19 November 2015

Refugee Crysis Colors (Y)Our Culture.......

via occupy.com
There are some leftist idealists that state that every nation that does not want to just open their borders freely and completely are WRONG! That national and cultural identity are vague, unfounded and outdated notions. That these ideas create wrong policy regarding 'refugees' and thus inflame the problem. The leftist idealists would have us all believe that we have NO right to have a language, culture, religion, ethnicity, or traditions to call ours unless they are so loosely held that we change them on the whim of every new arrival. These leftist idealists are the ones that are wrong!

Each one of us has the right to decide whom we want to interact with and whom we want to form relationships with, whom we call family. It is our right to form family and it is the family's right to decide whom to include and whom to ignore. It is the family's right to chose new members and to decide how to live, how to raise its young, whom we call clan. It is the clan's right to decide whom is a member, whom is leader, what the rules are, how they live, how they communicate. And so it goes with villages and cities and nations! We have EVERY right to ban together with those whom we have similar interests, goals, values, and ideals. And we are not evil if we do not want to lose those connections.

via saga.guhsd.net
Does every person have the right to live freely in peace? Absolutely; but not at the expense of someone else's right to the same rights and freedom. This is where the leftist idealists are wrong. If someone wants to move into a new 'community' then they should enter with humility and interest and the intent of learning, respecting and understanding. When they enter with the intent of ignoring and even changing the ways of the new community, their language, their rules, their culture that is not immigration that is INVASION! Whether it is one person or 1 million persons.

This does not mean that the 'immigrant' has to give up everything that they were before the move, it means that they should with respect live in a balance of both 'worlds'. And yes, that is very possible. The 'immigrant' can and should speak both languages. The 'immigrant' can and should respect the laws of the new land while maintaining their core morals. The 'immigrant' can and should participate in the cultural activities of the new land. If any of the aforementioned parts of the 'new land' are unacceptable to the 'immigrant' then the 'immigrant' should not enter the new land. The world is full of many different nations with many different languages and cultures and religions and laws, so the 'immigrant' should chose their 'new land' based on what they are willing to accept in their everyday life.
Taiko Drummers @ Japanese Cherry Festival Seattle

It is true that many Western countries are very free and allow individuals to practice their personal morals, cultures, religions, languages and that is, in my opinion, the best system to have, however, that does not mean that the 'immigrant' has any right or place to ask for more rights or freedoms or to expect the rights and freedoms of others be limited for their benefit. The 'immigrant' needs to be grateful for being given a new home, a place of peace to live, the right to be themselves, the right to live their lives.

If all persons of a nation having the same rights is a problem there are nations where that is not the case. If all persons being able to worship freely is a problem there are nations where only a specific religion is allowed to be practiced or no religion at all. If both genders walking the streets freely is a problem there are nations where only males can walk the streets freely. You should not chose a 'new land' based on the handouts you might get. In all honesty, other than maybe free language lessons and tours of the city, help with resumes/CVs and maybe some job placement and or training resources and maybe a fund that will help find housing, the 'new land' really should not offer handouts to 'immigrants' that makes it safer and more successful for both sides.

Indonesia wins Best Performance @ World Unite 2015 UK
It should be noted, that while some of you might think based on what you have read so far, that I am anti-immigrant....you could not be further from the truth....I am very pro-immigrant. I believe that diversity when it is honest and sincere and respected makes our lives richer and fuller and more successful. Exploring different cultures and learning different ways of life can improve our critical thinking and increase our creativity and allows for better problem solving. And as the saying goes....variety is the spice of life! That comes in the addition of new things like music and food and celebrations being added to the 'new land' experience. The advantage is immense for both sides when the process is proper and fair.

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