19 July 2014

Déjà vu for Malaysia Airlines

Some of you may remember a phrase made popular by comedian Arsenio Hall, "Things that make you go hmm..."
Well this week there was a really big thing that certainly made me 'go hmmm.....'
On 17 July Malaysian Flight MH17 was downed over the conflict zone of Eastern Ukraine. While the West jumped right to the blame and smear Russia game they have been engaged in forever it seems like, there are some facts and coincidences that line up like one too many white elephants in the smoking room of the Congressional Boys Club.
First; this is the 2nd total loss aircraft incident for Malyasian Airlines within 4 months, I would have to do some research but outside of 9/11 I think that is a one time event.
Second, both Flight MH370 and MH17 had a large number of people of specific groups on their flights. MH370 had 20 employees of Freescale Semiconductor on board, there seems to be some question as to defense contracts and or Chinese relations with the company and or employees. MH17 had 30 respected researchers and healthcare workers headed to a conference on HIV/AIDS.
Third, both planes met their demise in questionable air space. Flight MH370 supposedly changing course in mid flight for no known or apparent reason and MH17 flying a different air route than its previous flights and thus flying over a conflict zone that had known airspace conflicts and aggressions.
Then there are the specific components of Flight MH17 that make you 'go hmm....'
Why was it flying over the conflict zone?
Why was it escorted by 2 Ukrainian fighter jets?
Why was it flying at only 33000 feet over a conflict zone?
Why did Ukraine Air Traffic Control authorize such a flight path?
Did Ukraine and the West set the commercial airliner up for disaster?
Did Ukraine hope by its actions to increase the probability that MH17 would be damaged or destroyed?
Who gave the OK to allow MH17 to fly over the conflict zone?
Who ordered 2 Ukrainian fighter jets to escort a commercial airline?
Why was this flight chosen to be endangered?
Why was it chosen on the same day that Putin was to return from Brazil?

The sad part of this event is that families lost loved ones for the goal of those in power filled with hate and lacking compassion. The tragic part is that Western media will not ask the questions I have just put forward, they will merely parrot the lines of the Western governments in saying that "Pro-Russian terrorists shot down the plane." There will be NO real investigative reporting on the topic, there will be no grilling the State Department or the FAA or NTSB regarding the questions that hang so obviously in the air. No, the Western media will tip toe around those very big and very white elephants with their eyes closed so they can pretend they are being honest journalists while merely being parroted front men for the perversions of their corporate bosses.

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