To quote Pitbull--Its Over!!!
Very early this morning (approximately 3 am for us on the east coast) a letter was posted in the online edition of Granma, announcing that Castro would not asspire to or accept the office of president of Cuba. This letter effectively ends Castro's iron grip on the country that has spanned the last 49 years. This is great news for Cuba and good news for all the Americas.
There has been speculation since mid 2006 when Fidel cedeed provisional power to his brother Raul that Castro was on his death bed and has since died. Those same speculators have said that the still photos and essays have been a rue by the Cuban Communist party to misinform the Cuban people and the international community as to the disposition of the ailing leader. It is believed that this "letter from Fidel" is the Cuban government's acknowledgement that with the upcoming meeting of the new Parliament they will have to come clean about true condition of Castro.
Is he alive or dead? If he is dead, when did he die? And how? If he is still alive, how ill is he? What is the true nature of his illness? How much control will he still wield behind the scenes? These are the questions that are being raised around the world. The response from most world leaders is a hope for Cuba to step towards democracy with the end of Fidel's reign.
The rest of the week, as well as the near future, will have Cuba in the global spotlight. It is assumed that Raul will be elected President by the Parliament. This is seen as an opportunity for some freedoms to be introduced in the island nation. There is hope that all the political prisoners will be relaesed and that the political arena will be opened to new voices and ideas.
Could this be the dawn of a new day in Havana? We can only hope.
But the resignation of Fidel today is enough for all Miami along with Cubans world-wide to celebrate.
So in keeping with Mr. Perez (aka Pitbull)..."It's like a dream, now people can be free. No more 90-mile trips to the Keys. No more risking your life for freedom. I'm hoping he's dead because we don't need him."