests but of their own. This actually keeps innovation and competition contained and limited and owned. The EU is a pretty form of imperialism which is the destruction of capitalism and innovation and limits the advancement of individuals and nature.
Let's hope that Serbia realizes the opportunity that is now her's and that she embraces the path that will lead to health and prosperity and innovation to the benefit of ALL Serbs!!!
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