16 July 2013

Is there any hope........

No, I haven't written anything in the last few days. Why? you might ask....cause we are stuck in the same gear.....STUPID!!! I only write about things that really speak to me, that I really feel about. But at some point you have to ask; "Do you keep trying to save people that seem to have NO desire to be saved?"
That is where I am momentarily standing. I think we all reach spots on our path where we wonder if we make a difference, wonder if it is worth continuing, wonder if anyone is getting the message. The news is pretty much the same, not just the US but around the world people are all in some state of unrest or disappointment over the George Zimmerman trail. Why? It was one stupid man that did one stupid act that resulted in the death of a child. This is not to diminish the loss of life of Trevon Martin, but everyday since the day that Zimmerman and Martin crossed paths some has died a violent death at the hands of a violent person who was carrying out a planned act of violence for little or no or stupid reasons. Yet, not one of those violent deaths at the hands of violent criminals was the center of media frenzy. Why? Cause the government whats you focused on things that do not really matter. Yes, I know that I sound callus especially to the family and friends of Trevon Martin; but, his death was the result of 2 individuals not making the smartest choices. The other deaths that I have previously mentioned are the result of the failure of the education system, the failure of the legal system, the failure of the prison system, the failure of most if not all levels of government and society. 
Why didn't these murders create the same media frenzy as with Zimmerman/Martin? Simple reason, to divert attention away from real crimes and real problems so that the government would not have to answer to the people. And as easily fooled as Americans are, it was an easy thing to accomplish. It has even given something for other countries to use as diversion to their own real issues. When will the masses wake up and see that their governments are filled with bad people that serve their own interests and not the interests of their people.
People complain about no jobs, government spending, the price of things going up. Yet they do not bother to pay attention to the positions of politicians, they do not speak out, they do not protest, they do not even vote half the time. 
Democracy only works if you participate.

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